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Why are people giving McDonalds so much ****?


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Now their saying they put laxatives in the food so you can eat it? [lol]

Where do they get this stuff from? I love how they have no prove and everyone believes these blogs and etc.

I swear its seems sometimes people are just blind and attack for no reason.

Its food, i bet the steak you buy at your supermarket has some secrets to.

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Um, it's not food. When you make something in a laboratory, as opposed to a kitchen, it is not food.


And yes, that bargain steak you bought at the grocery store probably spent its life getting fat on a feed lot eating a diet of GMO corn, antibiotics, and growth hormones. It was also probably slaughtered and butchered by an illegal alien.

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Um, it's not food. When you make something in a laboratory, as opposed to a kitchen, it is not food.


And yes, that bargain steak you bought at the grocery store probably spent its life getting fat on a feed lot eating a diet of GMO corn, antibiotics, and growth hormones. It was also probably slaughtered and butchered by an illegal alien.

Same thing, if you can eat it and not die in the next two days then its food.

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Oh the fav part of that article is left it out in her kitchen to see how well it would hold up over time.

Lolz wut?


These are the same people who played albums backwards to see what they could here.


....and by the way McDonalds tastes sooooooo good!!!!!

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These are the same people who played albums backwards to see what they could here.


....and by the way McDonalds tastes sooooooo good!!!!!

Thats different.

Im not believing that article, she just left it in her kitchen? Whats her PHD in?

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There are allegations she faked it.


From the end of the article -


According to Dr. Michael Doyle, Director, Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia, 'From a scientific perspective, I can safely say that the way McDonald's hamburgers are freshly processed, no hamburger would look like this after one year unless it was tampered with or held frozen.'"

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There are allegations she faked it.



I doubt it. I've found year-old McD's fries kicking around in the back of my car that looked just like that. No mold. No decomposition. Just hard, dry and still smelled like a McDonalds fry. Scary.


Three good reasons why McDonalds is so terrible, health-wise, are too much sodium, too much sugars and too many preservatives. Those three things alone negate or reverse any potential nutrients in the food, save the salads and fruits. The recommended allowance for any fast food without seeing negative health effects is no more than once a week. I prefer fridays.


Also, lets not forget that they ammonia treat the burger meat to kill off any pathogens...and it hasnt been working like they though it did.


Anyone willing to try their own 180 day experiment?

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The recommended allowance for any fast food without seeing negative health effects is no more than once a week. I prefer fridays.


Coney dogs and shoe string fries do not count, do they Mr. Detroit? Man, if I still lived in Michigan that would be a regular staple for me.

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Coney dogs and shoe string fries do not count, do they Mr. Detroit? Man, if I still lived in Michigan that would be a regular staple for me.

I'm not big on coney dogs, but I'm down for some chili cheese fries with a load of ketchup on top! I used to live off of those. That and end of the night Randazzo pizza...YECH! nasty stuff, that pizza was.


dem00n, good point. But who are you gonna trust? Evil Corp. or the conspiracy wingnuts? Its a lose/lose situation.

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I'm not big on coney dogs, but I'm down for some chili cheese fries with a load of ketchup on top! I used to live off of those. That and end of the night Randazzo pizza...YECH! nasty stuff, that pizza was.


dem00n, good point. But who are you gonna trust? Evil Corp. or the conspiracy wingnuts? Its a lose/lose situation.

Myself, ive thrown some of the school french fries in a old fire hose in 9th grade (two years ago) and their still there and look the same!

Sorry i was a real **** two years ago. [lol]


But really i dont know who to belive...its hard.

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I think this is fake. I did that same experiment in the seventh grade for a science class. The bun was green in five days, and the patty was hard as a rock. It also smelled terrible.


If you leave bread out on counter for 6 days, it don't turn green, at least in winter.

And by the way, I will be having a double 1/4 pounder with cheese for dinner tonight.... Thank you very much for the idea. msp_thumbup.gif

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