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I didn't vote.


Both are important issues in both short and long term regardless of one's politics.


In fact, so also is the immigration issue when there are roughly 20 times the illegal non-citizens in the US than total human beings in the state where I live. As one who has busted his bippy and called in personal favors to help people who were not U.S. citizens nor of "European race or ethnicity," and of non-Christian religious persuasions, I also resent suggestions that it is necessarily racist to strongly support only legal immigration and immigrants who want legally to be here and pay the price in terms of educating themselves to become responsible citizens.


I think one might make a case for any of the three - and might do so without overly partisan political overtones.


The BP thing... Yeah, if I were 20 years younger and living on the Gulf Coast... But I'm more concerned about a combination of protecting that large regional environment over the next century while also harvesting petroleum resources "here" rather than relying on potentially politically unfriendly sources elsewhere. How to do it will not be a simple task, but it's certainly not impossible. It should not be made an "either-or."


Wall Street? They tell me Obama is reading about Teddy Roosevelt who used to ranch hereabouts and who did some knocking down of companies "too big to fail" who were creating both economic and political problems. Will he come up with solutions at least as good as TR? I doubt it regardless of "party." It's not so much "party" as splintering and childhood games and petty personal politics and name calling. It's as much incompetent job-protecting bureaucrats at all levels as elected officials of either party or "greedy" self-serving corporate bosses.


So... <grin> there's an old guy's cynicism at work.



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Another no vote, although the economic consequences of the BP disaster are huge (as in fishing industry; tourists, future offshore drilling and Jocko's hometown). Immigration issue "smells" more like how many votes can a political party get out of this (same with Washington D.C. and Puerto Rico statehood).

Wall street- as long as the same sleezy crew of politicians (FROM BOTH PARTIES) make or get money out of Wall St. there's no way to fully control it.

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The military might of the USA can secure ANY border in the world.

But our back door is wide open....


Border security IS national security.




Oil spill - ugly indeed, but will it bring America to its knees?





And trying to throw a lasso around Wall Street has been the desire of "Have Nots" for over a century.

The concept goes back before Biblical times.

When NOBODY has any money, then everybody should be happy, eh?


NYC does NOT have to be a World Financial Center.

Any of a dozen other countries around the globe would gladly take the reins for us and lead the world - to what?

When the USA takes its position as a once-proud has-been on the World Stage, things will be very simple here...

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Maybe they could hire all the illegal aliens to clean up the oil but withhold taxes and then with 20 million extra taxpayers that could help resolve the financial issues. [biggrin]


All sarcasm aside sadly the really bad thing about all three of these issues is that they could have been prevented if we would have done something earlier but now they have already happened so our future generations already have huge mortgages on their lives before they have even started.

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