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It's a man's world?


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In the lightsabre thread Karen bought up some interesting male and female characteristics regarding types of guitar and the relationship to the players masculinity or femininity. The analogies are great!


A few more musings; but given the 'male brain' and the behaviours associated with being male, ie practical, one track minded, lesser reasoning qualities than a female, supposedly not as sensative etc etc...why is the arts so dominated by males? It is certainly a paradox!


In fact even conditions and illness are more male orientated , for example there are statistically more male autistics than females, more men suffer from mental illness than women, there are more alcoholics than females. Damn it even most serial killers are males. The male dominates the bad things as well as the good!


Maybe the angst of being male is that we are really more sensitive than society has us believe, so we fight it by doing dumb stuff to assert being a man! But then, if that is the case, how come in music and acting especially, there are so many homosexuals. Would that suggest that with hetrosexuals, it is the femininity that we tap into to produce art?


Thoughts anyone?



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Interesting and potentially long running thread


Opening a can of worms?......lol


'Time has taught me'.......(lol again)


There is a continuous spectrum of masculine and feminine traits possessed by men and women


Random aside...most top chefs are men....most cooking is done by women


The handwriting analyst cannot objectively tell the gender of the writer


Jung was a more positive human being than Freud


Nowadays in the western world there are fewer ways for a man to prove his masculinity


As most jobs/tasks can be performed equally well by both men and women


The traditional authoritarian approach to education no longer washes


Industrial pollution...particularly from plastics manufacture has reduced the male sperm count considerably


In a word....it is becoming a woman's world :blink:





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This is deep, Matt. It's freaking me out.


Check out the last post from the other thread..


There is nothing to make me believe in an all powerful force that controls everything"..or something like that. then the responce, "check the last line" which reads something like "no way a guitar could have come by by accident".


Which to me relates to art and love and poeple..no way could this exist by accident.


Which in turn, explains the differences between males and females (and gay poeple if you dare accept that).


If God exist, does he not also exist in cyberspace? Does he control things here as well?


So what might God be trying to show us?

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Women suffer more frequently from depression and Alzheimer's on the other hand though.


I don't believe men and women are unequal, simply different. Because of this difference I am not very fond of overly riled up women calling me sexist because I was raised to hold the door open for them (guys when they are carrying things or otherwise inconvenienced as well). A sunburst seems more manly than a straight blonde guitar some how.


I would say that art is not necessarily feminine but it deals with a level of emotional display not usually associated with "being a man".


If god is real, what kind of guitar do you think he plays?

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Acoustic guitars have a female spirit. This goes along with the female form.


When someone calls a Dove or Hummingbird a 'girly' guitar, I respond, "Would you rather have a female or male on your lap?"


electric guitars... I dunno. Haven't had much experience with them. The seem more machinery than spirit filled entities.

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I guess some guitars do come across with a male or female personaility or whatever you want to call it. I also agree that guitars seem to have more of a female personality. Still, I've always thought the Gibby Super Jumbos and Martin Dreads like the D28, D35 to be very masculine. Cash played both brands, and Jim Croce, Hank Williams Jr., etc. Yet, Joanie Mitchell plays a D28, and Judy Collins too, I think. Emmy Lou still often plays that black, full-sized J200. You don't get anymore feminine than those ladies. June Carter and her Hummingbird, and then Keith Richards and his hummingbird.

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Women have often had fewer opportunities for advancement than men have, which may account for the differences in how many are top chefs, for example. I worked with a colleague whose wife was a chef (and owned a very successful catering company). Not only was her food absolutely outstanding, but watching her in the kitchen was a thing of beauty. She looked like she was conducting an orchestra, as every item reached perfection at exactly the right moment. She felt that women had a strong up-hill battle in a fairly conservative environment, where "chef" meant "male." Top restaurants (real fine dining places) even prefer males to females as servers -- kind of like the butler out-ranking the parlor maid.


There are several enduring sex differences. In boys vs girls, boys spend much more time in rough play than girls do. This seems not to be merely a learned pattern but an innate difference. Also, at the other end of the life span, men on average die at an earlier age. It will be interesting to see if that difference declines as women achieve greater parity with men, and the early data suggest that that's happening.


Women in general tend to be more social. Married men benefit appreciably from their marital status with regard to health (comedians' monologues not withstanding). It's common for married men to receive nearly all of their social support from their spouses. Married women, on the other hand, receive much (often most) of their social support from female friends and relatives.


Although women tend to be more attuned to others, there is some evidence that men may understand others better. On a variable called "empathic accuracy" (which measures how accurately one person can infer another person's thoughts and feelings that aren't expressed verbally), men often outperform women. But there may be a catch. Mos of the studies that examine empathic accuracy involve male-female couples. So what appears to be greater perceptiveness on the part of males may actually be greater emotional expressiveness on the part of females. Men may appear to do better because their female partners send clearer emotional signals.


Androgyny -- the inclusion in one's make-up of some characteristics associated with the opposite sex -- consistently appears to be a good thing. So, men, who in addition to a bunch of male traits also possess more female traits like social sensitivity, are more successful in a number of ways, compared to "all he-man" types. Likewise, women who have some male-oriented traits out-achieve women who have exclusively feminine traits.


People of both genders can act more or less like the opposite gender under certain circumstances. Men's testosterone levels diminish when they hold a baby, for example. Hormones like oxytocin and vasopressin are present in males and females and their levels fluctuate under various circumstances. They also alter behavior in fairly predictable ways. Higher oxytocin levels, for example, tend to foster more "affiliative" behaviors (like wanting to be with other people). A bunch of guys sitting around drinking beers and swapping stories may very well have elevated levels of oxytocin as they bond with their buddies.


Men and women are a lot more alike than they are different. There are some important differences and some of those fit our stereotypes. Men will feel anger more readily than women in some situations for example. Women may feel compassion more than men in some other situations. But there's a lot of overlap. Men will certainly show compassion and women will certainly show anger. Personally, I wish I had all of the social savvy and awareness of others that my wife does. If a kid gets lost in a mall, my wife can spot that kid like radar and will go over and help him or her out. I could be right there and not notice a thing. It's happened many times. On the other hand, I've dragged my wife out of bars moments before a brawl broke out on a couple of occasions. I sensed a hostility vibe that she totally missed but wishes she could spot.


Sorry for going on and on. This particular topic overlaps with the kind of work I do, so I couldn't resist the urge to chime in.

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Women have often had fewer opportunities for advancement than men have, which may account for the differences in how many are top chefs, for example. I worked with a colleague whose wife was a chef (and owned a very successful catering company). Not only was her food absolutely outstanding, but watching her in the kitchen was a thing of beauty. She looked like she was conducting an orchestra, as every item reached perfection at exactly the right moment. She felt that women had a strong up-hill battle in a fairly conservative environment, where "chef" meant "male." Top restaurants (real fine dining places) even prefer males to females as servers -- kind of like the butler out-ranking the parlor maid.


There are several enduring sex differences. In boys vs girls, boys spend much more time in rough play than girls do. This seems not to be merely a learned pattern but an innate difference. Also, at the other end of the life span, men on average die at an earlier age. It will be interesting to see if that difference declines as women achieve greater parity with men, and the early data suggest that that's happening.


Women in general tend to be more social. Married men benefit appreciably from their marital status with regard to health (comedians' monologues not withstanding). It's common for married men to receive nearly all of their social support from their spouses. Married women, on the other hand, receive much (often most) of their social support from female friends and relatives.


Although women tend to be more attuned to others, there is some evidence that men may understand others better. On a variable called "empathic accuracy" (which measures how accurately one person can infer another person's thoughts and feelings that aren't expressed verbally), men often outperform women. But there may be a catch. Mos of the studies that examine empathic accuracy involve male-female couples. So what appears to be greater perceptiveness on the part of males may actually be greater emotional expressiveness on the part of females. Men may appear to do better because their female partners send clearer emotional signals.


Androgyny -- the inclusion in one's make-up of some characteristics associated with the opposite sex -- consistently appears to be a good thing. So, men, who in addition to a bunch of male traits also possess more female traits like social sensitivity, are more successful in a number of ways, compared to "all he-man" types. Likewise, women who have some male-oriented traits out-achieve women who have exclusively feminine traits.


People of both genders can act more or less like the opposite gender under certain circumstances. Men's testosterone levels diminish when they hold a baby, for example. Hormones like oxytocin and vasopressin are present in males and females and their levels fluctuate under various circumstances. They also alter behavior in fairly predictable ways. Higher oxytocin levels, for example, tend to foster more "affiliative" behaviors (like wanting to be with other people). A bunch of guys sitting around drinking beers and swapping stories may very well have elevated levels of oxytocin as they bond with their buddies.


Men and women are a lot more alike than they are different. There are some important differences and some of those fit our stereotypes. Men will feel anger more readily than women in some situations for example. Women may feel compassion more than men in some other situations. But there's a lot of overlap. Men will certainly show compassion and women will certainly show anger. Personally, I wish I had all of the social savvy and awareness of others that my wife does. If a kid gets lost in a mall, my wife can spot that kid like radar and will go over and help him or her out. I could be right there and not notice a thing. It's happened many times. On the other hand, I've dragged my wife out of bars moments before a brawl broke out on a couple of occasions. I sensed a hostility vibe that she totally missed but wishes she could spot.


Sorry for going on and on. This particular topic overlaps with the kind of work I do, so I couldn't resist the urge to chime in.


Thanks for an excellent post....I enjoyed reading it....much practical wisdom therein


And interesting comparisons between male and female types of intuition.....





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Women suffer more frequently from depression and Alzheimer's on the other hand though.


I don't believe men and women are unequal, simply different. Because of this difference I am not very fond of overly riled up women calling me sexist because I was raised to hold the door open for them (guys when they are carrying things or otherwise inconvenienced as well). A sunburst seems more manly than a straight blonde guitar some how.


I would say that art is not necessarily feminine but it deals with a level of emotional display not usually associated with "being a man".


If god is real, what kind of guitar do you think he plays?


If a woman call me sexist because I hold the door for her, I'd respond, "I was taught by my mother to be polite to everyone".


Stats on Women and Men are incomplete usually. Classic example is the heart attack stats. For years stats showed Men far outpaced Women having heart attacks. There were, of course, various theories about that disparity. Then, someone, probably a female physician, found that most Women don't have the exact same symptoms that the Men have when experiencing a heart attack. Suddenly Women's stats are up there with Men. Welcome to equality; sometimes it can hurt bad.


BTW, God plays what he damn well pleases...... ;)

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More woman are mentally ill but it's just so hard for men to tell the difference in women between crazy and normal

If this is true, here's my theory....... women are mentally ill BECAUSE OF men! [biggrin] We all know that the more complex the device, the more vulnerable it is to problems. Hence, women's brains are sooooo advanced that they are more prone to problems. [flapper] (just kidding) Altho' I'm not sure if there is more mental illness in women? When I look at the homeless population, the majority are men (with mental health problems). Maybe women are more likely to seek out help?


Devellis, fascinating read! I studied this stuff in school and still find it so interesting. I like to think we're more the same than different but some days that's a hard sell [biggrin]

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If this is true, here's my theory....... women are mentally ill BECAUSE OF men! [biggrin] We all know that the more complex the device, the more vulnerable it is to problems. Hence, women's brains are sooooo advanced that they are more likely to be addled with problems. [flapper] (just kidding) Altho' I'm not sure if there is more mental illness in women? When I look at the homeless population, the majority are men (with mental health problems). Maybe women are more likely to seek out help?


Devellis, fascinating read! I studied this stuff in school and still find it so interesting. I like to think we're more the same than different but some days that's a hard sell [biggrin]


Gilliangirl, funny. I think we drive each other crazy sometime. And most of the time, gender has nothing to do with it.


BUT, it is similar to what my politically incorrect dad used to say about women drivers and accidents. He said men, statistically, are in more accidents because they are constantly attempting to avoid the lousy women drivers.

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If this is true, here's my theory....... women are mentally ill BECAUSE OF men! [biggrin] We all know that the more complex the device, the more vulnerable it is to problems. Hence, women's brains are sooooo advanced that they are more prone to problems. [flapper] (just kidding) Altho' I'm not sure if there is more mental illness in women? When I look at the homeless population, the majority are men (with mental health problems). Maybe women are more likely to seek out help?


Devellis, fascinating read! I studied this stuff in school and still find it so interesting. I like to think we're more the same than different but some days that's a hard sell [biggrin]

Complex?!?! You hit the nail on the head there! When it comes to studies, interesting is the only word that would be accurate, because I believe (quite surely) that science has yet to be able to explain how the female brain works.


Advanced? here again, science cannot give us an answer so this cannot be proven. BUT.. being that God made man first, surely he would have made improvements.


My theory: the incidence of mental illness in men and women are generally equal, but men suffer more. The reason being is that it is possible for a man to be ill and suffer, but it is not possible for a woman to suffer and not have the man suffer too.

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Gilliangirl, funny. I think we drive each other crazy sometime. And most of the time, gender has nothing to do with it.


BUT, it is similar to what my politically incorrect dad used to say about women drivers and accidents. He said men, statistically, are in more accidents because they are constantly attempting to avoid the lousy women drivers.

Or how about: we drive each other crazy BECAUSE of gender?

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