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Pelosi reshapes her image - I ain't buying it.


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Yeah, I like boobs too.

But here we're talking singular - ONE boob.

That never looks right!



She should share a cell with the rest of those subhuman pigs that utilize torture.

The problem with that?

The American soldiers and agents you would so eagerly incarcerate would maybe fill the Mayberry Jail.

Barney Fife could keep an eye on them.


The Muslims you would have to lock up would fill Guantanamo 1,000,000 times over.


Yeah, Homz, I actually agree with you on that one.

Make it so!


Where are you gonna put 'em?

I got an idea....


I hear there are lotsa industrial facilities no longer used by American manufacturers in Indiana.

Call out some unemployed union ironworkers and boilermakers to weld up some partitions and dividers....

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She should share a cell with the rest of those subhuman pigs that utilize torture.



I'd rather spend a week with them than a day with her. I can respect what they've done in the service of our country. Her service to the country is laughable.

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Thanks for showing those pics, you just put me off hetro-sexual sex 4ever. I'm switching sides, it cannot be any worse that that.



Please don't lump all Muslims together, the vast majority love peace and are just trying to get thru life like everyone else. And since there are over 1 billion Muslims around the world if they did not you would definitely know about it.

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Okay' date=' take a zero off that number.


You're not in Dearborn, are you?




Just curious, do you hate all Muslims? I mean, I think there are something like 2 million that also think themselves Americans, are they not real Americans?


I really want to know, because we are currently involved in a possible hostile situation with North Korea and my kids look more like them then they do like us fat white guys. Are they going to have someone telling them they are not real Americans soon. Is that what they have to look forward to?

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Just curious' date=' do you hate all Muslims? I mean, I think there are something like 2 million that also think themselves Americans, are they not real Americans? [/quote']Don't start any sh!t on the forum and there won't BE any sh!t on the forum.



I really want to know
I don't care what YOU want.



because we are currently involved in a possible hostile situation with North Korea
No sh!t? Welcome to REALITY.

Funny how nobody has the time' date=' patience or inclination to talk "politics" until it becomes real all of a sudden.

Where the fxck were YOU over the last 15 years when this little soap opera was unfolding?

What did you even know about Kim Jong Il before yesterday?



and my kids look more like them

Yeah, I forgot. It's all about YOU.

What about our FOUR children? You only have two, and they're not even your own flesh.

I got you trumped there.

Don't hear you asking what YOU can do for the well-being of MY kids Homz.....

Maybe you can start right NOW.



then they do like us fat white guys.
An enemy of this nation is an enemy REGARDLESS of their skin/hair color or facial structure.

You're beginning to get on my nerves with this reversed racism bullsh!t.

Are my 4 caucasian' date=' all-American mutt-looking everyday normal kids somehow worth LESS in this nation than YOURS?

Fxxx off.




Are they going to have someone telling them they are not real Americans soon.
I have no idea. There are over 300 million people in this nation, plus another 20 million illegals mostly from Mexico.

Who knows what they will see and hear.

I don't plan on returning to Indiana, and unless you send them to the open deserts west of Phoenix it's unlikely they will encounter ME. On the outside chance that they do encounter me, I might just mention that my step-mother is a 65 year old Japanese woman, and my 37 year old little sister looks an awful lot like her.

Seems you may have forgotten THAT LITTLE NUGGET since you ALWAYS have your head so far up your ***.



Is that what they have to look forward to?
You're the parent.

You're SUPPOSED to be all-knowing and all-wise' date=' or at least fake it while they're young.

They are DEPENDING on you until they at least reach the Age Of Majority (that's 18 in case you didn't know) and can legally fend for themselves. Please, God, tell me your kids will have their heads out of their asses before then and can say they truly have role models more effective than what YOU have displayed here.


Is that what they have to look forward to?








Especially when I get a hold of one of them racists.

You wouldn't know a racist if he had it tattooed on his forehead.

Assuming you did, I have severe doubts concerning your actions in dealing with somebody who hates with his first breath in the morning. I bet they would be REALLY scared of you.....

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Great' date=' now I gotta go pour bleach in my eyes again....[/quote']


My eyes are now permanently stuck in orthogonal directions. I'm calling my eye surgeon friend as my wife is typing this (can't read the keyboard anymore).


I'm glad we all agree that she is nut. "One of my favorite philosophical tenets is that people will agree with you only if they already agree with you. You do not change people's minds." I love Zappa...

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