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I found the real thing!!!


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Let me first say "sorry Gibson". Ok now that that is out of the way, I can tell you what I'm talking about. I am a huge Iommi fan, and have loved his sound for a very long time. I always pick up a SG whenever I see one in guitar stores, just something about the shape. Anyway, did you know that the SG he plays, and has been playing for over 30 years is NOT a Gibson? I didn't, it is a custom made guitar by a fellow named John Diggins and the PuPs are custom wound by John Birch. Well as it turns out John Diggins is building and selling the guitar with the correct PuPs!!! It's a 16 month wait to get one, but wow!!! Hmmm, 16 months is a long time and £2000 is a lot of money, but...




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I am a Sabbath fan and that guitar is great but he started using it in the mid-late 70's I believe the first record was Heaven and Hell, I don't personally find it all that iconic since it wasn't around the first Sabbath albums.


Don't get me wrong I love the heavy sound of the Heaven and Hell album, I am 40 and 1980 was the year I got into heavy metal and this album is one of the reasons, but I still would say it is easier to replicate the modern Sabbath sound than it is to get the original Sabbath sound.


To me one of the coolest is his 3-pickup SG on the Paranoid video or his original SG.


If you have the $$$ why not?

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Id rather have a Gibson.


And I do!


It's mainly that Im more into the classic look and sound.


I'd rather make my own sounds on a Gibson than try to copy Iommi's on his guitar.

Certainly don't take anything away from Gibson. I'm not normally a signature guitar guy, but I really dig this version.

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