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Anyone have a new computer?


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All kidding aside...


I've easily had as many Mac problems at work as PC problems. Different sorts of problems at different times, but... problems nevertheless.


On PC that dates back to DOS 2 and Windows 1, and on the Mac dating back to the original "cute" little smileyface machine and the original OS and Motorola chip. Ever try to write a tech manual or even a magazine article on a six-inch screen, by the way? Not easy. I also discovered the Mac needed every bit as much training for users as the PC even in the DOS era when it came to actually doing work.


On the other hand... Yeah, I'll admit that I've been accused of trying - and mostly succeeding - at getting 110 percent out of stuff on both platforms.


I'd note, though, that I still think the PC is more cost-effective. It just ain't as cute or as well marketed as "upscale." There's also a good point that Apple tends to have a decent hardware standard whereas the "PC" world has a wide range of quality. OTOH, I've had a Macbook screen go entirely south on me long before it should have.



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I've easily had as many Mac problems at work as PC problems. Different sorts of problems at different times, but... problems nevertheless.


+1 on that, Milod.


I run both daily. I've witnessed the multilingual black screen of death on my Mac MORE than I've seen the BSD on Windows 7. It's all in how you use them.


Also, it's really down to personal preference as to which one you like. In my opinion, Macs are flashy, stable and fun... but they have about the LEAST efficient user interface possible. From the universal menu bar, to the dock, to the dialog windows that obey no positioning rules, to the green zoom button that does whatever the developer wants instead of maximize, to the close buttons the size of a head on a finishing nail, to the folders not sorting to the top of a directory list, to the lack of a resize handle on all 4 corners of a window, to the lack of a right click/new text document option, to the copy/paste hotkey being in the worst pinky-wrenching position possible... I could go on and on about the ways Macs are user-unfriendly in my opinion.


It doesn't matter though. I still think they are kinda cool. And all that really matters is what YOU think of them.

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I always get tickled at the PC vs Mac argument, I have both and really have no issues with either one. I will say comparing the Apple with the Dell is a little unfair. If you want to do a comparison do it between the Mac and a IBM or other top of the line.


I built my audio computer using quality parts and I'll gladly match it up to my Mac.


I agree, an unfair comparison bewteen Mac and Dell. Work computers are just that, work horses. I have continuous issues with the general PC environment and OS compared to my Mac which is what I should have said.

The arguement is probably a bit like a Gibson vs Fender type thing. :rolleyes:

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Boy did this get derailed. I don't understand all the lingo. I think most of us just use computers for the net and e-mail. I would imagine that for

most of us, you like what you start with. Currently, I use a hacked Dell Mini laptop and my iMac sits downstairs. I access my music library on my iMac via Airtunes. I have fond memories of trying to figure out my Blueberry 333. Great fun using iTunes version 1 when it came out and worrying about how many songs I could fit on my 6 gig HD. My family over ruled me when it was time to upgrade and my first encounter of viruses as the LoveSan virus took my Dell out for a weekend.

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Boy did this get derailed. I don't understand all the lingo. I think most of us just use computers for the net and e-mail. I would imagine that for

most of us, you like what you start with. Currently, I use a hacked Dell Mini laptop and my iMac sits downstairs. I access my music library on my iMac via Airtunes. I have fond memories of trying to figure out my Blueberry 333. Great fun using iTunes version 1 when it came out and worrying about how many songs I could fit on my 6 gig HD. My family over ruled me when it was time to upgrade and my first encounter of viruses as the LoveSan virus took my Dell out for a weekend.


I use my PC for way more than just internet and email. How about video editing, audio editing, graphics production, and most important and above all else gaming. My HP PC is far more powerful than your shItty iMacs.

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I use my PC for way more than just internet and email. How about video editing, audio editing, graphics production, and most important and above all else gaming. My HP PC is far more powerful than your shItty iMacs.

Listen take advice from someone who's been banned from tons of video game forums.

Stop giving people attitude or your going to tick people off and then your going to get banned again.

I dont like Mac's either, i think their for Europeans.

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I use my PC for way more than just internet and email. How about video editing, audio editing, graphics production, and most important and above all else gaming. My HP PC is far more powerful than your shItty iMacs.


good for you, punk!

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Here's a point I think hasn't been touched - and I'll admit my own "early adapter" perspective tends to make me geekier than I should be.


A point has been made that those who began to discover computer use as more or less adults (I'd even consider mid teens as "adult" in this context) see the computer as a neat tool and try to learn what sorts of stuff they can do with it and what makes it tick. That's me, for one.


Then there's the generation that's more "it's supposed to let be do something and it does, so what's the big deal, anyway."


That latter, I think is the perspective that has helped to sell a lot of computers with far, farm more potential than most of us even approach, regardless of brand and operating system.



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My god... A conversation between 2-3 people turned out to be a mob lynching.... Where were the torches and pitchforks at??? I mean geezz..

Chanman for trying to compare me to somebody I don't even know, I think it was Neo Con Man, I personally do not know him and to bring others into this is just, well I can't even answer that one...

Then XDemonKnight with the pretense of being Einstein reborn.... I just don't know where to start..

I shouldn't have to with your great wisdom and knowledge to requote you.

" Blatantly inaccurate.".. I guess in your mind and words.

" I assumed you actually had knowledge "... Come on now, really??

Of course I know Linux. If you would had read a couple posts before, you would had known that... but......

I NEVER claimed to know "ALL " as you also stated... Just look up a few posts and " POOF " there it was

I stated I didn't " know all "!!!

I guess SOME people actually DO know all in these threads though....... I am starting to found them out...


I am sorry to the people who actually had to read thru all these posts, It got WAY outta hand there for awhile..


And to Milod, I am really indeed sorry if I offended you in any way, it was or started out as a learning and posting interesting thread for a limited while there...



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My god... A conversation between 2-3 people turned out to be a mob lynching.... Where were the torches and pitchforks at??? I mean geezz..

Chanman for trying to compare me to somebody I don't even know, I think it was Neo Con Man, I personally do not know him and to bring others into this is just, well I can't even answer that one...

Then XDemonKnight with the pretense of being Einstein reborn.... I just don't know where to start..

I shouldn't have to with your great wisdom and knowledge to requote you.

" Blatantly inaccurate.".. I guess in your mind and words.

" I assumed you actually had knowledge "... Come on now, really??

Of course I know Linux. If you would had read a couple posts before, you would had known that... but......

I NEVER claimed to know "ALL " as you also stated... Just look up a few posts and " POOF " there it was

I stated I didn't " know all "!!!

I guess SOME people actually DO know all in these threads though....... I am starting to found them out...


I am sorry to the people who actually had to read thru all these posts, It got WAY outta hand there for awhile..


And to Milod, I am really indeed sorry if I offended you in any way, it was or started out as a learning and posting interesting thread for a limited while there...


Oh, brother. I guess I forgot about some of the earlier posts when I wrote my response. A horrible oversight and I apologize. Didn't realize the result would be knotted panties.


Still, the personal insults aren't constructive. I do maintain that point.

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Thanks guys..

I really didn't want to back down to far, as I thought,the word thought, I was, and could stand my ground better than what I did...

From the way I seen certain things, they weren't as clear to me, afterwards, as when the whole thing blew up!!

By then, well need I go any further guys??

At least I know I learned a lesson from all this...

Sorry again guys to all you involved, esp. DeepBlue for messin' his thread up as well. unsure.gif

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"And to Milod, I am really indeed sorry if I offended you in any way, it was or started out as a learning and posting interesting thread for a limited while there..."


No offense ever taken here...


I've been through the wars along these lines. My main problem is not putting people to sleep 'stedda making them think - or even get angry. <grin> As I've said before, my younger brother and I can put anybody to sleep over lunch if they let us get to talking about various parts of operating systems.


He gets on my case, btw, for not using more MS "up to date" stuff. But then, his job with "Uncle Bill" is to help developers figure how to integrate AV stuff into various interations of the Windows environment. He got our Mom into Win 7. I haven't gone there yet, and I've a Christmas package of Vista that never was opened...


So it's not like I'm a true believer for any given system. It's just that I've seen enough that I tend to emphasize bang for the buck comparisons of software on PC vs Mac and for the past 10 years or so, a well-done PC platform wins every time for what I do.


With the old Mac OS networking ability compared to PC networking at the same time period, I might have said something different for a small graphic arts pre-press shop. Not now, though.


You would have gotten a kick out of an Apple-Quark Express rollout back in the 80s, too, when the computer kept crashing with all the corporate wheels and a batch of prospective customers watching over their frustrated shoulders. <chuckle>


Seriously too, I don't think people realize how almost miraculous today's "personal computers" really are, whether Mac or Win based.


Given the time, tools, blueprints and raw materials, many of us could build a steam locomotive, a film movie camera... even a tube-based amplifier from various metals and glass. There's no way a cupla guys could build today's Mac or PC, either one. Not even a flat screen TV or computer monitor. We're in a far different world than the one I grew up in.


Guitar content:


I think in ways my last paragraph about computers is the crux of the argument over the new Firebird X. Given a machine shop, I could even likely fix or make parts for about anything on a 1955 straight stick car. A steam engine would be easier. Bottom line is that we're talking simple mechanical concepts.


Guitars and magnetic pickups are in ways even simpler technology than that 1955 Chevy; compare guitar amps of the era to a nice tube am radio for the '55 Chevy.


Why shouldn't there be experimentation to enhance guitars and amps for today's guitar players? I think "we" would be less than human if some of us didn't think that way - and if some folks didn't object 'cuz we ain't always done it that way. The argument is almost guaranteed. But long run? I think there's a place for both camps in guitars. I just wish I could have my '55 Chrysler hemi back, especially if I could add an air conditioner. <grin> And I wish people wouldn't get nasty about it.



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"And to Milod, I am really indeed sorry if I offended you in any way, it was or started out as a learning and posting interesting thread for a limited while there..."


No offense ever taken here...


I've been through the wars along these lines. My main problem is not putting people to sleep 'stedda making them think - or even get angry. <grin> As I've said before, my younger brother and I can put anybody to sleep over lunch if they let us get to talking about various parts of operating systems.




I personally disagree M, I always find your postings very thought provoking and/or humorous.

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The merits of Windows 7 and Mac OS X notwithstanding... (there are pluses and minuses for both platforms IMO)


I just installed the new iLife '11 software on my iMac, and the new Garageband is really good. Take a look at it: it's actually getting very close to Logic/Logic Express. This of course is bundled with new mac purchases. Most other software now (Microsoft Office, etc) is the same price or comparable regardless of platform.


Also, consider checking out what Apple offers refurbished: there are some really great deals on the hardware (which as pointed out now runs Windows and the various Linuxes alongside Mac OS X if so desired, either directly via bootcamp or in VM such as parallels, virtualbox, VMWare).


have fun!


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[cursing] [cursing] My wife won an HP-G62 Laptop (2.35ghz/3gb memory) in a CONTEST.. [cursing] [cursing]

I'm typing on an old DELL- Dimension (or dimented) 8200 2.4ghz single core pentium4. Most of the Dell's "guts" and peripherals have been replaced due to failures. There are Toshiba and Acer laptops in the house as well as a couple of Emachine systems.

I've been working with (or fighting with) computer systems of all different types (mostly mainframe or mid-sized) since 1972. My first computer job was on an NCR-315. The 315 had a maximum of 40 K core memory and a "footprint" of about 8 large refrigerators. The first system the bank I worked for was bought right after NCR relased the product, 1962 I think, the second system was bought off the floor of the NCR pavilion after the 1964 NY World's Fair. One system was Onlime, handling around 100k banking transcations a "day". The other system was being "PM"ed. "PM"s took a couple of days.

If anyone's interested in a little computing history, here are a couple of links that describe the system.




If you take the time to read this.. Spend a little time on the CRAM (card random access memory) units. They were pre-disc drive, data storage peripherals. The descriptions are a little "weak". They show a rather lovely youg lady easily handling the memory deck ready to "hang it". The decks were heavy, the mounting tool was a metal contraption they weighed close to what a table mounted vise weighs.

The read/write head was around 6"x4" and the "rotating drum" that held the cards for reading was the size of a 1lb coffee can. The drum was spinning at 15,000rpm. The card were sent through the chutes/guides at some-unGodly speed (I don't remember how fast, but if you put a finger in there for whatever reason- [scared] --Guitar Realted info--Make sure it's not one on your fretting hand, because you'd definately lose the finger).


By the way does anyone remember a, late '80s early '90s' product called GEOWORKS?

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By the way does anyone remember a, late '80s early '90s' product called GEOWORKS?


I remember GeoWorks. My brother bought a Magnavox 80286 back in 1990 or so that came with it. I haven't thought about that for years..

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