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For the smokers....

Sinner 13

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for all of us that have the unfortunate habit of smoking cigarettes,(25yrs for me),

and those of you who have managed to eliminate this nasty habit.

In only a matter of days I will be relinquishing the traditional Smoke for An E-cigarette from V2.

I have many friends who have successfully removed this damnable product from their lives this way.

with recently getting married, and plans of family, I would like to be around as long as possible for my wife and future children.

until this recent turn of events it never has crossed my mind to quit in a number of years.

cold turkey is NOT an option for me, It makes me a terribly irritable moody bastard, and impossible to deal with.

I guess the point being, has anyone here tried one of these?

and if not would you be willing to try this to shoo the ol' monkey off your back?

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I don't want to stop smoking, it's a good measure for me getting off of the computer when I am working on it for 18+ hours a day.


But my friend Matt did it and he did pretty well. He said it didn't cure him completely, but he cut down considerably.


I have smoked for 10+ years and I can quit cold turkey, but I become like you said a irritable guy.



You can apparently smoke those indoors without people complaining, and that was in California. I heard the filter gets clogged if you don't clean it but they are easy to refill.


Good Luck. Sooner or later I need to quit too.

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I don't want to stop smoking, it's a good measure for me getting off of the computer when I am working on it for 18+ hours a day.


But my friend Matt did it and he did pretty well. He said it didn't cure him completely, but he cut down considerably.


I have smoked for 10+ years and I can quit cold turkey, but I become like you said a irritable guy.



You can apparently smoke those indoors without people complaining, and that was in California. I heard the filter gets clogged if you don't clean it but they are easy to refill.


Good Luck. Sooner or later I need to quit too.

the good thing is that you can get the cartridges in diminishing amounts down to zero.

Cigars...... thats a WHOLE other story.

I love a good stogie.

it is mostly for health that and I have recently started on backing vocals and need to get some wind back.

and yes currently it is a good way to dodge the public bans in effect nation wide.

that and the reduced economic expenditure will make for more money to spend on Gibbies and gear.msp_thumbup.gif

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Yeah my friend does casual smoking but he doesn't smoke near as many as he used to.


With all my griping about Gibson prices I bet if I stopped smoking I could walk in and buy one new in about 8 months.


Wow, I should stop.


I have gone two weeks without smoking, but just started again because I wanted to, not necessarily because I needed to.


Although there are many times when I really want a cig.


Cigars are good but I don't smoke them as much, usually New Years or Special Occasions.


I do love the smell of Pipe Tabacco though, I did that for about 2 years but everyone told me I smelled like a Grandpa.

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I watched both parents breath their last breaths. My mom died of lung cancer. She got the news and died 5 months later. She was unable walk or talk the last few months and I remember her health failing at an alarming rate the last three weeks. My dad had copd and died a slower death. Two years pryer, he had trouble getting around without running out of breath. His last year, he kept a urinal under the kitchen table because he couldn't make it to the bathroom. Getting a cup of coffee took him 10 minutes, as he caught his breath at the counter just a few step away. His last three months were a horrible circle of being moved from the hospital, to a nursing home, and to home for a few days until he couldn't move at all and I had to call 911 for an ambulance. This happened numerous times. Both were smokers. Both had a check mark on the death certificate where "was smoking a contributing factor?" was asked. Don't think for a minute that this can't happen to you. That" I gotta die of something" line is easier said than done.

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I smoke, have for a long time, and I wish to quit. I'm glad to hear hypnosis worked for Bowdiddley. To each his own, but I have not met a smoker who did not want to quit. One of my wives had lung cancer and I was there for her the whole way through...............Smoking kills, period.......and I still smoke, and it scares me.......

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440,000 deaths per year in the USA, 36,666 per month, 8,461 per week, 1,205 per day, 50 per hour


- I wish all cigs were electronic so I wouldn't have to smell or breathe the toxic waste.


- I live near the ocean. There is a seabreeze. Two houses east of me are populated by smokers. Even the seabreeze doesn't smell fresh when they are on their porches puffing.


- I have 11 year old students who come in reeking of smoke. Their notebook paper stinks. I feel bad for the kids. They feel bad for their parents.


- I used to see this guy on the way to work a few times a week. He had a kid in a car seat in his back seat and his hand out of the sunroof with his cig. I thought, jeez dude, why not just wait a few minutes till you get her to day care? You obviously know it's toxic or your hand wouldn't be in the air. Bet that baby has breathing problems soon. That sucks.


To the OP - quit, man. You deserve it!


To everyone else... If you smoke and I have offended you, I'm sorry. But you do not want to smell my farts and I do not want to smell your smoke.

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