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Happy Birthday


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The Marines provide a service like no other. They're always first to the fight and they always kick a$$. My dad was a Marine and tomorrow (Veteran's Day) I get another chance to thank him for serving our country for 12 years. I found a great quote that I thought would be good to share:


"Some people spend an entire lifetime wondering if they've made a difference. Marines don't have that problem."

--President Ronald Reagan


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Last Saturday, Leilani and I played for the Marine Corp League Birthday Ball (Jack Ivey Detachment) as we have done for over 10 years now. We are always honored to play this gig, and we charge the Marine Corps League our lowest, off-night price and throw in a couple of extra hours of music. It's our way of saying "Thanks".


During the ceremony, when they cut the birthday cake with a saber, and give a piece to the oldest marine present, the youngest marine present, and at the set table for those who died or are missing in action, I play Taps on the wind synthesizer (trumpet/bugle patch). When playing Taps for those who made the ultimate sacrifice, my pulse always quickens and my eyes tear up. Then a rousing Semper Fidelis by Sousa brings the joy and appreciation for those I'm sharing the day with back into my heart.


While I don't always agree with what my country asks of you to do, I have the deepest respect and admiration for what you do and the way you do it, happy birthday to the USMC.


This afternoon, (Veteran's Day) I will play at the official/unofficial muster station for the Navy Seals as their big weekend was also last weekend and I suspect some of them will still be here. The Seals were born right here in Fort Pierce Florida.


Again, I'm honored to serve those who have served all of us.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫

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