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MESA Anthem


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Andy Timmons always has some great sounds going. And I kinda like that song too.


He shows some really cool tones in the Lonestar and Stilletto demo videos too. Worth checking out.


And yep, long time Mesa player here.

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I remember acquiring two MarkII-B heads and running them out of a full stack in 1983. How I regret trading them in for the two rack-mount MarkIV heads and two full stacks.#-o


IMO the MarkII-B head was the best ever produced amp from MesaBoogie IMO

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I remember acquiring two MarkII-B heads and running them out of a full stack in 1983. How I regret trading them in for the two rack-mount MarkIV heads and two full stacks.[thumbup]


IMO the MarkII-B head was the best ever produced amp from MesaBoogie IMO


Sheeyit. Where were you playing to be able to use that much power duane[blink]

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Sheeyit. Where were you playing to be able to use that much power duane[blink]


By the time I was 17' date=' I was playing 2000 to 8000 seat venues..... Before the BII I had a SMF head and it was 150 ear bleeding watts, and that amp sounded great, but it caught on fire at a huge backyard party in Hacienda Heights.... I was so embarrassed[blush']

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By the time I was 17' date=' I was playing 2000 to 8000 seat venues..... Before the BII I had a SMF head and it was 150 ear bleeding watts, and that amp sounded great, but it caught on fire at a huge backyard party in Hacienda Heights.... I was so embarrassed[blush']


Big clubs?


Biggest clubs here,I played was 5000 from memory. I'm sure there's bigger now.

Never really thought about that stuff actually back in the day. Could be smaller,coulda been bigger...dunno?


Done a few outdoor gigs that were,of course,bigger and louder;but still never had the need for a double stack. Maybe 'cause we were flying by the seat of our pants and couldn't afford it. Was on $200 a week playing up to 6 gigs weekly travelling freaking everywhere,sometimes touring away from home for 3 months at a stretch.

Had our own truck,double 3 way system with 24 channel desk,huge light show (can't remember how big) yet the roadies were doing better money-wise than us. had to hit them up for a loan many times.[crying]

Was freakin' hard work thinking back now. Though heaps of fun. would do it again in a heartbeat.[blink]

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