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Third Day


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Back to the original topic' date=' most contemporary Christian music makes me nauseous, but I really like Third Day. The music is great, and they're not over-the-top preachy like some other bands.


And to take it back off topic again, just to get the ball rolling for the resident clown here, why don't you find a nice girl and take her to the movies, rather than spending two hours posting Monty Python quotes on an internet forum. If the ladies won't give you the time (which I'm guessing is the case, here), try going for a bike ride, or drawing a picture. Play a game with a friend, or help your parents around the house. The world is full of possibilities, slugger. Now go get 'em.[/quote']


Trust me i am not having any lady troubles.


I just like bugging you guys with Monty Python quotes.

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Back to the original topic' date=' most contemporary Christian music makes me nauseous, but I really like Third Day. The music is great, and they're not over-the-top preachy like some other bands.


And to take it back off topic again, just to get the ball rolling for the resident clown here, why don't you find a nice girl and take her to the movies, rather than spending two hours posting Monty Python quotes on an internet forum. If the ladies won't give you the time (which I'm guessing is the case, here), try going for a bike ride, or drawing a picture. Play a game with a friend, or help your parents around the house. The world is full of possibilities, slugger. Now go get 'em.[/quote']

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So just to clarify - when you say you're not having any lady troubles, does that mean you're successful with the ladies, or does that mean you're not having cramps, bloating, or any embarassing "spotting" problems this week?

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So just to clarify - when you say you're not having any lady troubles' date=' does that mean you're successful with the ladies, or does that mean you're not having cramps, bloating, or any embarassing "spotting" problems this week?[/quote']


What i meant i actually have a girl, Funny what you said though i am going to use that one when this kind of moment arouses if you don't mind?

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Well, I was just thinking they are two cats out of the same litter.



After some consideration, here's my take on the whole thing;

JIDIMB & THHG were "born" in said cat's litter box.


When the litter was taken from their mother and nurtured by some numbskull, he accidentally scooped up two turds as well. These turds learned to type somehow, and since they lack arms or legs for mobility they simply reside as paperweights on the desk near the keyboard and wait until no one is looking before they skillfully navigate the www and all the porn sites they can find for free.

Somebody probably walked away from the computer with the Gibson forums pulled up and the rest is clearly evident.


I could be wrong, I'll be the first to admit this is only speculation, but it's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

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I was following this thread from my phone yesterday since we don't have internet at the house yet.


I like Third Day a lot.


I almost completely stopped listening to contemporary christian music because it was just boring. Then Third Day comes along and shows that christians can rock out a little. Although I liked them better when Brad Avery was still in the band because he was the real lead guitar player.


It's too bad this thread went down hill fast. I think some of their music may appeal to the non-christians and you should give them a chance.


Here is a good slow rock ballad I like called

It's not the best video quality but the sound is ok.


Instead of arguing, why not take a listen.

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Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

Is this the same Californiaman that goes around bearing false witness and calling other people names?

And just exactly who the fxck are YOU?



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

I swear this dude suffers from a split personality.

We're glad you have only the one, flawed as it seems to be...



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

Even when he changed my quote?

Oh, you poor thing!!!!!!



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

I could only assume you are referring to me?

Assume away, SH!T HEAD....



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

How Christ like.

And you would be the resident expert on such matters - with the wit and communication skills of 13 year old miscreant?

(Look it up.)



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

I just know

You don't know sh!t.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

from your other posts

Like you can actually read them?



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

you have a problem

YOU have a problem.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

with people changing quotes

Oh, you poor thing!!!!!!

Did those meanies on the forum start picking on you again, like the kids on the playground?



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

So i thought

I see no evidence of THAT yet.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

you should know Californiaman is one of those people.

My, aren't WE the Good Samaritan?

(Look it up, ******.)



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

How does pointing out Californiamans child like hypocrisy make me childish?

Everything you type ably demonstrates your best game, your highest intellect, and lowest manners.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

Answer the question

Making demands of ME?

Fxck you.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

Were you referring to me?

No duh, Sh!t Head.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

Just trying to see who he was referring to with that threat.

I threaten no one. You imperil yourself and then want to cry like a baby.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

Let him send his goons it would only prove my point.

I have no goons.

You live in a city of 4 million people, in a state of over 20 million.

If you spoke in public the way you behave here, you'd have your teeth slapped out of your mouth - and that's just from the Ladies. Even the illegal Mexicans would put up with that sh!t about ten seconds.

I lived in Houston 15 years, I know what sort of decency is expected in public. Outside of your school, you'd be battered and bruised every day.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

What kind of idiot posts a threat on the internet?

You're more than a Sh!t Head, you're also a moron.



Jesus Is Dead In My Basement wrote:

Seriously that's like putting a Business card with your information on the person you just hurt.


Did I hurt you?

Aw, you poor thing!!!!


Does your Mommie know the kind of sh!t you type with her computer?



How long did that take to type?

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I just got back from my children's Spring Concert.

It was great! The lady who is the music director had leukemia and God has healed her.

She and the kids did such a great job.

K-6 kids praising Jesus and offering a heartfelt evening of praise to our Lord.

I'm so pumped up right now!




God has healed her from leukemia, huh?

You're going to be disappointed.

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Coming to C-mans defense......He's entitled to his faith and beliefs. Not saying that I'm a God fearing man, but he is entitled. I've had my share of sh!t go on and about. Do I ask for help from a holy source? Noooooo...........I go to a doctor, or doctors. They in turn conclude a resolution and life goes on.


Just sayin'...............

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It really was, but that person really doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.

Mario Lemieux, Lance Armstrong and countless others have been healed through treatment and belief in a higher power.

This lady is so full of life and spirit.

She really is a great testimony.

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It really was' date=' but that person really doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.

Mario Lemieux, Lance Armstrong and countless others have been healed through treatment and belief in a higher power.

This lady is so full of life and spirit.

She really is a great testimony.




She sounds like a wonderful person.

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Back to the original topic' date=' most contemporary Christian music makes me nauseous, but I really like Third Day. The music is great, and they're not over-the-top preachy like some other bands. [/quote']

Agreed 100%.

My wife knows I can't stomach the Christian stations at all, but tells me now and then when she hears something cool.


Third Day really does strike a good balance - good bluesy songs with a southern rock slant.

The "message" is nicely woven into the songs, same as ANY good blues.

Yes, read the lyrics for YOUR blues favorites and then think about it a little.....





How long did that take to type?

Not long. I'm coldly efficient' date=' especially when motivated.

I did that with half my brain tied behind my back [i']and[/i] typed it with two fingers....






God has healed her from leukemia' date=' huh?

You're going to be disappointed.[/quote']

Ya know, I have trouble believing that stuff most of the time as well but that was a sh!t head thing to say.

Let them who believe do so for their own reasons, be it faith, experience, comfort, or cold hard facts.

Saves hurt feelings and insults that way.





NeoConMan' date=' YOU SIR have owned him [/quote']


Well, thanks - I guess....

I did it not for the glory, but of necessity.


If I did indeed own him, I'd get rid of him before the sun came up tomorrow.

Some people just ain't no damned good - it's a shame they WANT everybody to believe it too....

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It really was' date=' but that person really doesn't have a clue what they're talking about.

Mario Lemieux, [b']Lance Armstrong[/b] and countless others have been healed through treatment and belief in a higher power.

This lady is so full of life and spirit.

She really is a great testimony.






"I asked myself what I believed. I had never prayed a lot. I hoped hard, I wished hard, but I didn't pray. I had developed a certain distrust of organized religion growing up, but I felt I had the capacity to be a spiritual person, and to hold some fervent beliefs. Quite simply, I believed I had a responsiblity to be a good person, and that meant fair, honest, hardworking, and honorable. If I did that, if I was good to my family, true to my friends, if I gave back to my community or to some cause, if I wasn't a liar, a cheat, or a thief, then I believed that should be enough. At the end of the day, if there was indeed some Body or presence standing there to judge me, I hoped I would be judged on whether I had lived a true life, not on whther I believed in a certain book, or whether I'd been baptized. If there was indeed a God at the end of my days, I hoped he didn't say, "But you were never a Christian, so you're going the other way from heaven." If so, I was going to reply, "You know what? You're right. Fine."- Lance Armstrong


It looks to me like the only person that doesn't have a clue what he is talking about is you.

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