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I'm a gamer... have been for decades. I've owned an Alienware ALX SLI rig, but am now on a Core 2 Duo Intel system with a single GTX 260 and 4 Gig of RAM that I built myself. I wasn't a huge fan of the SLI thing, as I found it to be kind of buggy on some games.


I've played competitively, and was at one time ranked 64th in the world on Case's IGL... that was awhile back, when I played Duke Nukem 3D. The most recent serious gaming I've done was with the 3rd Armored Cav clan, playing Battlefield 2142 and Call of Duty.


Right now I have a Vista (may it rot in hell) based system that crashed anytime you launch a game... (funny for Microsoft's "platform for gamers", huh?)


I'm hoping to get Win7 for Christmas so I can get back out there and frag with the best again!




So... what's your rig? What's your game? Have you ever played competitively??



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Playing Scrabble against the wife on Facebook doesn't count does it? #-o


I used to enjoy some car racing on the original xBox. We upgraded my son to the xBox 360 a couple

years ago, but I've yet to play it. I keep saying I'll dive in there one day when I have the time...

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My younguns have almost all of the console systems. the eldest plays XBox 360 and the youngest primarily PS3. They both have kick-arse gaming PCs too...


Youngest son plays World of Warcraft and the oldest plays some Lord of the Rings Online.... but he has rediscovered Dungeons and Dragons, which he plays using Skype and IRC.




Oh and I count pretty much any game, even Minesweeper (which after 15 years of trying I finally beat... only once, but I did it in one click!)



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I have an xbox 360 elite, modded with bigger and more powerful (yet quieter) fan to keep it more cool and stop frezzing.

PC rig?

Oh just a dell. [lol]

The only games i play on here is Guild Wars, and the soon to be next Star Wars Knight of the old republic MMO.

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Role back to XP; very stable platform.


I use my pc and servers to do work my gaming experience is done on a Xbox, and a Xbox 360.



XP isn't sold anymore, or wasn't when I built this system. My one copy is installed on another PC, so it's forward for me. My youngest son got a Win7 system to take to college and tells me it is da bomb.



Besides, I've got 2 MCSEs... who better to blaze the trail?? [biggrin][lol][biggrin]

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I have an xbox 360 elite, modded with bigger and more powerful (yet quieter) fan to keep it more cool and stop frezzing.

PC rig?

Oh just a dell. [lol]

The only games i play on here is Guild Wars, and the soon to be next Star Wars Knight of the old republic MMO.


Dell bought Alienware for their expertise in AMD systems, the combination of Dell and Alienware is producing some really sweet systems :).







I'd still build my own, tho [thumbup]

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I'm a gamer... have been for decades. I've owned an Alienware ALX SLI rig, but am now on a Core 2 Duo Intel system with a single GTX 260 and 4 Gig of RAM that I built myself. I wasn't a huge fan of the SLI thing, as I found it to be kind of buggy on some games.


I've played competitively, and was at one time ranked 64th in the world on Case's IGL... that was awhile back, when I played Duke Nukem 3D. The most recent serious gaming I've done was with the 3rd Armored Cav clan, playing Battlefield 2142 and Call of Duty.


Right now I have a Vista (may it rot in hell) based system that crashed anytime you launch a game... (funny for Microsoft's "platform for gamers", huh?)


I'm hoping to get Win7 for Christmas so I can get back out there and frag with the best again!




So... what's your rig? What's your game? Have you ever played competitively??




My buddy that I've known for years, actually built mine from the ground up...My Mom gave him a 1000$ check last year and that was my Christmas present...Absolutley great computer though...Handles Battlefield Company 2, Counter-Strike, StarCraft, Left for Dead 2, like a dream, with very minimal lag, witch was a first for me...Dont really know the guts of it, I'm not nearly as computer savvy as he. A few years back I played Counter Strike 1.6 competitively, and on about 10 servers that I was regular on, I was almost always in the top 10 out of about 20,000-50,0000 people. But now i cant find the time to game, since I'm always trying to practice rockin..

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Time is a precious commodity for us gamers... especially if you want to be competitive!


I gotta say, though, I admire my youngest son. He's started college this year and I'm proud to say he hardly games at all and takes care of his schoolwork.




Oh.... for the record, he's attending Vanderbilt University on what amounts to a full academic scholarship. He's been playing video games since he was 3!

I see him every now and then on Steam playing Left 4 Dead, but mostly on his free day and weekends.


Did I mention the fact that HE has won a video game competition?


And on a game he'd never played before. He was absolute ICE when he stepped up to play. My eldest placed second in a competition at Western Kentucky University in America's Army. He was taken out in the finals by a ROTC guy.... the recruiters were all over him!



Anyone catch the finals of the MLG on G4 last month??? Chick that won it was REALLY good ( and Hot!, not that that matters in the least)


Loved the comment her father used to tell her:


"Books and studying will get you nowhere.... put those down and go play video games!"



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I can't even find my system on the internet.

It's an Atari, before they had game cartridges you could swap out, and it came loaded with like six games.


Breakout was the one I got damned good at, but this was in the seventies and I'm a bit fuzzy on the particulars.


Had tennis as well, maybe Pong?


The controls consisted of a very big knob controlling left/right for the cursor, and maybe two other buttons.


My 73 year old father has a Wii.

Go figure.

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Oh, the hours I spent trying to perfect the night landing on a carrier in F-14 Tomcat on the Atari 7800. You had to line up with what was litterally a one pixel square as you began your approach!



Proud to say I eventually mastered that, and was the only one of my friends who could do it everytime :)

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i currently play on a ps3, but have played and owned all the classics, i dont have to name them....


i have played competitively, the team i was in reached No1 in the league for Rainbow Six Vegas


and, im currently do work with a budget game development company called FSG and i am training in animation and 3d modelling

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Yeah, since every gamer that has a competitive video game is the best you know. [rolleyes]





Not sure I get you, but I assure you I am NOT the best at any game I play.





Man I thought Zelda:Ocarina of Time was a GREAT game!! Zelda's still one of my youngest son's favorites, too :)

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Thats one thing I will spend hours on a few years ago and still have the games in the PC are the old Jane's flight sims. I had F18, USAF, WW2, Longbow (both games) and Nova Logic had a few decent ones like F16, Comanche and Mig 29. Thats one big reason I stay with XP Pro; no real decent sims out there any more like these. Oh they have Microsoft Flight Sim X; which I have and purchased additional aircraft like a AH1W Super Cobra. Its a blast to be able to fly from a location near my house to Gpt airport and go buzz Keesler AFB just down the road. Or fly a 104 Starfighter in real time to Hattiesburg ms (60 miles north) and take every bit of maybe 30 minutes which also include lining up allow for clearance of tower and finally taking off. Did the entire trip at Supersonic at around 10k ft. Now thats a blast.


I fell in LOVE with MS Flightsim!! I'm with you, sooo cool to fly into (and out of) the local airports and head out to anywhere in the world! I did run into something kinda odd though.... i was flying LA to Las Vegas and hit cruising altitude and crossed the rockies.... hit AP and went to fix a sandwich. I got back just in time to see my plane hit some HUGE monolithic structure in the middle of the desert...


WTH is in the desert that's taller than the Rockies????



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Sorry Guitarest??



Anymore, you'll spend as much on a good gaming card as you will the rest of the system all together.


I gotta give MS props on their FS games (combat FS, too, which I think I have around here somewhere...)



What perhipheral do you fly with? I had a nice joystick, but Vista (may it rot in hell) won't recognize it. Fortunately, a loooooooooong time ago I learned to fly using the KB on Aces of the Pacific/Europe and Red Baron. :)



MAN, do I miss flying Bi-planes in Red Baron....

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Chan Man, I don't play video games, never have....I understand the phenomenon, passion, and dedication to gaming ( and the additive qualities it may have ) ; If those learning to fly games actually have practical real world cross-over curves, I'll be interested...I have enough difficulty hanging on to reality...I was gonna say that my gaming rig is my guitar and amp, but that would have sounded, well, that is my gaming rig !!! Congrats on your son going to Vanderbilt on an acedemic scholarship; now that is game !!!

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My rig:


HP Pavilion Desktop

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

AMD Anthlon II X4 620 Quad Core CPU @2.6ghz

ATI Raedeon HD XFX 5770 GPU Core Clock @850mhz; Memory Clock @1200mhz

Two SATA Hard Drives, One at 640GB, the other is 160GB

3X2GB DDR2 SDRAM Dual Channel @400mhz

500W Thermaltake PSU

2 80mm Fans and 1 92mm Fan

D-Link Xtreme N High Performance Gaming Wireless Card @ 300Mbps

Acer 23' inch Monitor at 1920X1080p@60hz Full HD

Acer 20' CRT Monitor at 1280X1024@60hz (Old monitor. I just use it for extra applications when I want 2 or more programs open at the same time. Play all my games on the HD screen.)

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Thanks Damian! I'd take credit for it, but this was his dream and he really reached out and grabbed it. Missed Valedictorian in HS by one Advanced Placement class.


He does room with the Val at Vandy, tho!




And, while I've never tested it, I'm told the cockpit and controls are true to the planes they model. A friend of mine, who is a pilot (and the guy who turned me on to Flight Sim), assures me that if you can fly it in MS Flight Sim, you can fly it in real life.



May I never have to find out!

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