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Pecking order..cousins, nephews ????


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Second cousin.


yep i think your correct. Although does anyone understand what things such as first cousin once removed and that sort of thing means. Because my family originates from idian we dont have that system. we basically have a different word for each relation. so for example my grandad (my mums father) introduces me to people he calles me the gujarati word for daughters son

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Second cousin.


Nope, nope, nope:

Your 1st cousin's child and you are 1st cousin's once removed.

Your child and his child are 2nd cousins.



It is confusing. Which is why in the south we just say they are our kin and be done with it. [biggrin]

Cousin usually covers it. Who cares if they are 2nd cousin or cousin once removed? Still cousin.

Still kin.


Because it determines who is just cousins and who is kissin' cousins, and therefore legal to marry and procreate. Or if you prefer, kissin' kin.


2nd cousins, or more distant are Kissin' cousins... assuming you are of opposite gender.

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Get Rich and Die and I'll become your first removed from second cosin sisters nephews baby, if I can get some money. I think that's how it works. Since the first lottery Preachers pocket,Fools pocket.(making you a bigger fool). To the gamblers pocket. [crying][confused]dry.gif[unsure][scared][biggrin][thumbup]

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Nope, nope, nope:

Your 1st cousin's child and you are 1st cousin's once removed.

Your child and his child are 2nd cousins.





Because it determines who is just cousins and who is kissin' cousins, and therefore legal to marry and procreate. Or if you prefer, kissin' kin.


2nd cousins, or more distant are Kissin' cousins... assuming you are of opposite gender.


I stand corrected.



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