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So how was your Halloween?


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Halloween has long been one of my favorite holidays, although it is not an official holiday.... :-k Here in Spain today is an official bank holiday called All Saints Day. Everyone has off to go to the cemetery and visit with loved ones and family members who have passed away. It's really a somber holiday but because of movies and TV October 31st has become a big party night here too. This year the majority of the costumes were Zombies and Vampires. I saw some great costumes!! Anyone else see some good Halloween costumes or elaborate decorations? Anyone got pics?

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Well it is All Saints' Day here in the USA as well although not an observed holiday or not all that known if you are not Catholic.


We had our Halloween party at the house, incredible turnout again this year, the night was a flash to me, it went by so quickly.


The creepiest thing that happened is that I have some beer left [scared]

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Always interested in what you have to say... [thumbup]


You asked for it.


The condensed version is this:


When I was a kid and went trick or treating, you wouldn't even think of going out until it was semi dark, usually around 6pm or so. You wouldn't get home until about 10pm and usually my friends and I would swap candy, go through it and it usually was a sleepover type of thing where we would watch movies and eat candy all night. Now, cops drive around and harass kids who are out trick or treating past 6:30pm because it ends at 7pm, and 'children need to get home in time'. Since those rules got instated around my community about 2 years ago (or actually just enforced) there are more and more stories of teenagers, and younger children, getting in trouble for drinking and busted for other stupid stuff. I'm not trying to say that people wouldn't drink or do stupid stuff before, but no self respecting person would go out trick or treating at 3pm. Hardly anyone goes out anymore because of these stupid rules and the regulations that are supposed to ensure that no hijinx go on, are actually bringing it upon themselves. Halloween used to be a good time where anyone could act like a kid again. Now, kids can;t even act like kids.


Rant over for the most part, but I will continue if provoked [biggrin]

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You asked for it.


The condensed version is this:


When I was a kid and went trick or treating, you wouldn't even think of going out until it was semi dark, usually around 6pm or so. You wouldn't get home until about 10pm and usually my friends and I would swap candy, go through it and it usually was a sleepover type of thing where we would watch movies and eat candy all night. Now, cops drive around and harass kids who are out trick or treating past 6:30pm because it ends at 7pm, and 'children need to get home in time'. Since those rules got instated around my community about 2 years ago (or actually just enforced) there are more and more stories of teenagers, and younger children, getting in trouble for drinking and busted for other stupid stuff. I'm not trying to say that people wouldn't drink or do stupid stuff before, but no self respecting person would go out trick or treating at 3pm. Hardly anyone goes out anymore because of these stupid rules and the regulations that are supposed to ensure that no hijinx go on, are actually bringing it upon themselves. Halloween used to be a good time where anyone could act like a kid again. Now, kids can;t even act like kids.


Rant over for the most part, but I will continue if provoked [biggrin]





I hear you, things have changed so much since I was a kid... We'd do pretty much the same as you, trick or treating was done until 10pm or so. Came home with bags of candy, dumped everything out on the floor to see the goods and compare. Was tons of fun. I used to love to think up cool costumes too and do it up right.


Now seems like the government wants to protect people against having fun because if you are having fun you could hurt yourself or someone else. A risk most people are willing to take to enjoy life a bit.

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You're an ornery old fart.


Not really. The babies in the 'hood got taken care of before dark, and the teenagers get taken care mostly as the need (for them) arises. I'm the guy who fixes their guitars and amps, as well as the one who helps repair the bikes, cars, etc...


No hate for anyone in this neighborhood, one way or the other.


I just don't feel like sitting in the dark with a handful of half-assed candy like it makes up for being a dlck the rest of the year.


The kids around here know who their friends are...

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I wore a Viking costume and scared small children by running at them with my plastic sword and demanding the password if they wanted candy. Most kids were too dumb to know that the password was "trick or treat." So I had to tell them myself. :P


All around a fun night. :)

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I wore a Viking costume and scared small children by running at them with my plastic sword and demanding the password if they wanted candy. Most kids were too dumb to know that the password was "trick or treat." So I had to tell them myself. :P


All around a fun night. :)


We used to say... "Trick or treat smell my feet give me something good to eat" [lol]

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Played a benefit show here in the city last night,

all the band did different cover sets.


80's hair

and a misfits done Ska

great raffles lots of money pitched to help a local in need.

it's nice when you can throw a party for you and 300 of your friends,with no aggro, and still have some good come of it.msp_thumbup.gif

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The kids 19 & 17 years old dressed up and had friends over to watch movies. I had them give out most of the candy.


I agree with Fred, we used to have a ball on Halloween. Dress up, stay out really late and come home with a pillow case full of candy.


Times' ain't what they used to be.

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We had a couple of groups, seven to ten in a group. Then it rained. That really killed it for the kids for about an hour and a half. Had a a couple of older kids just before 9:00. That was it. The wife has a lot of candy to bring into work. [rolleyes]

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