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Silenced Fred

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Damn you Nate! I thought this would be a New Amp Day.


Nah, I'm happy with my Sunn.


The only amp purchases I see in my future are an 18 watt Marshall with the two channels (use an ABY box for a channel changer) and a Fender Twin or something, but that's down the road

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there touring the states at the mo, i take it you wont be going then? [biggrin]


the only reason I would go to one of their shows would be to sabotage it or kill them [lol]


I wouldn't want to accidentally increase their popularity Michael Jackson style though so I'll let them be.

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My iPhones not letting me play that right now but if it's anything by BFMV no it does not appeal to me.


The only wah wah I wanna cut myself band that I like is Horse the Band. BFMV is ghey to the max.


over 12 million views, you opinion means less than a fleas eyebrow [flapper]

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I wonder how many views that "Friday" video has.. I think you see where I'm goin with this.


Horse the Band - Birdo



this song isn't about wanting to cut yourself. It's about birdo from old Mario games. Fuuuuuuuuck yessss.

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stevejoshlay. I didn't even know they were touring in the United States until I was given tickets to one of the shows at the UCF stadium when I was in Florida for a art show in early May probably the 9th or 10th. Don't remember for sure which day it was, I actually thought of you when I saw the tickets and saw the bands name.


We had four tickets at the UCF arena so it would of been tons of college kids, so nobody really wanted to go to see them, so we gave the tickets to one of the studio's stock kids that was about 18 and she had been helping with the set-up. She said it was a great show though if that helps any?

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