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Moving out on your own - what did you learn?


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When I got my own place at the tender age of 18, man that first few months were enlightening!!!


Teenage chicks + alcohol = destroyed bathroom and kitchen.

Never got 'em to the bedroom.


:angry: :blink: [-(



And if you're eating you may wanna skip this part;




If somebody is drunk and saying they are gonne puke, you get them a trash can - right?


DO NOT bring them the dainty little can from the bathroom.

Bring them the BIG one from the kitchen.




Because when that stuff comes up, it's gonna be moving pretty damned fast.

It's gonna hit the bottom of the little can, U-turn, and come flying back out in every direction.


If the person in question has long hair - hanging down as they hurl - it's gonna be loaded....


Yeah, it was a bad scene.


[scared][crying] :unsure: [blink][scared][flapper]

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Sorry Neo, I gotta ask... what brought that memory back for you? [biggrin]



I learnt you had to pay for electricity, the phone, water and everything else. Do your own laundry and stuff like that (down here it's common to have a house employee do that the whole year 'round [lol] and of course your folks pay for it).

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Sounds like some people lived very sheltered lives; not unlike a lot of the guys that lived in my dorm. I went to a suitcase university (large majority of students were from the area and could have easily commuted every to campus). More than one guy would get picked up every Friday afternoon by his parents and dropped off late Sunday with a basket full of freshly done and folded by mom laundry plus whatever baked goods she had made for them. So wholesome and tethered it would make you gag. Probably never had a job beyond mowing the neighbors lawn for $10.

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Sounds like some people lived very sheltered lives; not unlike a lot of the guys that lived in my dorm. I went to a suitcase university (large majority of students were from the area and could have easily commuted every to campus). More than one guy would get picked up every Friday afternoon by his parents and dropped off late Sunday with a basket full of freshly done and folded by mom laundry plus whatever baked goods she had made for them. So wholesome and tethered it would make you gag. Probably never had a job beyond mowing the neighbors lawn for $10.

Wow....ok, clearly that dude did not have the chord cut. It's not the same.


Sh!t, I learned everything except how to iron.....so I got married to take care of that problem. [biggrin]

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But worth every penny.....Now it's my turn...my dad often says in jest "pay back's a b!tch" when discussing the annoying things my kids do i.e. wake me up at 6:30 am on a weekend etc.


I am hoping karma pays me back when I have kids. When I'd wake up at 6am on a weekend I would entertain myself with either tv or my hot wheels. If I got hungry I knew where the cereal and milk was.

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Sounds like some people lived very sheltered lives; not unlike a lot of the guys that lived in my dorm. I went to a suitcase university (large majority of students were from the area and could have easily commuted every to campus). More than one guy would get picked up every Friday afternoon by his parents and dropped off late Sunday with a basket full of freshly done and folded by mom laundry plus whatever baked goods she had made for them. So wholesome and tethered it would make you gag. Probably never had a job beyond mowing the neighbors lawn for $10.


TTU was a suitcase college. I rarely went home. College was way too much fun.


I'm very proud of the fact that I could cook, sew and do my own laundry when I left home.


I'm also proud of the fact that I rarely had to, as my girlfriends would tend to most of that for me.






I was given $10 a week to "live on". Eat, laundry, gas for off campus classes...


I guess to some folks, having a 5lb bag of potatoes to live off of for 10 weeks is being coddled.




For the record, I mowed grass with a 3.5 hp B&S push mower until I was 22, in addition to all the other jobs I had. I started my mowing business when I was 8. Not sure how that gets to be a negative, but to each his or her own. [flapper]

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I learned that I could eat Lipton chicken noodle soup and cheese slice sandwiches many days in a row. Kraft dinner was for special occasions.

Funny...I still like those things even if I never have to eat them again I will. The soup especially.



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TTU was a suitcase college. I rarely went home. College was way too much fun.


I grew up three and half hours away from my university so there was no going home.


For the record, I mowed grass with a 3.5 hp B&S push mower until I was 22, in addition to all the other jobs I had. I started my mowing business when I was 8. Not sure how that gets to be a negative, but to each his or her own. [flapper]


Not dogging lawn mowing at all. I have done my share too. But there is a big difference between having your own lawn mowing empire and the neighbors throwing you a bone by letting you mow their lawn for some pocket change.

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I learned that I could eat Lipton chicken noodle soup and cheese slice sandwiches many days in a row. Kraft dinner was for special occasions.

Funny...I still like those things even if I never have to eat them again I will. The soup especially.




Yeah, I lived on beans & rice and the ten cent return on beer bottles for my entire junior year. Boy, was I skinny.

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I am hoping karma pays me back when I have kids. When I'd wake up at 6am on a weekend I would entertain myself with either tv or my hot wheels. If I got hungry I knew where the cereal and milk was.

So did I! Pop Tarts and powdered donuts....go downstairs and watch TV and never bothered them.

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I grew up three and half hours away from my university so there was no going home.




Not dogging lawn mowing at all. I have done my share too. But there is a big difference between having your own lawn mowing empire and the neighbors throwing you a bone by letting you mow their lawn for some pocket change.





Perhaps I was misleading.... my empire WAS my neighbor's yards.... :)


It was a push mower... only so far I was willing to drag that sucker :D



In the interest of honesty, I cut our yard... 1.75 acres (free), My immediate neighbor's yard 1.25 acres (free... volunteered by my Dad) and the neighbor's next to that 1.5 acres ($10) Saturdays started at sun up and ran until after dark, but it put enough gas in the car to get me to my job at the burger joint... or the pool company.



It's about doing whatever you have to do and not whining about it. I don't complain, or brag. It's just how it was.

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d00d! Cool kids don't eat it with ketchup! That's just nasty!


You sure you live in Toronto? Growing up just over the river from Southeast Ont., those cats put ketchup on everything. Hell, you can buy ketchup flavored potato chips in Canada.

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