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Not Extreme enough?


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I dunno, I played it back and paused/played it and it looks legit.


One could place an object on the launch side of the teeter totter to see if enough altitude is made. My doubt is whether a human body could stand the G forces that would be required to launch a body that fast. I'm thinking black-out that would prevent the parachutist form having the presence of mind to pull the rip cord. Also, that could be vertebrae crushing speed. Krimany, a Saturn V rocket don't launch that quick. That and what is that launch board made of that it failed to snap.

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Fake. The weight falls in one place when they test drop it. Then when it supposedly hits the launch board, its falling like five feet from where it fell the first time. No way. I kind of doubt that the guy could stand those kinds of G's during launch without breaking his legs of hips or something. Maybe rocketman can back calculate the G's from the apparent altitude of the guy. F delta T equals M delta V, or one of those.



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This is obviously fake, and reeks of viral ad campaigns. Not to mention the physics, unless that board was made out of some insane polymer/metal compound, the end result of that video would have been the board snapping in half. Interesting find though dave.

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If real. I wonder how high he was launched.

How would one practice to get it right?

Maybe Mythbusters can answer these questions.




I wonder how high he was before the launch! [tongue]


Going from a clear pic to the blur, I would think fake also, although on that same page (if watched on youtube itself) there is a water slide thats also killer.


Yeah I've seen that one, its cool!

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This is obviously fake, and reeks of viral ad campaigns. ...


I'm guessing CHAMPION cranes?




what is that strapped to his back, that which you can see in the first few seconds? Skis?


Sign this guy up for the live action Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner feature film.

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I'm not an engineer...but...OK...I am...and so I gotta say that the g's alone would kill a person instantly at worst...break his legs, spine, etc....at best...then they die mid-flight from the shock...or die upon impact having been rendered unconsious and therefore unable to pull the rip-chord/chute.


so...gotta be a fake...hilarious...but fake.

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