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Replacement parts


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I bought a Casino off a local dealer back in January and had some issues with the bridge. Nothing could stay in tune so I messed around with it a bit and had someone look at it. When I got it back, the strings were gone and so was all the machinery at the bottom of the neck. All of it was missing/not at all in the shape it was when I had it looked at.


So I took it back to my local shop to get it fixed, but they informed me they would have to order parts and they aren't an official Epi dealer and I would have to go to Guitar Center. GC is two hours away from my place and I don't even know exactly what the parts I need are called.


I just want to have my guitar back in playing shape since it has been sitting in my closet for 2 months now. Should I take pictures so someone could tell me exactly what I need before wasting the gas to go to GC for them just to order a part that I could call instead?


I'd appreciate any help I could get.

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you mean the bridge and tailpiece are gone?


I can get you those and they go in pretty easy.


I'm not sure what your tuning problem was. that could be the tuners, the intonation, various nut problems.

definately post some pics that will help a lot.


'machinery' is not very clear to me.. but it seems like someone stole your bridge and tailpiece.


There are excellent replacement parts from me, same as or better than GC has, and cheaper, too.

I'll also tell you how to get them in right without harm.

I have a tiny store... one man operation.. and I don't do volume volume volume.


We'll get your casino working!

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I need a bridge and the bolts with it. The tail piece is still there, but the guy I took it too said the bridge was beyond repair and just gave me back the guitar. The guys where I bought it said I'd have to order the new bridge/bolts because they A. Couldn't sell Epi stuff (except for my guitar, apparently), and B. They didn't have any bolts nearly small enough to fit anyway.



I'll get some pictures of it later tonight, but I just don't know exactly what I need to order or really how to install it properly with out messing it up again. I'm fine to do just about anything with an acoustic, but I don't feel comfortable in replacing much of anything besides strings on an electric.



Thanks for the help, guys.

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you need the studs that go into the body.

although I wonder why they'd take them out?

or not give you your bridge back?

that sucks. you don't steal customers parts, shot or not.

and you need the bridge.


I can get you both of those and help you get them in, it's not hard.


get your pics up so I can see exactly what's up and if you want, I'll get you through it.


don't go back to a guy who takes your parts.. seriously. He should have had it there and showed you and explained exactly what was wrong with it.

He should have not taken out the bolts.

He should have saved the bridge, period.

I just have no confidence in that guy at all.

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That's messed up!


It's like taking your car in to have a flat tire fixed and the mechanic's like "Oh, we don't have those kind of tires. So, I took all the other tires off as well as the rims. Good luck getting home."


I would be pissed. I would make a point to not leave the store and needle the hell out of the guy until the parts turned up.


That sucks!

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Yeah, that's not right... I'd go back and demand the hardware back... If he says he tossed it, then tell him you want reimbursement.. The bridge is a fairly simple part.. There's not much that can be "shot" about it.. Unless the screws are stripped or something, and you can't adjust the saddles... Either way, it's your property... He doesn't have the right to dispose of it... Shot or not.

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I definitely have to agree with everyone. He should have given you the bad parts back, they are yours. I'm not sure if the guy you had look at it was a tech from a music store, but I sure wouldn't let him touch my guitar again if I were you.


Any time I have had work done on anything, whether a car or a guitar, I have always gotten the bad parts at least shown to me before I left. I usually threw the bad parts away, but it was my decision.


Putting the new parts on are pretty easy. You may have to take it in to get the intonation set afterwards. But if you want to learn how to do it yourself, there are a lot of knowledgable guys/girls here that can walk you through that.

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Yeah, what? He/They thought you wouldn't NOTICE your hardware

was missing??!! Amazing! (Well, maybe not, in the world we seem

to be living in, nowadays?) Go back and demand it be fixed, or they

pay for the parts, at least. Not sure I'd want them "fixing" anything

after what they did to you/your guitar?!


And...if that doesn't work...there's "Small Claims Court," if nothing else.

Or...if you have a "Guido" friend/relative...maybe they could act on your

behalf, and make the person that did that, to your guitar..."an offer they

couldn't refulse?!" ;>)



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And...if that doesn't work...there's "Small Claims Court' date='" if nothing else.

Or...if you have a "Guido" friend/relative...maybe they could act on your

behalf, and make the person that did that, to your guitar..."an offer they

couldn't refulse?!" ;>)





NO DON'T DO THAT! You might wake up in the morning with a broken off headstock in bed next to you.

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OOOOOOOOOOOOHkay, well...moving right along...Stew Mac has all the parts you'll need, just be sure you get the

Metric versions, since you guitar was probably made in Korea, Japan, or China. Since you're going to have to replace tuners,

anyway...maybe some "Grover" klusons (if you want to retain the "stock" look) or Rotomatics, if you want to have

an "Elitist" look?


Good luck...sorry, that happened!



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That is just bizarre. I'm sorry you got jobbed around like that...at least you know not to go back to that store again.


You've come to the right place. That Casino will be back up and running in no time.


I just replaced the bridge and tuners on my Gold Top last week. It was an easy process, because I was able to find out the right parts to get from the fine people here on the forum.

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I'd appreciate any help I could get.


Welcome to the forum bro, I live in MD now but am a born and bred Hoosier, glad to have 'ya here. All the advice everyone has alread given is great - get your parts back, for the next guy even if your stuff is un-useable. you can't let shops treat you like that, they don't have the right.


IMO, you would do well to take Twang up on his offer, very fair and knowledgeable, stand up guy. Great people on this forum ! Good luck !

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  • 3 weeks later...

Good news. I got it fixed.


First I went to Guitar Center, which is where my local shop had told me to go. Of course they couldn't do repairs. So I just asked if they could order the parts I needed. They looked at the Casino and said they couldn't help because they'd have to look up the parts I needed. They actually turned me away because they would have to look it up. A willing, paying customer. I thought it was quite ridiculous.


So I left, went to eat, happened to take a wrong turn and ended up in the parking lot for Sam Ash. They replaced, reset, and restrung in under twenty minutes, even throwing in some free Cleartones for twenty bucks.



Needless to say I'm pumped to have my Casino back in action. And also needless to say Guitar Center will not get any of my business ever again.

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Amazing! Glad to hear your baby is back in working order. I don't know

why I am constantly amazed, at what passes for "Customer Service,"

nowadays, but it's shocking, at times...even though I should be used to it,

I guess? Well, with that kind of "Service" Guitar Center, should (and may) be long gone,

if they don't correct that attitude. In fairness, I have to say, that SOME GC's are

really good...with decent service, and friendly helpful (even knowlegable) people. Other's

are DISASTERS! Seems like, you experienced the latter!



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