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This Is It


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Lots of you guys are posting stuff you really know nothing about... All you know is what you have seen in the media... I didn't know Neo was such an expert on Michael Jackson either ( No offense Neo )... The movie is not about anything... It is just a documentary about the rehearsals for the show he was going to do in London... There is nothing about his personal life. There is no downward spiral showing self destruction or anything like that. Although Tim will be glad to know there are a few explosions and fire.


The movie is about the people that came together to make the show, from the casting to special FX artist and film makers to dancers and musicians. It is about the talented people who will blow you away with their professionalism. There is a blond chick who rocks a guitar like no other and dancers that seemed to be linked together by the same brain they are so together...


Should you be pissed at Michael Jackson? A lot of people will have every right to be.... I just enjoyed the music and talent I saw while they rehearsed for what would have been one of the greatest shows ever put on.

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Dave I actually think there is more interest than I expected for a Guitar forum.


I personally am utterly uninterested, have always been about anything related to MJ.


I don't go to the Opera either but for some reason Opera fans don't take it personally...O:)

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Dave I actually think there is more interest than I expected for a Guitar forum.


I personally am utterly uninterested' date=' have always been about anything related to MJ.


I don't go to the Opera either but for some reason Opera fans don't take it personally...:-k [/quote']



I'm not taking any of this personally... I just said the movie was worth seeing for it's entertainment value and seeing some amazing talent on the big screen. OK, I was a little annoyed when people were shooting it down without knowing what it was all about.

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Is it?:-k


With all respect to MJ as an entertainer(I leave the most sad part out...) but his music, neither his dancing stuff could move me and what he did on stage, well to be frankly Madonna will do better in 2010/2011...or any other entertainer...

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I have absolutely no interest in seeing it. I wouldn't even do so on TV. MJ just don't have anything to him that speaks to me in anyway. Not with his music, words, or actions, so watching a film about him rehearsing something doesn't exactly serve to either inspire or entertain me, so I'll pass.

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I have absolutely no interest in seeing it. I wouldn't even do so on TV. MJ just don't have anything to him that speaks to me in anyway. Not with his music' date=' words, or actions, so watching a film about him rehearsing something doesn't exactly serve to either inspire or entertain me, so I'll pass.




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Well then. Why don't you explain to me, and everyone else not interested in MJ, just exactly why we should see this film about an artist we clearly do not care for. You know, instead of just posting some smug two letter post followed by an ellipsis, as if indicating that you know soooo much better than us as to what's quality and should be appreciated and not. Hm?

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Well then. Why don't you explain to me' date=' and everyone else not interested in MJ, just exactly why we should see this film about an artist we clearly do not care for. You know, instead of just posting some smug two letter post followed by an ellipsis, as if indicating that you know soooo much better than us as to what's quality and should be appreciated and not. Hm?[/quote']



You are reading to much into my answer... I ment OK, thats fine... Nothing else, Sheeeze... touchy, and I did explain there was great entertainment value in the movie even though MJ is the center piece. If Michael Jackson makes you wanna puke... Don't see it, you have every right... Peace

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Dave I hope you did not take my answer as being offensive' date=' but I already see the buzzards around the name and his body was still warm when they started this entire lets see how much we can milk this for.[/quote']


Hey Jocko, not at all no worries. But so you know. They were filming the whole rehearsal process right from the beginning and got threw the whole show. Don't forget that MJ died just 8 days before the show was to open. You get to see evey number all the special effects, all the movie and animation work. All those people that came together were offered a chance of a life time to further their carriers and when he died all that went up in smoke. At least the movie lets those people and their hard work shine. It's not just about MJ....


Just one last note. I am a Sound Engineer. I have toured with big shows that have gone to every major city in the United States and much of Europe. I know the work that goes into putting something like this on. So from that point of view I was floored by what I saw and just wanted to pass on to anyone interested that it's not just about Michael... It's about the show. Now thats all I'm going to say on the matter... Who wants to see it will enjoy it. Who doesn't want to see it wont and that's fine too.

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At some point' date=' the same curiosity may lure me in to watch it - dvd or on the web....


On the other hand, I refuse to pay the full ticket price at the theater and contribute a penny to that bunch.

I vote with my wallet.


I don't support "artists" like him in any way.[/quote']



First of all, let's all admit that the only vote / saying that we have, not only in this case but in general in the capitalistic world that we all live in, is our money.


Second, I don't think that there is anyone not to see clearly the huge exploitation of MJ's name by everyone involved (including hsis ''family''...) to make HUGE profits from his death, being his last ''performance'' in a sad way. Who can forget his ''funeral ceremony'' for which we found out on a later stage that involved no body...?


And finally, from my side, although I cannot deny that the man was one of the bigest and ''fullest'' talents to work in the ''show business'', he was from the very beginning the ptroduct and puppet of the ''music industry'', which promoted easy-listening, no thoughts involved, no real emotions music, and the go-to-bed- our-world-is-a-perfect-place attitude that I personally hate...


From my point of view, I would not hesitate to call MJ ''one of these ''artists''...


The difference between ''pop'' and rock music: Pop music tells you that the world is a perfect place and everything is fine. Rock music tells you that it's not. And you should do something about it.

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What is this whole ''documentary of the rehearsals'' story...?


It means that ''we were about to make shitloads of money from his tour but now that we can't, so go watch this documentary and pay us your cash anyway...?''


Who can actually say that he felt REAL emotions when listening to MJ songs? All the fun was watching his videos. I prefer listening to music than watching it...



+1 to Transformers and Megan Fox!


At least they don't claim to make music...

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Certainly the monetary losses from the cancellation of 50 shows must be huge. The filming of everything related to the shows was clearly done as another avenue to make more cash. Whether it was gonna be shown in theaters or sold to MTV is up for speculation but Jackson never made a decision that wasn't made to sell more records/tickets/dvd. I won't see it as I've never bought anything of his.(i think i"m the only person who didn't buy Thriller) Thats not to say the doc not interesting or entertaining but I just have other things to put my money on.

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Neo, what youre saying about MJ may be right in every aspect, but i dont care whether or not hes a perv.... hes a great songwriter and performer and his music really speaks to people. you cant deny the fact that some of his songs are incredible.... they have really catchy beats and great lyrics. some of them even have good messages.


that being said, i saw the movie with my girlfriend last week. it was incredible. the lights, the dancing, the special fx and sound, everything was amazing!! in my opinion, this was one of the greatest concert films ive ever seen... i liked it almost as much as Flight 666... and you guys all know how much i love that movie lol.... but seriously this definately wouldve been one of the greatest live performances in the history of music had MJ not died... i mean the rehersals were just absolutely stunning... to see the actual thing live wouldve just been incredible beyond belief. and its such a shame that he died and everyone's hard work got wasted... well i actually see this movie as a sort of tribute to all the effort that everyone put into making this performance, not just MJ's work.... and for the record, Orianthi has got to be one of the hottest women ive ever seen.... and shes a damn good guitarist too.... [blink]


and neo, why must you always attack people and be defensive?? nobody said anything to attack you, and you just blow up in a rant.... i mean if you dont like MJ, thats fine... im totally cool with that. but keep in mind some people do like him. everybody has their own opinion and nobody should be attacked for having a different one... just sayin.... :-$



Lots of you guys are posting stuff you really know nothing about... All you know is what you have seen in the media... I didn't know Neo was such an expert on Michael Jackson either ( No offense Neo )... The movie is not about anything... It is just a documentary about the rehearsals for the show he was going to do in London... There is nothing about his personal life. There is no downward spiral showing self destruction or anything like that. Although Tim will be glad to know there are a few explosions and fire.


The movie is about the people that came together to make the show' date=' from the casting to special FX artist and film makers to dancers and musicians. It is about the talented people who will blow you away with their professionalism. There is a blond chick who rocks a guitar like no other and dancers that seemed to be linked together by the same brain they are so together...


Should you be pissed at Michael Jackson? A lot of people will have every right to be.... I just enjoyed the music and talent I saw while they rehearsed for what would have been one of the greatest shows ever put on. [/quote']



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When it's on television I'll watch it, I recently watched a MJ annyversary show on HBO and it was awesome.


I'm not a theater person tho... as hard as it is for people to believe it, I'm not confortable in crowds, specially if they are in a closed area (and before the comments start: people find it hard to believe because I'm a musician and not liking crowds should render me useless in a show situation, but it doesnt, when I'm onstage, the rest of the world doesn't exist:-").

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I'm going to see it tonight with my daughter. Never really got into his music a lot but I'd listen to with an open mind. I can respect anyone with that much talent. Love to watch his dancing moves even though I never liked dancing & disco.


I'll let you know what I thought about the movie next week.

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Saw This is it Friday night. MJ is very professional and courteous to his crew and band. I was impressed at the lack of wasted motions in his dance moves. If it wasn't on to the music, he stopped the rehersal and made it right. Every movement of every part of his body was in "tune" to the music.


Worth seeing, would have been a great concert/show to see.

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