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My thanks to the mods and some members for passing my take on early race relations in the Deep South

through the Gibson Forums studio DeEsser so that Slaughter became Laughter. I now realise that

Blues is in fact Apple Pie and Oreos, Kewpie doll and Barbie, Cotton Candy and Fruity Slush.


The Strange Fruit Billie Holliday saw hanging from the popUlar trees (not Poplar as I was led to understand)

was Apple and Cherry and Orange (rather than the mango, banana, guava

and pomegranate she must have been expecting).


I now realise, thanks to the efforts of some on this forum, that the "Blue Devils" of melancholy and sadness

were a fallacy, and were, in fact, the "Blue Birds of Happiness".....



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My thanks to the mods and some members for passing my take on early race relations in the Deep South

through the Gibson Forums studio DeEsser so that Slaughter became Laughter. I now realise that

Blues is in fact Apple Pie and Oreos, Kewpie doll and Barbie, Cotton Candy and Fruity Slush.


The Strange Fruit Billie Holliday saw hanging from the popUlar trees (not Poplar as I was led to understand)

was Apple and Cherry and Orange (rather than the mango, banana, guava

and pomegranate she must have been expecting).


I now realise, thanks to the efforts of some on this forum, that the "Blue Devils" of melancholy and sadness

were a fallacy, and were, in fact, the "Blue Birds of Happiness".....



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As has been said, Welcome back Nik and g u e s t.


I notice another thread by Neo has recieved the same short shrift.Roger


I read Neo's comments before it was locked and now wish I had posted a reply to it when I had the chance!


Just yesterday' date=' as it happens, my wife (who is French) heard an interesting programme broadcast by the most senior and respected French factual Radio Station on the subject of Humour. The journalist raised the question as to whether the British and Jewish peoples were the only ones who were [u']truly[/u] funny because they both have the powerful characteristic of always making jokes about themselves.


One of my closest friends is Jewish. He tells pant-wettingly funny jokes about Jews. If, however, I tell those same jokes people think I am an anti-Semite!


Similarly, I am Scottish. Many people tell jokes about the Scots - usually about their 'mean-ness'. No-one, however, can tell funnier jokes about the Scots than the Scots do about themselves. There are many things funnier about the Scots than their reluctance to part with money. Believe me!


I suppose it's just one problem with the internet. No-one can be totally sure how something is meant to come across because the nuances of general discourse are difficult to convey.


Getting back to Neo's post, though; Neo's personal view was expressed very clearly and was in no way disrespectful of the great man. He put a 'warning' to the thin-skinned right at the start of his post. Anyone reading thus far should have either read and enjoyed or read and not enjoyed. What they should not have done, IMHO, is to read and then complain about the post.

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As has been said' date=' Welcome back Nik and g u e s t.


Getting back to Neo's post, though; Neo's personal view was expressed very clearly and was in no way disrespectful of the great man. He put a 'warning' to the thin-skinned right at the start of his post. Anyone reading thus far should have either read and [i']enjoyed[/i] or read and not enjoyed. What they should not have done, IMHO, is to read and then complain about the post.



I'm 3/4 Irish and they too have the gift of being able to make fun of themselves without being offensive.


As for your comments on Neo's post: spot on, I couldn't agree more.

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Ain't racism great? [crying]


Some folks are scared of snakes. It doesn't matter to them whether a snake is venomous, in their minds they're all creepy and icky and should be destroyed. The beneficial aspects of snakes become non-existent in the desperate need to stamp out snakes in any size or shape. Ultimately, all snakes become bad. Anything that looks or sounds like a snake must be destroyed...just in case.


Then at least, they are safe from snakes.


Rats are furry and warm.

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Funny you should mention the rats Cruzn.


One of the little nuggets of wisdom my Dad laid on me as a kid was the difference in rats and squirrels.

Everybody loves the cute little squirrels - well, unless they become a pest in the attic or something.

But the rats, most people want them eradicated even if they only think they live nearby.


What's the difference?


Squirrels have that cute bushy tail.

Rats have that thin, disgusting snake-like tail - and people hate snakes too....





Regarding the post asking people to seriously consider what MLK Jr. was really all about;


Amazing to me that most of the people who seem to get it are living outside the USA.

Maybe I'm even more right about my country (as in correct) than I ever dreamed I could be.


And I'm the one regularly called a racist on this forum - go figure...


Those prone to such accusations regularly piss in the ear of the Mod Squad.

I guess they act on what they hear.




Wonder what happened if I started complaining about everything I saw here?

God knows much of it should never be posted, and certainly not allowed to stand.


Funny ruler they use to measure, eh?

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