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Funny how lookin' back makes you think.


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My ol' man and I were listening of some old tapes of him on the radio. As it went through (the bulk of the tapes were from the late 80s and early 90s) it was interesting to compare the differences. But what I found most interesting was, on one particular tape, the headline was "Nelson Mandela released from prison" Made me laugh a bit. I missed so much, I was born too damned late. It was just an interesting look into the past. (As a side note, man my dad sounded drastically different than he does today).

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and what you think history has passed you by

No but many of the historical events I'd have liked to have been laive for (to better understand all the factors) were before my time.

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No but many of the historical events I'd have liked to have been laive for (to better understand all the factors) were before my time.


That makes no sense.......what you mean is .........certain events you would like to have experienced as they happened.


You can understand all the factors from the historical record better after the facts have been revealed in regards to historical events.


Like .........I would have liked to see this performance at Woodstock live in the mud..............



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Well, it appears to me that when I talk to those who were there for said events. Or around during when they happened, have a very different mindset than mine, even if I had studied said topic. Maybe it is simply the generational gap, or maybe they just think differently, but the differences seemed to be borne of something larger than that. <shrug> Jus' seemed that way to me is all.

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The past I can know somewhat.............the future...........now I would like to know what happens 1000 years from now.......10' date='000......I know when I die that is it........time stops........nothing[/quote']


Actually when you die your life force gets released and becomes a star in the universe but in your case it might become a "blackie hole"......[cool]

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I've often thought about what historical events I'd would like to have seen first hand, but if I had that "Hot Tub Time Machine", I think I would rather have one more summer as a 16 year old. I'd sleep til noon, play my guitar all afternoon, eat anything I wanted and stay rail thin, then hang with my friends or girlfriend at night and have no worry in the world bigger than needing gas in my car.[biggrin]

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People often think that "their time" doesn't hold any significance....but....sometihng big happens in every generation....think of your life over the last few years...first black president, a long *** war in Iraq, North Korea, SARS, Biggest Oil Spill (dump) ever etc etc etc etc


History is always happenin. That's whats cool about it.

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Life is like a roll of toilet paper. The farther you get into it, the faster it goes.


Life seems to move much faster now than it did. Seems we are moving much more rapidly toward self-destruction. You think that because we are evolving, war and greed will disappear. They don't. These are exciting times with the exponential advancement in technology as compared with the past.


The sixties and seventies were amazing times. It's a wonder we escaped with our sanity, and maybe we didn't. The assassinations of King and two Kennedys, the advancement in communications and technology, the evolution of rock n roll and the Beatles, disco, punk, and metal, the Viet Nam war, LBJ and Nixon, and the peace and equal rights movements, the cold war and post WWII, NASA and the moon landing, increase in drug use, etc. Amazing times...

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Guest rogerb

History is being made even now. You will probably experience even greater historical events than we did back in "the old days".

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We all have our "good ol' days". Mine are from a long time ago, the Kennedy administration happened completely during my high school years so my good old days have a lot of the seminal moments in modern rock music, Presley, Beatles and Woodstock.

I have a lot to consider when I reflect in the past. I have noticed how some events are seen differently now than how they were when they happened. Some of that is historical perspective and some is propaganda. As George Santyana said, "Thise who forget history are doomed to repeat it".

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People often think that "their time" doesn't hold any significance....but....sometihng big happens in every generation....think of your life over the last few years...first black president' date=' a long *** war in Iraq, North Korea, SARS, Biggest Oil Spill (dump) ever etc etc etc etc


History is always happenin. That's whats cool about it. [/quote']



That is other people's history.




Our lives hardly make a difference to the world, and now that I think about it more, it sucks how we can't press a button to restart it all as a baby.


Life is like a book. You start from chapter 1, then end up to the end of the book. When the book is finished, you just put the book away and move on.

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That is other people's history.




Our lives hardly make a difference to the world' date=' and now that I think about it more, it sucks how we can't press a button to restart it all as a baby.


Life is like a book. You start from chapter 1, then end up to the end of the book. When the book is finished, you just put the book away and move on.[/quote']


What? If it affects you in ANY way, its part of your history....there is no doubt about that. And your life can make a difference to the world, you just need to DO something to make it so.


Talk about a defeatist attitude!

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Everyone of us was born too late to live through some of humanity's most important moments. Don't worry, humanity doesn't seem to learn from past mistakes, which means you'll get your share of "interesting" and "historically important" experiences.

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You aint seen nothing yet their lil man; wait till you start knocking on 50 and have raised your own children and such...

I know I haven't seen anythin' [biggrin]


I missed a lot, and thats inevitable, but I wish I hadn't.

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my stepfather saw the Dave Brubreck Quartet in the '50's, and told me he was so close he could have reached up and hit the high keys on the piano.


my grandmother got to see Benny Goodman at the Pennsylvania Hotel in the 30's too.


that must have been incredible.


i wonder what we're seeing, that some day are kids/grandkids are gonna say "that must have been cool" too...



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