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Mel giving Gibson a bad name


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Whoopie still likes him' date=' that must count for something.


Maybe I'm a conscienceless consumer, but I really don't care if Mel is a Racist. I don't care that Bing Crosby beat his kids. I don't Care that Ozzie Nelson was a Merciless Task Master, I don't care that John Wayne was a Conservative, I don't Care that Bono is a Liberal, I generally don't care about celebrities personal lives.


As long Mel is entertaining, I could care less about his shortcoming.


I'm actually a little tired of expecting entertainers to be Roll Models, specially Roll Models for fully grown adults. [/quote']


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I don't care what they do if they keep it private and don't harm anyone.

Once they become a public spectacle and poster child for stupidity' date=' I [i']still [/i]don't really care.

I simply refuse to contribute financially to assist them in the act.

Cut off the money and their career will wither on the vine and die.

Suits me just fine.


Oh, and I do seem to recall everybody on the forum (and other forums too) coming out of the woodwork to assault, disparage, castigate and insult to their heart's content every time I mention Ted Nugent.

Or Rush Limbaugh.

Or Sarah Palin.

Even for fun....


#-o[-(:-({|= :-


Double Standard is alive and well - especially among those who consider themselves so "tolerant" by nature.

What did these people do to inspire such hatred in people they've never met?



I don't want to get Political, But Sarah Palin is not an Entertainer! Public servants deserve our scrutiny, in fact I'm pretty sure the constitution demands it of us.


As far as The Nuge goes, I dissagree with most of his politics, but I in no way want to see his career wither and Die. I Love his music. Seen him live, he blew Bad Company (w/o Paul Rodgers) right out of the water. Made them look like amateurs, and I Really Like Bad Co.


Limbaugh call himself a Reporter. I hold the Media to a higher degree of Scrutiny, as well.

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Eh.. I still like him.


I like him right up to the point where he lays his hands on her (if true)

No man, or woman for that matter has the right to strike another human being.

Unless of course its for self defence.


I thought Mel was smarter than that.

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Doesn't matter the context' date=' pro or con.

All you gotta do is mention the names - and [b']LOOK OUT!!!![/b]




I'm to the point where I refuse to discuss politics with friends and co-workers. And you won't see any signs on my lawn or bumper stickers on my vehicles.


I'm alone in the voting booth and that's where I can have my say with neither justifying nor defending my beliefs.


Kinda sad that I have to be so secretive about it, but I'd rather do that than walk around with a target painted on the back of my head.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't put Mel on my "Don't Buy List" yet. I mean even a USDA Agent gets the benefit of the doubt, especially when her offending words were taken out of context.


I've see too many people's lives turned topsy, turvy by so-called reporters censoring the story so it sounds like something it isn't just so they can tell their boss they've "Blown the lid off this one!" [blink]


I doubt, though Mel will get a redress of the entire conversation.


It IS 1984 and "Big Brother" is watching... and "Big Brother" is ... us. [blink]

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I like him right up to the point where he lays his hands on her (if true)

No man' date=' or woman for that matter has the right to strike another human being.

Unless of course its for self defence.


I thought Mel was smarter than that.[/quote']


Fighting is natural for a human, its all apart of us.

Dont be ashame of it.

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Fighting is natural for a human' date=' its all apart of us.

Dont be ashame of it. [/quote']

Does that mean we all like fighting? Pascifists swear against it and that's their choice. I personally hate violence, but Ill defend myself if I need to. The people who deliberately start fights in my opinion need help, if they can't control their anger, they need a shrink. Then again, the people who like hurting people, well that's just plain sickening.


Just because human's are naturally violent doesn't mean we all like and accept it. I do everything I can to avoid it, and I'm not alone in that.

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Does that mean we all like fighting? Pascifists swear against it and that's their choice. I personally hate violence' date=' but Ill defend myself if I need to. The people who deliberately start fights in my opinion need help, if they can't control their anger, they need a shrink. Then again, the people who like hurting people, well that's just plain sickening.


Just because human's are naturally violent doesn't mean we all like and accept it. I do everything I can to avoid it, and I'm not alone in that.[/quote']

No but people have to accept it as what it is.

Then again theres the "peace" belivers which are just as silly as those who belive in "satanism".

Gota love the church of satan though, i wish those guys luck. (really awesome people there, very civil)

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Say what you want' date=' I just feel sorry for whoever collects the paycheck that reads "Mel Gibson's Public Relations Agent" because it just can't be big enough.




I bet it's getting to be a fairly large check maybe the same firm also works with Lohan ? Amazing how stupid people can act.

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Does that mean we all like fighting? Pascifists swear against it and that's their choice. I personally hate violence' date=' but Ill defend myself if I need to. The people who deliberately start fights in my opinion need help, if they can't control their anger, they need a shrink. Then again, the people who like hurting people, well that's just plain sickening.


Just because human's are naturally violent doesn't mean we all like and accept it. I do everything I can to avoid it, and I'm not alone in that.[/quote']


Most pacifists proclaim their pacifism behind the veil of someone who is willing to fight and die to protect their right to proclaim their pacifism.


It's easy to demand pacifism when you are half a world away from the fighting. Bring that fight to their front yard they will demand protection, i.e. "Somebody fight to save me." [biggrin]

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