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SG shirts


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Hmmm... IMO the only thing lamer than those everythingSG items is the everythingSG 'logo'. They need someone to design a decent logo for them. I'd offer to do it but that dude is very egocentric and thinks his ways are the only ways.

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Found these on the web. Any more out there?? http://www.cafepress.com/everythingsg:d/


I'm kind of curious how Gibson is going to react when they see their intellectual property (The image of their SG guitar) being used to sell lame *** clothing that advertises a web site. I really don't understand the thing about wearing company logos or pictures of products. Had the god I have difficulty reconciling the existence of intended me to use my body for advertising I would have been born a billboard. I don't care if it's some designer or a guitar or what. I am not paying someone for the privilege of advertising for them...now if they want to send me some shirts and maybe some strings and picks and stuff as a stipend I'll consider it but otherwise... fergiddaboudit.


...and Al's your uncle.

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I'm kind of curious how Gibson is going to react when they see their intellectual property (The image of their SG guitar) being used to sell lame *** clothing that advertises a web site. I really don't understand the thing about wearing company logos or pictures of products. Had the god I have difficulty reconciling the existence of intended me to use my body for advertising I would have been born a billboard. I don't care if it's some designer or a guitar or what. I am not paying someone for the privilege of advertising for them...now if they want to send me some shirts and maybe some strings and picks and stuff as a stipend I'll consider it but otherwise... fergiddaboudit.


...and Al's your uncle.

Whoa ! Am I that old and ornery ?? I totally agree with uncle Al. =;

That's the first thing I thought when I saw those shirts ... Hmmm... paid licensing right ?


Where I work we have an allotment of 3 "official" company shirts with the big company logo on them every business quarter. They're very nice shirts' date=' I've got a couple of dozen of them new in the bag. They are great for painting, working on my car, or my wife even uses them for gardening. My boss asked me one time why she never sees me wearing the company shirts at work. I told her I'm still working out the numbers, once I find out what percentage of Tiger Wood's salary comes from wearing the Nike logo, I will give her a number and get back to her. She actually thinks I'm a funny guy.


Maybe I am that old and ornery. default_eusa_wall.gif


- Jay

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I have to agree with the two previous posts. I will not pay to advertise someone's products nor will I wear an article of clothing for the mere prestige of it. I will make exceptions for things that I might win in the ocassional lucky draw somewhere or if a shirt or hat is printed with a cause that I believe in, but that is the limit for me.



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