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Dirty Dishes........


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I make a lot of stews and gumbo's by the gallon. and just eat till there gone and start over


One pot one bowl one fork one knife.


Spoons are for stirring coffee.

I used the Axe method for years.

Dishes would get rinsed and sit in the sink until later, usually full of water so anything I missed stayed soft.

(Of course, we're talking one fork, one knife, one bowl, one plate, one pan....)


I would hit it with the soap and hot water to sterilize it before cooking again.

I don't do food poisoning after losing 12 pounds in one day in 1986.

I'm not kidding, true story.



After marrying Mrs. Neo, I don't even bother.

She's a clean freak many times worse than me.


I actually wash dishes more thoroughly, but she trusts no one. If she didn't wash it herself it gets washed again.

If clean dishes stay in the dishwasher too long, she rinses them before she puts them away.....


I'm back where I started 30 years ago, just rinsing and leaving them in the sink.

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Oh my!!! I *snorted*


I make a lot of stews and gumbo's by the gallon. and just eat till there gone and start over:d/


One pot one bowl one fork one knife.


Spoons are for stirring coffee.


Oh my gosh, another minimalist like me. When I am a bachelor (which has happened more than once), I own one plate, one fork etc. like you said. (never have many dirty dishes that way) I fry hamburgers and steaks and chicken in the microwave. I eat bowls of cereal that you could hide a basketball in.

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I'm starting this thread for fun. Sorta.


My wife works midnights. We both have very heavy schedules.


When I cook (and I do' date=' a lot, and enjoy it), I tend to wash pots, pans, and things as I go. Even knives, mixing bowls, ect. By the time the meal is done, there aren't many dishes dirty.


On the other hand..... When she cooks, she tends to just throw things aside, and there is a huge cleanup to be done later...... Which can many times turn into the next day, making it even more "less" fun.....


Am I being scammed, or do women just think this way?


My ex was pretty much the same.


Be nice......., but I am curious about this......



Just as all men are different, strangely enough... all women are different... imagine that! I'm a wash them up at the end type, but I see your point in washing while you watch water boil. It's a multi tasking thing. Some people don't do that well. My problem is I'd wash a pan, then notice the sink needed a wipe down, then clean the entire counter, detail the microwave, all the while supper is burning! Multi-tasking is not for those with undiagnosed AD/HD.:-


My dad's sister was / is a neat freak. He said when he and she were still living at home with thier mom and dad, he'd lie down to read the Sunday paper, pull out a section to read and lay the rest on the floor next to the couch. More often than not, before he finished a secion, his sister had the unread portions already, neatly stacked in the magazine rack! #-o

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I think it's a bigger pain to load and unload than to just do the dishes. I just walked in the door after working. I have two kids living with me' date=' ages 19 and 23, and I just did the dished they left. [/quote']


A 19 and 23 year old ought to be able to clean up after themselves. I'm a meany. If there's unwashed dishes I know I didn't make.. Just take them out of the sink and place them on their respective beds. That'll get their attention.



Seriously, you don't know how much damage you do, when you don't make your kids take care of themselves. My wife works at a University and most of the freshmen have pink underthings because no one ever made them wash clothes before they left home. Serious as a heart attack, she, on a regular basis sees kids in the laundry room just staring at the machine they just tossed their clothes into... all of them, not knowing what to do next. Not only do they not know how much soap to put in (or what kind), they usually don't know they need change. These are kids who do not carry money. Apparently they are looking for the slot to swipe their debit card. "where do I get change?" is the usual response. My wife walks them through the process of clothes sorting and coin machine operation. She should give seminars at the beginning of the semester and charge $20/head. I have yet to see a washing machine that takes debit cards, but they are not far off. Those same kids have no idea what that cabinet next to the refrigerator with those spiral thingies on top is used for.

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My problem is I'd wash a pan' date=' then notice the sink needed a wipe down, then clean the entire counter, detail the microwave ... undiagnosed AD/HD.

his sister had the unread portions already, neatly stacked in the magazine rack! [/quote']

I have an ex like that, drove me f-ing NUTS!

The house was like living in a museum with the cleaning crew operating as their life depended on it 24/7.

Now, I'm a bit of a clean freak but she was certifiable.




The Coupe de Grace was one Sunday morning while getting dressed;


I had been working 7 days a week, 80-90 hours for I don't know how long.

FINALLY got a Sunday off and she wanted to go for a drive someplace and waste the day in her own selfish way.


Yeah, okay, so on Sunday I get out of bed at a nice 7:30 (instead of 3:30 AM) and take my time getting thru the shower and other essential hygiene activities, relishing the fact that the sun is actually shining and I'm not sleep deprived and rushing in a zombie trance to drive for miles and go perform flawlessly as a crane operator.


She's getting anxious and pissy like a child, wondering what my problem is.....

I get dressed, all I lack is shoes and socks.

I carry the socks out to the living room in search of my athletic shoes by the door.

The news is on TV and something with the story catches my eye, so I sit briefly on the arm of the couch to watch.

She's flitting around like a pissed-off hummingbird, muttering and cursing.


I don't care.

I finally have a DAY OFF!


So, after maybe 30 seconds the news story is over and I resume searching for my shoes.

She finally asks in exasperation "What do you need?!!!"

I tell her and she goes and digs them out of the closet where she thought they should be.

(If I didn't put them there - never did - how do I know where the hell they are?)


Only slightly amused and getting aggravated myself, I walk back to the living room and sit on the couch arm.

Let's see, where did I put my socks before her little tantrum?

Don't see 'em....


Did I lay them down in the bedroom?

I walk back there, no luck.

Looking around the house in between the arm of the couch and the closet.

What the hell did I do with my socks?

I had them at the couch...


She notices this and finally blows a gasket.

(Bad idea, I don't tolerate such childish sh!t very well.)





I looked at her calmly, paused, and told her quietly "socks."


She stared daggers at me for a second, then went stomping off to the bedroom, returning with my socks.

She had seen them laying on the arm of the couch when I went looking for my shoes - and put them away.


Anybody she marries will surely have Alzheimer's before their time.

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That's reversed at my house if I cook (exceedingly rare unless it's grilling) everything in the kitchen get's used why buy all those fancy kitchen gadgets if your not gonna use them and those big wooden block things are full of all different knives for a good reason. We solved that issue though we have a very large commercial style kitchen and it has two dishwashers we rotate back and forth between them so your getting clean dishes out of one and then filling the other one with the dirty dishes. So unless your using speciality glasses or something other than the normal daily dishes they are right there ready to use you just have to remember which dishwasher is clean and which is dirty and thats not too bad since the dishwashers have a clean and dirty light that you touch and it either says clean in a green light or dirty in a red light you just touch the switch.

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A 19 and 23 year old ought to be able to clean up after themselves. I'm a meany. If there's unwashed dishes I know I didn't make.. Just take them out of the sink and place them on their respective beds. That'll get their attention.



Seriously' date=' you don't know how much damage you do, when you don't make your kids take care of themselves. My wife works at a University and most of the freshmen have pink underthings because no one ever made them wash clothes before they left home. Serious as a heart attack, she, on a regular basis sees kids in the laundry room just staring at the machine they just tossed their clothes into... all of them, not knowing what to do next. Not only do they not know how much soap to put in (or what kind), they usually don't know they need change. These are kids who do not carry money. Apparently they are looking for the slot to swipe their debit card. "where do I get change?" is the usual response. My wife walks them through the process of clothes sorting and coin machine operation. She should give seminars at the beginning of the semester and charge $20/head. I have yet to see a washing machine that takes debit cards, but they are not far off. Those same kids have no idea what that cabinet next to the refrigerator with those spiral thingies on top is used for. [/quote']


It was only a couple of plates and forks. I wasn't implying my kids don't clean up after themselves, I was just adding a relevant post. My kids do their own laundry, and will do dishes if they dirty a bunch of them. My daughter works and goes to college, my boy does odd jobs and goes to college. I get complimented on my kids quite often.

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My aunt, the newspaper putting away before the first section was read aunt, and uncle lived for a time in a mobile home. She is not your typical trailer rat, but life circumstances and a job forced the temporary dwelling.


She mowed twice a week with the decka ll the way down whether the lawn needed mowing or not. They bought the mobile home new. She vacuumed the carpets twice daily, mind you it was just her and uncle Jim in the house. In 9 months time she needed to replace the carpets from tail lights to ball hitch. She had literally worn the carpets out with vacuuming... even in rooms that were only used once in a blue moon.


They eventually moved when Uncle got a promotion. I helped them move. We backed the moving truck up to the front door. She pointed us all towards the back of the trailer and we moved the aft most room of furniture first and worked our way forward, room to room. After we cleared a room, she would sweep the ceilings (like a spider stood a chance), scrubbed the walls, windows and woodwork, then vacuumed the room, then when it was all neat as a pin, she closed that room's door. We followed this routine as we moved forward, ending at the front door. After we loaded the last stick of furniture, she vacuumed the living room carpets, she vacuumed the carpet as she backed out of the front door and got the little dust bunnies out of the threshold as she stood outside on the stoop. While still standing on the stoop, she reached around inside the door and unplugged the last vacuum cleaner, then locked the door. Then we loaded the last vacuum on the truck. I say "last vacuum" as it was one of three, count them, three vacuum sweepers we loaded up. For just two middle aged adults living in a single wide mobile home.


As he closed the door on the truck, I nudged my dad and wispered to him, "Do you think she'll let me go back in to use the bathroom." He gave me that "Now that's funny," yet, "I'll box your ears in, boy, if you open your mouth" look.


We weren't involved with the unloading at the other end, but I suspect every room was scrubbed and polished before anything was moved in. Not to mention all the furniture being given the once over with a damp cloth before it was set in place.


I really love my aunt. Really I do.

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It was only a couple of plates and forks. I wasn't implying my kids don't clean up after themselves' date=' I was just adding a relevant post. My kids do their own laundry, and will do dishes if they dirty a bunch of them. My daughter works and goes to college, my boy does odd jobs and goes to college. I get complimented on my kids quite often.[/quote']


Sounds like you have them well in hand. I guess I just jump the gun there.

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What..Me do dishes? roflmao!!!

Do you know what dishwater does to my hands?????

Gets em all wrinkly and screws with my callouses.

No way man ..... Not me!!!


You see, the trick is to put them in the dishwasher all hap-hazard.

The wife is real particular about how to load the dishwasher and for some

reason I can't seem to do it right.O:) :- :-

Best I can do is serinade her with my guitar AS She is doing the dishes.

We both seem to like that arrangement the besto:)

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