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OK, I just read the post about achieving the Randy Rhodes sound, and felt obligated not to hijack that post for my rants.


Here we have Gibson posting information about achieving Mr. Rhodes sound on a Marshall on the official Gibson web site. Why is it that when any of us ask a question or solicit advice about making our Gibson sound great, they get plek'd? C'mon, we've already proven, by the mere fact we are members of this forum, that we are Gibson supporters. It just doesn't seem right to me that we have to make some half-*** effort to conceal our real question by either mentioning Gibson or posting a picture of a Gibson when all we want is to gain knowledge on how to best employ our instrument of choice.


OK, I feel better now. =D>

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Fight the power!

and get beat with police batons, chewed on by their dogs, sprayed by firehoses, and tear gassed like a hippie...


I completely agree.

There should be a related, but off topic section on the forum.

If it plugs into a Gibson guitar, it's fair game.

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There is definitely a need for a general category as long as it relates to the guitar or performing. it is a pain to have to leave and go elsewhere to get playing tips, song suggestions etc. especially after you get used to the personalities of the contributors here and see that there is a good group of folks with a ton of experience to draw from.

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I don't know much (anything) about web-site hosting, but to play devils advocate:


Could it be the web masters are trying to keep the pages to a minimum, and are concerned that if they allow everything under the sun, that they will run out of room on the servers, or something like that? I hope I don't sound too stupid =D>

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I don't know much (anything) about web-site hosting' date=' but to play devils advocate:


Could it be the web masters are trying to keep the pages to a minimum, and are concerned that if they allow everything under the sun, that they will run out of room on the servers, or something like that? I hope I don't sound too stupid =D> [/quote']


I may sound just as stupid, but if that were the case, they can do like the Fender forum and close it down for posts after 10:00 PM and weekends. But I really don't think bandwidth and capacity is the reason for the specific targeting of non-Gibson subject matter.

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As many Fenders as I've owned (4 currently) I've never registered there.

I dunno, I guess I already have all the knowledge I need about them.

Mine do what I want, I don't need anything else.


It's the Gibsons with the romance, mystique and intrigue that keep me chasing rainbows and such folly.


I dunno, my guess is they don't want to pay a bunch of moderators to keep a vast forum in line.

They have a forum - because everybody else does - but don't really put alot of money into it, so they keep it simple.

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I often go off on a tangent because I like to share tales of misadventure about my other interests and those that know me on the acoustic forum know I'm a little off so a) they cut me a lot of slack and =D> some are entertained/amused/mortified by some of the stuff I ramble about. I do show restraint and try to keep it guitar related but sometimes stuff happens and I just got to share it (picture Cartman running up to the other kids at the bus stop at this point....)


So if it's space they want to save, why not just let threads die after 60 or 90 days of inactivity?

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I agree with you 100%....When Gibson smells a few bucks to be made they will bend the rules

to suit themselves.


This is my opinion guys but...


I love Randy Rhoads. One of my favourite players.

But, I found his tone to be a little "tinny" for my ears. Id love to have his chops, but his tone wasnt/isnt

for me....remember I said for me!

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You guys don't ramble much - if you want to see rambling, go check out the acoustics section, man, can we ramble off-topic. I suggested an off-topic section a while back. You could hear the tumbleweed rolling across the street in the following silence.....

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I love Randy Rhoads. One of my favourite players.

But' date=' I found his tone to be a little "tinny" for my ears. Id love to have his chops, but his tone wasnt/isnt

for me....remember I said for me![/quote']


ditto...he's always been one of my favorite players, but I can't say his tone is one of my favorites.

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25 years later, the light has come on!


I've said that for YEARS and been threatened with bodily harm...


RR had a distinctive style, no doubt about it it.

Talented? Damn right.

Impressive? Absolutely.

Trail-blazer? Of course.




His sound was so heavily processed that the "tone" was a thin, one-dimensional, well.....

I wouldn't say he really had tone in the way most classic rock guys appreciate.


I've known half a dozen players who could nail every RR song perfect - if they had some pedals.

I have a decent rig and some nice guitars, but not one single pedal in the house.

Funny how they can't play RR on any of my stuff.


I will go so far as to say RR is a big part of the reason I own no pedals.

I got out of high school in 1983 and all my buddies wanted to sound EXACTLY like him. I was the odd one out.



Another pretense punctured while we're at it - Alex Van Halen had the WORST drum sound in rock and roll.

An impressive player, and that HUGE drum kit sounded like cardboard boxes on most of their records.


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