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Who watches LOST? The final season starts tonight!


I find LOST similar to Buckethead....you either love it or you hate it...hahaha....


ALL opinions are welcome here...lets just stay away from personal attacks, eh?



Here's what I love about the show....


The mystery and suspense. I don't care that answers don't come easy...I don't care that I don't know whats going on. I enjoy throwing the show on, watching the actors do their thing and following the storylines (which is a bit hard these days mind you)....I don't NEED to know answers now...if I wanted that, i'd watch CSI and Law and Order which get wrapped up in 1 hour every time.


The character development they do is great and there's not 1 character i dislike.....great casting too and the music is really well done. Some would say overdone, but I enjoy it.

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Sorry guys... the wife and I are resigned to waiting on the entire set of DVDs to come out. We tried but they "lost" us somewhere around the time Locke died. To many mid story re-runs and story perspective/timeline shifts, methinks.


I hope the ending is cool.



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In keeping with the Buckethead comparison, I find that most TV has a similar appeal (to me) as does Buckethead; one quick look/listen now and then is enough to confirm my initial reaction. Nothing there for me. But whatever pleases you just tickles me plum to death. [thumbup]

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It's a little bit like backgro--oh wait, this is a thread about LOST?


I've never watched a whole episode of it, although I've sat down to try every now and then. I think I'm going to rent the DVDs as soon as I feel like sitting down and watching them. For some reason I have little patience for serialized television shows. If you miss one episode, you're completely lost, and so the title of the show is really more than appropriate in my case.

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I'm with Cruzn.

Network TV LOST me years ago, and every time I try to watch it to see what I'm missing yields the same result.

I'm strictly news, history, documentaries, technology - and even that is getting tougher with all the crap...


All the fantasyland/escapism just isn't my cup of tea, though the wife digs it immensely.

Probably why I'm on the web as much as I am.

While her brain is continuing to atrophy, I'm surfing the Whole Wide World to learn something.


I'm not speculating on it's value....it makes no difference to my life...getting tired of these threads, thats all.



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Yep I'm another one that has bailed on television as a whole. Too many books to read and the internet and this forum has pretty much replaced the mind numbing relaxation need that TV does so well. The last shows I watched on a regular basis was West Wing and Hill Street Blues. :)


The BH comparison in a great one though - I can understand the draw even recognize the talent I just don't get the value or need that would make me dedicate my limited time to watching it.

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