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DISCLAIMER: I agree that the best way to break in a guitar is to just play it.


ToneRite for Guitars


OK, now my question. Has anyone heard of or even tried one of these? It is made for an acoustic guitar (nylon or steel strings) but would it work on a hollow or semi-hollow electric? Just curious about the opinions of the more experienced musicians here. :)


- Shaun

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If this theory surrounding this device is correct, then a few hundred miles in the trunk of a Buick would have the same effect.


Interesting that the inventor's resumes are not posted. I assume there are no PhDs in the lot.


Just because you have a Norwegian name doesn't necessarily mean you're some kind of a flippin' physics genius...

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Sounds like hype to me. Tone wood has to age in order reach it's peak quality, at least that's what I've read in various sources. From the Seagull site:



How about this? You buy a new TV and it's great but it keeps getting better the more you watch it! Okay, that's not likely to happen with your TV but it will happen with your solid top guitar. A solid top vibrates much more freely than a laminated (plywood) top. This results in richer tone, better dynamic range and better balance of tone. Not only does a solid top sound better initially, over time the vibrations from playing the guitar result in the top vibrating more and more freely. This phenomenon is called 'aging' which means that the more the guitar is played, the better the guitar will sound. It is important to remember in order for a guitar to age it must be played. A guitar left in its case for 5 years will get older, but it will not 'age'.


So, play it. Keep it out of its case on a stand next to your amp so it absorbs some of those real vibes......


Just my 2 cents.....

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I think I've experienced a couple of new guitars opening up tonewise after a few days of play. So maybe they're on to something.


Whether to aquire some weirdo apparatus to loosen up the cellular structure or whatever...meh... Just play the damn thing.

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I'm always amazed at how much "snake oil" is out there for guitarists ... and how well some of it sells!


I swear, I'm going to strart collecting "offerings" from my cat's litter box. When I have enough, I'm going to create a web site stating my qualifications as a professional guitarist with over 40 years experience as well as my involvement in the musical instrument industry.


I will state that applying just a dab of my "Special Formula Mojo Nugget" to each of your fretting fingers will dramatically improve your tone and playing comfort ... PATENT PENDING!


I bet you that, not only will I sell some, but that I'll get testimonial letters from customers swearing that I've changed their musical lives!



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The saliva from my six year old female Boxer, when applied to your fretboard (with our special applicator), will enhance your guitars playing ability.








Our special applicator (Note: extra cost for this service)



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It is a load of crap. You could get the same results by placing the guitar in front of a loud speaker. It pure BS my friend. Unless you're the type of guy that thinks red guitars sound better than blue ones....[biggrin]



Next you'll be saying green cars aren't faster than red ones! (obviously they are)

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I'm always amazed at how much "snake oil" is out there for guitarists ... and how well some of it sells!


I will state that applying just a dab of my "Special Formula Mojo Nugget" to each of your fretting fingers will dramatically improve your tone and playing comfort ... PATENT PENDING!


I'm sure you can sell it for $9.99 and even if it improves one's playing ability 1% ' date=' it is money well spent.


I bet you that, not only will I sell some, but that I'll get testimonial letters from user swearing that I've changed their musical lives!



Tone polish??..you bet!

Send me some wrapped in a nice crisp $20 bill and I'll give you a glowing testimonial how it changed my life forever.

Chord changes were faster and the tone improved as well.


here's another attempt at a device to preage guitar tops.



Joking aside...this string vibrator that they are selling is to basically break in the top of an acoustic guitar.

It does nothing for solid bodies, so the market is rather limited for them.

It's like breaking in a engine in a car...

they used to run them at the factory for a few hours to break-in the rings so the car wouldn't burn as

much oil..now they just slap them together and let the dealer deal with it.


We all know the spruce top is what gives the guitar it's sound and tone and on a flat top aging is what

makes the cellulose in the fibers change and provide better tone over the years of playing.


A vibrator exercising the top for 72 hours is only going to loosen up a stiff top and the bracing near the kerfing.

The bracing is not supposed to be glued to the kerfing in any case, so if it is on some guitars,

the vibration may actually help to reduce stiffness there, but I can't see it doing much else, like crystallizing

the cellulose in the fibers to enhance the tone.


Spruce wood takes years to age and it will do this naturally as part of the drying process.

Martin and other fine instrument makers age their wood naturally and you can't speed up that process mechanically.

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Oh, fer gawd's sake - these have been around for YEARS!

Just take one of the "adult toys" hiding in a drawer, cram it

under the strings, turn it on, and walk away until the batteries

run out. VIOLA!!!!! Your guitar is now satisfied. Bzzzzzzzzz......

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