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new grover locking tuners don't fit epi screw holes..


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Twang, Twang, Twang...that kind of "Shite" happens to the best of us, once in awhile. Your reputation is

safe, here. You saw a problem, fixed it, and alerted us, and your other customers, to the possibilities. That's

all anyone can expect or ask! I can certainly understand your disappointment, and anger. But, I'm sure whatever

happened, on YOUR end, was unintentional...however unfortunate it was. So...don't be too hard, on yourself.


Thanks, too...for the information, and "alert!" That's good to know.


Be well, OUR friend!



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Thanks charlie.

but we all know. we experience things the same way.

the guy who's got to go through the worst of this is gonna be really unhappy.

And I have to feel the same way or I'm a fake.


I just can't understand how anything could have been unclear from my end that would cause this to wind up so wrong.


the tuners are nice. they work really nice. and they upped the ratio for these. but they are not for epis.

imagine mini buttons on a sheraton headstock.. plus the added holes? sheesh. none of us would want that.


yer right though. right now I'm hot as a pistol.



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Thanks charlie.

but we all know. we experience things the same way.

the guy who's got to go through the worst of this is gonna be really unhappy.

And I have to feel the same way or I'm a fake.


I just can't understand how anything could have been unclear from my end that would cause this to wind up so wrong.


the tuners are nice. they work really nice. and they upped the ratio for these. but they are not for epis.

imagine mini buttons on a sheraton headstock.. plus the added holes? sheesh. none of us would want that.


yer right though. right now I'm hot as a pistol.




Well, I've even gone so far as to e-mail or fax photos, of parts and or examples of things I wanted

done, etc...and they've still turned out wrong! LOL! So...some just don't pay attention, or don't care(?)...

I don't know. It happens far to often, in almost every segment of commerce and society, anymore. It

really IS "Sad," and frustrating, too! Take a deep breath, put on a "Beatles" CD (that always cheers me

up) and try to relax! You've done all you can, at this point! And, you've take responsibility, even though

it wasn't your fault. So...that's more than some do, anymore.


Hang in there!



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I'm not sure - 'cause I think I must have missed an original post - what the problem was here, but I have to say that I have ordered Grovers from WD and got something that didn't fit at all (minis as you say) but fortunately was able to use them elsewhere. I've swapped three or four sets of tuners from WD in the past without a problem, so maybe this is something worth checking on now.


I was prompted to reply though because I've begun to notice a drop off in quality from WD - archtop tailpieces and bridges in particular (I'm not a dealer by the way, just suffer from GAS on a grand scale). In fact I've backed-off from ordering on-line unless I can be sure of what I'm getting.


On a similar, though slightly rambling, topic: I used the minis to replace a set of Kluson look-a-likes; but what a mess it leaves on the back of the peghead. I tend to remove pick-guards too (since I play fingerstyle) and have begun tidying up any exposed holes by putting the screws back. Not ideal, but better than leaving exposed holes.


I agree though - honest dealing is not about NOT making mistakes, it's about putting unavoidable mistakes right.


Old Bob

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My concern is only that you are being very hard on your self for something that seems to be a problem on WD's end.

Charlie, Bob and Greg have already covered most of the ground so I will not reinterate.

For the good of all of us, do not let this shake your confidence. I am sure I speak for the vast majority of members when I say you are an asset to all of us.

Your post proves (at least to me) that your integrity is not in question.


P.S. ( I wish I had a nickel for every endeavor of mine that cost me extra money and an "oh Sh*t".)

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Back in the days when you had to use what the local music shop had to sell, I had to ream the holes on my Strat, drill new screw holes, and I just replaced the old screws in the holes that were exposed after installing the new tuners. These days you have to rely on the experiences of others to discover what works well. Your post is enlightening. Now we know what DOESN'T work and that's a step toward finding out what DOES. Thanks for your heads up warning.


Now, as others said, take a few deep breaths and relax...you are among friends.

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Hey Twang that stuff happens all the time......let it go! We all know you are a man of integrity here! I got a set of tuners from a supplier in Canada after a 6 week wait....started to install them and realized they had shipped 5 right handed and one lefty! Wait another 6 weeks for a new set? WRONG...I just ate it and got another set locally. I was kinda pissed but sh#t happens bro. Don't sweat it...I think your customers will cut you some slack it was an honest mistake. Hey now I have a set for that open G Keith O caster!=D>

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I used to work as a gunsmith, specializing in repairing and restoring antique firearms for individuals,other gun dealers, and occasionally for museums and presentations.

I did a good bit of custom work as well.

Anybody that orders replacement/upgrade parts for ANYTHING, will eventually end up with

a return or 2, it's the nature of the beast (my returns were on a weekly basis, NIGHTMARE)

and most customers understand this.

So, don't sweat it, you've done everything you can to "set it right".

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Look at it this way-


With the guy who got the wrong tuners: even if they are wrong and has to send them back, if you pay for shipping that's already better service than any seller online (I've seen) can provide.


I'd express (lie) to them and say how you really want to do business with them in the future but won't do so unless you can return all the parts that are wrong and you were told were right. Return them then never use WD again!

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It was my bad. I got hot.

I edited the original post.

WD called me today and will make everything right.


My Bad.

I almost put beatles on... settled for slapping a set of .011s on my lp and that wore the grouch down.

WD was really great about it. No excuses, wouldn't even let me say thanks for calling or helping to fix things up.


It's not that I care about the money.. I just know how guys hate to wait, and honestly I'm a tad overproud about making things

right for people.

Guess I should curb my temper and my ego.


You guys.. thanks very much. Great attitudes and as always good advice.


I'll pay whatever I have to get it settled.. but WD says they're gonna take care of it on their end as well.

the delay can't be changed but it'll work out, I hope.


It's hard to say with Grover sometimes.. for instance, their shaft sizes don't always match, so I'm not sure if new buttons would help, even if

the guy wanted to settle for redrilling the rear holes. The shaft and bushing through the headstock did fit ok on my lp, which is the same as

the sheri, but the button shaft may not fit larger buttons.

Anyway. we'll get it set up. And next time I'll try not to go so over the top.



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