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Bands With Amazing Stage Presence


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I'm gonna say Les Savvy Fav. I saw them at a free show at the Getty Center (a museum in LA) and they were so awesome. The singer is ridiculous. He was scaling walls, screaming at babies, and he jumped in a fountain. He smelled like **** when he got out of the fountain. They're an awesome band IMO they're good musicians and have a ridiculous live show.


Oh yeah I should also mention when I saw them the singer was wearing spandex pants and a cape. No shirt. He turned around and clinched and unclinched his buttcheeks.


Here's a video. There's another video with some better footage but absolutely terrible audio. This one has decent audio and pretty good video.


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I'm gonna say Les Savvy Fav. I saw them at a free show at the Getty Center (a museum in LA) and they were so awesome. The singer is ridiculous. He was scaling walls, screaming at babies, and he jumped in a fountain. He smelled like **** when he got out of the fountain. They're an awesome band IMO they're good musicians and have a ridiculous live show.


Oh yeah I should also mention when I saw them the singer was wearing spandex pants and a cape. No shirt. He turned around and clinched and unclinched his buttcheeks.


Here's a video. There's another video with some better footage but absolutely terrible audio. This one has decent audio and pretty good video.



Not many people could do that. I dig it

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Seen some great ones and a few surprises including Prince when my wife wanted to see him, Amazing show amazing talent. Blues Travelar was also amazing in the early days John Popper is amazing.


Queen, Grateful Dead, Pink Floyd were a mental state more than a concert


I have never seen anyone capture a audience like Willie Nelson in five minutes and two songs he had everybody in his pocket and it was an amazing show that felt like just kicking back and gigging just with 20k of your friends

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Honestly, I think we're talking two things here:


1. Something about the artist him or herself on stage that's "magic."


2. A production that is exciting.


To me, it's almost identical to political stuff in the sense that you have your large, staged events that we've all seen on the telly and then there's the "presence" of some individuals by themselves on stage or in a one-on-one talk.


Because both musicians and politicians use both personal chemistry in solo or with production numbers in larger venues, I think a comparison is valid.


I'm using that example during the U.S. political season only to make a point about music.


Group dynamics both in concerts and political "rallies" all are part of the entertainment aspect of both. And no, that's not cynicism when it comes to politics because politicians have been using both personal magnetism and group dynamics since the rather well-documented era of Athenian "democracy." Musicians/entertainers do the same, and have done so for at least as many centuries.


I find it interesting, frankly, that it seems that most of "us" on this forum interpret "stage presence" as "production" instead of the stage magnetism of an individual artist - or politician.


So I wonder... is it experience mostly with a single general style of large gathering? Face it, a lotta country shows ain't much different from rock shows - or political rallies - and are designed as theater.


Have "we" determined that a major measure of an artist (or politician) is in the production? I guess I figure the answer in 2010 is "yes," at least from responses here.


Yeah, I thought about this a lot. Would Michael Jackson do nearly as well with a 90-minute solo? Love or hate the guy as a person or as an entertainer, he certainly drew crowds to his very elaborate productions.


Frankly I doubt if he could have done it all alone, and yet there are many artists in many styles of music who do so all the time and maintain their audiences in the palms of their hands - yet very few have been mentioned here.



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I'm gonna say Les Savvy Fav...




My drummer turned me onto these cats and I just picked up their new album. Killer guitar work. Did you see them on IFC's Dinner with the Band? The singer got into the shower while still singing. Gotta tip my hat to that.

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My drummer turned me onto these cats and I just picked up their new album. Killer guitar work. Did you see them on IFC's Dinner with the Band? The singer got into the shower while still singing. Gotta tip my hat to that.


One of my high school teachers (of all people) showed me them. Their stage antics are ridiculous and their music is sweet. Yeah they have some really cool guitar parts.


They're so good live. Not just entertaining to watch but they sound awesome. They did an instrumental jam that was sweet.


I don't have IFC. I'll see if I can find it on YouTube.

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I'm sure that many have already commented on AC/DC.

But hey, I've seen them in concert. I know of what I speak of.


Yep, they definately have great stage presence. I saw them on the last tour, and they got extra points for having the largest overweight inflatable bikini lady i've ever seen!!!

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