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Two year old SJ-200 soon to be Tonerited!


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It's a device that's suposed to "play-in" a stringed instrument by vibrating the wood. [blink]


So you can achieve and maintain vintage tone. [blink][biggrin][blink]:-k[blink]







My Grandfather always told me that a fool and his money would soon part! A sucker is born everyday! I don't think a machine can produce years of 'playing in" a guitar.

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but I feel there's more to be discovered


Yes there is----and I'm afraid maybe you're going to miss it. What is yet to be discovered, or maybe further developed, is the synergy between you and your guitar---which you will find, more likely, by playing the heck out of it, rather than buying your instrument a 100 dollar aquarium pump to diddle itself with. At that point, when you have played the guitar in with your hands, they'll be good enough to make almost any guitar sound great---if they aren't already---in which case, you don't need a silly, ridiculously overpriced gadget to excite your guitar. Hope that made sense---nothing against aquarium pumps---or fish.

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Look....if this Tonerite thing doesn't work out' date=' you can always give it to your girlfriend...




I see how it works ...you give it to your Wife or Girlfriend and then she leaves you alone so you can play your guitar more.... then your guitar gets that well played sound ....well....maybe so does your woman [crying]

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Look....if this Tonerite thing doesn't work out' date=' you can always give it to your girlfriend...



Ya got me laughing so hard coffee is coming out of my nose.


I knew a guy who used to bring his acoustic to his electric gigs and sit it near the drums believing that the vibrations would do something for his acoustic. I should write him and see if it worked.

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