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I'm thinking about getting a PRS and I have a question.


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^ rocketd*ck


That's Dr. rocketd*ck to you! Oh how we like to tease on this forum. Thanks for the info. I never bothered to ask about a full refund policy, but knowing how they are I can't imagine that they won't take care of me, especially since I've made two major purchases in the last year.


Hmm, I don't know that I've seen an ugly 10 Top and I've spent a lot of time surfing. So our any of yours 10 Tops? I like them all. I haven't played any with the 57/08 or 59/09 pickups but I'll check it out (thanks!). Also, I want a trem so it looks like I'm getting a C24.

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Mine is a 10 Top, plus it's a 20th Anniversary, and I got the Artist Pack.

I figured those three factors would ensure a killer top, and boy did it!!!


I've seen lotsa run-of-the-mill regular production Custom 22/24's with tops that should have been Tens.


Now and then I see one that's kinda blah, which is okay with me.

I don't like asymmetrical tops, that's the one thing that bugs me, and thats rare on a PRS.


I would think the odds are better with PRS than anybody else.

Only Carvin seems to be as consistent with killer tops from what I've heard - if you pay the money for it.


Not that I'm suggesting that (though I considered it at one time) but I'm just saying.


I'm sure your dealer will cover you if PRS does something you don't like.

The do NOT want bad press.

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Dr. rocketd*ck, [biggrin]


I think these two 10 top SCs are ugly...




...and, in my opinion, this one shouldn't even be a 10 top.



That's a risk you take in ordering a guitar.


My SC and 513 are both 10 tops. The C22 doesn't have the 10 in the top corner but none of the TGS limited ones (like mine) do and they all have crazy tops.


C22s come with both a stop bar or trem. C24s only have the trem.

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^ no HBs for me. The only other PRS I may get is the same guitar as my blue one but in a different colour. I can post a picture of it, if you want. It's a knock out. A guy here bought it locally but he flips guitars all the time. I have dibs if he does sell it. Silverbursted, if you're reading this - you may still win the bet. [thumbup]

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PRS Mira, with that finish.


But...not before I get myself a sweet-*** LP or two...and a Tele.


With a neck-position humbucker.


And a tube amp. Soiled State doesn't do it for me anymore.


And a nice Fuzz, and a Wah pedal.


My wish list is extensive. But the PRS is on it, at least!

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I gotta bust yer chops a little on something there in your signature.


You're too young to be eccentric.

My guess is that you're just weird.


Do you really know the definition of eccentric?

Forget looking it up, I'll tell ya.


Weird + Money = Eccentric


If you add advanced age, then you're in for sure.

Don't remember where I saw that, but I liked it so I keep it handy for use.


Kids are NOT eccentric.

Not possible.



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Kids are NOT eccentric.

Not possible.



Was that really necessary to point out to him mate? Huh.


He's a freakin' kid. Yeah. Big deal. Leave it at that.


I've read' date='and ignored (what you shoulda done) more verbal diarrea worthy of correcting or pointing out than that.


Don't rain on his parade just to beat yourself up(if that was your intention).


Let the kids be kids...just as long as they know the meaning of respect and mind their manners.[thumbup

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I gotta bust yer chops a little on something there in your signature.


You're too young to be eccentric.

My guess is that you're just weird.


Do you really know the definition of eccentric?

Forget looking it up' date=' I'll tell ya.


[b']Weird + Money = Eccentric[/b]


If you add advanced age, then you're in for sure.

Don't remember where I saw that, but I liked it so I keep it handy for use.


Kids are NOT eccentric.

Not possible.




I'm going to have to take issue with that, my man. If we're talking about plain ol' dictionary definitions, then eccentricity is


1 a : the quality or state of being eccentric b : deviation from an established pattern or norm; especially : odd or whimsical behavior


2 a : a mathematical constant that for a given conic section is the ratio of the distances from any point of the conic section to a focus and the corresponding directrix b : the eccentricity of an astronomical orbit used as a measure of its deviation from circularity


"Eccentricity." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010.


Merriam-Webster Online. 17 January 2010



1 a : deviating from an established or usual pattern or style <eccentric products> b : deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways <an eccentric millionaire>


2 a : deviating from a circular path; especially : elliptical 1 <an eccentric orbit> b : located elsewhere than at the geometrical center; also : having the axis or support so located <an eccentric wheel>


"Eccentric." Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. 2010.


Merriam-Webster Online. 17 January 2010



There we go. That's a definition of eccentric, straight from an actual, honest-to-god dictionary, and not one guy trying to make another guy (one he's never met, no less) feel like an idiot on an online guitar forum.


Note how the example for definition 1 b under "Eccentric" does in fact mention an eccentric millionaire, suggesting that there may be a correlation between wealth and eccentricity. Let me guide you towards some clever methodology that's commonly used and cited in scholarly fields:


Correlation does not imply causation.


You're in the wrong here, man. I think we're about done here.










O' course, you may know all of this and just be having a little bit of fun at my expense. If that's the case, please continue. I've nothing against a good-natured ribbing.


And Lowdown, if you're defending the principles behind his so-called "facts," then you're being no better in this case. Do a little bit of work before you try arguing a point--any point. If I didn't know what the word meant, I wouldn't have used it.



And yes, I know that the second definitions are irrelevant in both cases. I thought I'd just leave those in there anyway. Interesting to read, even if they don't mean anything in this context.

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O' course' date=' you may know all of this and just be having a little bit of fun at my expense. [/quote']



That's why I made sure to include this --> [thumbup]/ at the end.

Silly me thinking it might illustrate humor - irreverence even.

The misunderstanding mushroomed from there.



The point I was making (with the humor possibly too heavily veiled) was that I've made my own

observations over the years and formed my own thoughts as a result.


I read somewhere an explanation similar to what I posted.

Kind of a Mark Twain literary moment.

Some writers have a skill for connecting several random dots to reveal a picture, so to speak.

This results in what is often referred to as "entertainment" for the reader.



The exercise was to expand on a certain individual's character, as described by people who knew him.

Somebody called him eccentric, somebody else disagreed and said "No, he's downright weird!"


The consensus was that weird people, especially those who operate largely out of the public eye,

can get away with words and deeds the rest of us can not. Once they are in the company of the public,

with many eyes upon them, then the scrutiny they suffer may be their undoing.


Now, if that same person has money - lots and lots of money - and commits the same acts of oddity,

then much will be forgiven, overlooked, and dismissed as "eccentricity" or the like.


If that person is advanced in age (think of your own grandparents, or an old schoolteacher) they too

can say or do things that elicit curious looks from people where a younger person would be challenged on it.



Combine money and advanced age with odd behavior, and you have the very epitome of "eccentric" behavior.

If a teenager at school tries the same thing, he's off to the office - or expelled.


On several memorable occasions, I've had the good luck to be seated next to an old man (60's - 70's) who

made comments to a young woman (waitress, or even a relative!) that were absolutely vulgar

and obscene. I felt like disappearing, but the young ladies had the presence of mind to just cope with it

as humor and steer the conversation (and the old bastards hands) back where they belonged.


I would have been slapped, covered with food, thrown out, assaulted, arrested, God knows what...


Had that young lady been my daughter, I would have rendered him comotose.


Turns out my wife has an uncle who regularly tries the same sh!t.

All the younger women in the family have been forewarned.



I was a teen myself, spent 7 years under that status.

Met lotsa people from all over the world, all walks of life, and many industries in the 25 years since.


The counsel of those years possessed me to make a good-natured jab at you, just for kicks.

I planned on a quick little explanation, but for the turd that seemed to have plopped into the punchbowl.


I think we're about done here.


Back to the PRS's!!!



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I played a PRS tonight at a party for the first time.


I went in with skepticism. Truth is I was psyched about trying her Fender Jaguar.

Okay, I understand now why those are considered top line guitars.

They feel great, they are not SUPER heavy but have enough weight to remind me its there (boo on graphite guitars >.<) but mostly I was impressed with how easy it was to play and the sound it produced. I play my LP a lot and my SG, so I'm used to decent sounding guitars...PRS is NICE!!!


Too much for me though. I'm content with my girls. All I want now is a 1960s Jaguar and another 1970s SG.

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Oh and Neo, I thought your joke regarding xDaemon was funny. I got it from the first.

It made me think of Howard Huges. Had he been poor...never thought it was ill-intentioned.

...and no idea on what kind it was >.<

she asid store bought over 2K




You're one of my favorite people on this forum.

Whatever anyone, including you, says about you, to me you're tops <3

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Well it looks like I follow ALL the definitions of eccentric (he he he)! Here's another for you. It's called the Eccentric Anomaly, which was defined by Kepler. His definition led to Kepler's Equation. It has to do with relating the position of an object in space in an elliptical orbit to time. It's a very simple looking equation but the greatest minds throughout the ages have not been able to solve it analytically. You'll get an instant Nobel Prize if you can do it! Every spacecraft has to have this equation solved at each discrete time step to navigate, which is done with iterative methods on a computer. Gawd, I'm such as geek...


Anyhow, I wanted to thank everyone for the great comments. I'm going to the HOG tomorrow and you've given me many questions for them. This will probably be my biggest purchase so I want to make sure I get exactly what I want.



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