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GGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=D> WWWWWWWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm all upset now. I've fancied one of these amps for sometime but have always been put off by the "pros" of the board that shoot it down with "Oh Marshall is better get a Marshall or Fender Reverb" OR SUMMAT?:)


Congrats on that one, green with envy, let me know how it goes please, you know, pros and cons, likes and dislikes etc...

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hey how does craigslist work.. do you pay to list.. get charged if you buy?


Totally free for buyers and sellers. I think it's pretty good for buyers but I prefer Ebay when selling. The problem with CL is tire kickers. You list something, arrange to meet someone somewhere to show it, then they give you the old "well....it's not quite what I was hoping for" and you end up wasting time. With Ebay they pay, you ship, and it's done.

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i had a marshall 2210 and 1960a cab back in the day. i couldn't get the sound i wanted with that and a gibson sg! i have a vamp 2 downstairs and line6 podxt upstairs the choice for amp models is great. i can get some great tones. the epi with mean 90's are not as good through the 10 watt marshall amp so i can use some modeling like a vox ac30 which is my favourite match. i'm wanting a line6 amp over the real ones cause with with them you're stuck with one sound!

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I bought a Spider II 75 watt to use as a practice and recording amp at home, but it sounds so good (and has PLENTY o' punch!) I've ended up gigging with it several times, with great results and compliments from both audience and other musicians.


HINT: The presets are great starting points, but for best results you still need to tweak the tone, drive and effects according to the room and your personal preferences.

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Totally free for buyers and sellers. I think it's pretty good for buyers but I prefer Ebay when selling. The problem with CL is tire kickers. You list something' date=' arrange to meet someone somewhere to show it, then they give you the old "well....it's not quite what I was hoping for" and you end up wasting time. With Ebay they pay, you ship, and it's done.[/quote']


How does CL make their money?

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craig's list is awesome! most of my gear has come directly from craig's list, but i've been lucky not to have run in's with the occassional a**hole trying to sell broken stuff. it's a free service, just post your ad, quote a price, and wait for someone to contact you. they let you list things anonymously and any replies will be directly sent to an email address of your choice, but the contacter won't see it so you can filter and reply as wanted.


line 6 makes some wicked gear!! my favorite gigging amp is the 112 spider valve. it's a little more expensive (bogner helped to frankenstein a tube front end onto the spider amp...kicks the whole amp tone into a whole other zone of awesomeness!), but well worth it. to all the people who like to talk about how "marshalls are better" and "nothing beats a fender" etc etc, i ain't gonna argue. it's all subjective and one should just go try out a bunch of amps until they find something they dig and tell everyone else to just shutty uppy.

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I had a Spider III 75 for a while. It was a solid 1-12" amp with lots of presets, but I was constantly tweaking and searching for the "right" sound and never really found it. I tried out a Vox AD50VT 2-12 and fell in love. I bought it and the dealer sold my Spider on consignment. I think it was the low end response and Vox chime on the high end that sold me. I got $225 back for the Spider and felt lucky to get that much for a used (but mint condition) amp.


The Spider was definitely a good amp. It played well in an outside gig at the local fair, which it the ultimate test for a small amp, and never gave me any problems. I guess the Vox just had what I was looking for.


Anyone tried a Bugera half stack? The prices look good for a 100 watt all tube 4x12. I think the head was $649 and the 4x12 cab was $249 or so. Looks like a great amp on paper. I've never seen one in person. Beats the heck out of the price on the Marshall half stack.

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I've owned a couple of line 6 amps and many of the originals that their models are based on and some of the models are quite good while some aren't even close IMHO. Of the line 6 amps I've owned the Duoverb is one of the better ones, but when it comes to the organic bloom and feel of a real tube amp.... I have yet to play a modeling amp or preamp that can do it. That being said, if close enough and a reliable, inexpensive amp fit the bill(and many touring pro's feel they do) ...then line 6 is a good choice.


Regarding CL and Ebay......I like them both for different reasons. CL for bargains and Ebay for the wide market exposure when selling. CL has a lot of scammers on it too...so be careful but some great deals can be had for sure and it's free from fee's(hear that Paypal?)

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