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I figure I'm not the only one who also draws or paints in this site so I was wanting to know if any of you would be willing to share or talk about your work. Everything is welcome, including books, animations, short films, pictures, paintings, ext. I don't care if it's just a doodle or a full blown wall painting, just want to see what you guy's and gal's are up to when your not jammin'.


Here's a link to my flickr.

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  • Replies 78
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Nice art Ooops......RetroSurfer is an amazing artist......


I'm an artist as well......In the interest of clarity, I am autistic as well as artistic.........I am retired because of my disabiities...


All I do now is Art, Music, Law, Study, and collab with others in these fields.....I have not worked in art since 2005.............


I will not work in art again until I finish some legal battles, which I will win.............


My art is in some very well known collections......That's all I'll say......


Being artistically inclined, for anyone, generally means having talent in several artistic areas............


Myself, I'm currently fighting to stay alive.......It is important for artists to leave art behind...............


A legacy.......................

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Nice art Ooops......RetroSurfer is an amazing artist......


I'm an artist as well......In the interest of clarity, I am autistic as well as artistic.........I am retired because of my disabiities...


All I do now is Art, Music, Law, Study, and collab with others in these fields.....I have not worked in art since 2005.............


I will not work in art again until I finish some legal battles, which I will win.............


My art is in some very well known collections......That's all I'll say......


Being artistically inclined, for anyone, generally means having talent in several artistic areas............


Myself, I'm currently fighting to stay alive.......It is important for artists to leave art behind...............


A legacy.......................


Well, once the legal battles are done I would love to see some of your stuff. Sorry about your situation, what ever it maybe. From what I've seen on the forum, you're a good person, and don't deserve this. But hard times seems to fall the hardest on the good guy.


Thanks for the kind words, I'll have to look up RetroSurfer's stuff!

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Well, once the legal battles are done I would love to see some of your stuff. Sorry about your situation, what ever it maybe. From what I've seen on the forum, you're a good person, and don't deserve this. But hard times seems to fall the hardest on the good guy.


Thanks for the kind words, I'll have to look up RetroSurfer's stuff!


As with anyone with artistic talent Oops, it is difficult to spend time on one's art if art is one's choice is to do art as a primary


source of income....Hence, so many artists and musicians who are phenominal have to spend so much effort and time and


income on their artistic pursuits.....It's a b*tch !!! Retrosurfer is one member who succeeded in buisness enough to be in a


position to where he is able to do all of his awesome art at his own pace and leisure....What also sets him apart is that his


many artistic talents are truly amazing........Thanks for your thoughts as well.............


I look forward to our other members who are artistically inclined as well.....


ie, Duane V is artistically inclined as well.....dem00n, etc etc......

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Here's an oil pastel thing I did in high school. It's supposed to be Bill Murray in the scene in The Life Aquatic where Steve Zissou (Bill Murray) steps outside on the boat and says "you caught me with one foot off the merry-go-round."



(sorry for the crappy pic. I'm not much of a photographer and the camera on my iPhone sucks)


The eyes aren't finished and there are some things that I would change about it but I'm just gonna leave it as it is. I also have some pottery and sculpturey stuff but I'm too lazy to get pictures of it right now.

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I do some audio stuff (non musical) that I could email you, and this summer I'll be writing, even though I won't be in the lounge I can email that. Dem00n is the only one so far on my list to send it to.

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Here are shots of some of my work:


My short spear







The medium is rattan, the designs are based on different Viking Age artifacts found in various archeological digs.



Here is my Dane axe... same as above:











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I also write.


Songs.... this was composed and posted as my 1000th post


The 1000th post




(A)The 1000th post was drawing nigh,

(A)He knew that it was do or die©

(G)to write some prose for all to see ©

(A)committed to posterity

(F)upon the forum (G) pages,by and by(A)


For AXE did throw the gauntlet down

with clever words of great renown

an Ode unto the forum folks

Who jam guitars and laugh and joke

and always make our faces smile or frown


'twas years ago the lyrics flow

that issued forth somewhere below

had long since, untapped remained

no verse, no chorus or refrain

no guarantee that he could make it go


But as it always had before

the words came forth, but something more

inspired by the forum's sight he

had of Les Pauls, cool and mighty

the inner muse oozed rock from every pore



Listening to the inner band

Trusty Les Paul in his hand

he cranked his amp up to "11"

to get that tone that comes from heaven

And the jam sang out across this mighty land


So here's to you, my inspiration

(and sometime's cause for my sedation)

please tell your tales and post your pics

it makes me jam to get my fix

This ode to you: "Long Live the Gibson Nation!"






And this was the encore requested by DaveinSpain (true longtimers here will recognize these as actual Forum questions :D )


The Endless Well



Is my truss rod cover right?

Should my frets be black as night?

I think my "A" string's wound to tight...

I pray thee Forum, please do tell,

thy knowledge is an endless well!


My R7 is "burstedgold"...

A rarity, or so I'm told...

should the edges of my frets be rolled?

I pray thee forum, please do tell

thy knowledge is an endless well!


Three Truss Rod Screws, The "Gibson" angle,

or "should my TOM's left side just dangle?"

"What's R7? R8? R9?"

Will lemon oil do just fine?

Will nitro fade by light of moon?

why won't my G-string staaaayyy iiiiinnnnn TUUUUUUUUNNNNNEEEEE?????


Which is best, Les Pauls or Squiers?

Should my stop bar be raised higher?

Will my top darken if set on fire?

I pray the forum, please do tell

thy knowledge is an endless well!



I also write stories.


This work won a competition and was published:





The Cat Lady




The Cat Lady had always lived at the end of Swamp Road, even long after the swamp had dried up and the surrounding land turned into dense forest. The hunched figure of the ancient woman could most often be seen feeding the multitude of cats that always seemed to hang around the ramshackle hut she called home. They could be seen prancing along her fence, scampering here and there and raising a cacophony of plaintive feline voices that seemed to forever beckon and call for her attention. She was considered a midwife of sorts to some of the villagers, a crackpot to others. Even so, every winter when the cold and damp set in, the elderly in the village would make sure to see the Cat Lady for a poultice to ease their pains. Every spring one or two of the younger ones would muster the courage to show up, usually after dark so they wouldn't be seen, hoping to get a potion that might make the object of their affection turn longing eyes in their direction.


She was only happy to help the villagers when they called, so long as they maintained a pleasant enough demeanor and showed some manners. Most of the older folks from the village had grown to respect and appreciate her with what almost seemed a reverence. But the young ones were different, all sass and attitude. At once all greed for the wants of their young hearts and disdain for the ancient and decrepit vehicle they must use to satisfy their needs. Some would even dare to welsh on the meager payment she asked in return for her elixirs. Not that she ever asked for much, mind you, some simple sewing or baking for the young women, and no more than a chord of firewood or a rabbit or squirrel from their traps for the men. She found it maddeningly insulting to be refused even this simple return of the kindness she showed them. Perhaps they needed a lesson in humility, to be taken down just a bit.


"Come inside" she would always say. "I have the final reagent for your love potion." Oh, they would always ask why it had never been mentioned before, and there would always be hesitation. But the lure of the heart would be too strong and in they would come.


"Drink this all, and eat this cake. 'Twill make you irresistible when your lover draws near." She would entice them, and they would always comply. Then the gasping and the choking would begin as their bodies contorted and shrank. They always looked so surprised, as if they were the only souls capable of deceit. In the end, they always darted out a door or window, running off into the night as if they could somehow escape their fate if they ran far enough. But they always came back, to hang around her ramshackle hut, scampering here and there, raising their feline cacophony as she fed them.




And I have posted this one on here before on Halloween...






He had the greenest lawn in town. Even now, on Halloween, when all the others had long since gone over to the tan-yellow of autumn, his was a luxuriant, vivid green. It took a great amount of care and a precise regimen to maintain this precise shade of green. He had spent years working on his lawn to achieve this precise effect. Across the front, turn left, down the side, left again… always counterclockwise, stripe by stripe. His little red Snapper mower with the U-shaped white handlebars chugging around, the same as it had when he bought it brand new out of the front display window from the local Western Auto. Halloween? What was it that guy on the radio had called it? Beggar-ween, that's it. Sorry excuse for begging, and a sad lesson to teach our future leaders… and with the disappearances over the years, it was hard to imagine parents letting their younglings out for the annual event. Trick or treat, indeed! The trick, as far as he was concerned, was to keep the little beggars off his lawn, with their foot-balls and base-balls and infernal flying disks. The treat was… well… he had other things to tend to at the moment.



He finished up his lawn, making sure to place the Snapper precisely 18" from either wall in his storage shed, and began to set out his final Halloween trappings. On the old oak tree by the entrance to the drive, precisely 8 and one half inches beside where he placed the flattened witch that looked like she had absent mindedly flown into the tree on her broom, and at precisely 3 and one half feet from where the roots met the ground, he placed the sign he had made clearly stating in blood dripping letters "Spook House This Way". He wanted to attract a certain clientele, and that height provided the perfect viewpoint for them. He placed foam board tombstones at precisely 7 foot intervals along both sides of the driveway, each turned at the precise angle to allow the best viewing of the epitaphs. "Here lies Riley Pratt, A falling safe squashed him flat"; "Here lies Lester Moore, shot to death with a .44, Sheriff found him on the floor, no Les no more". They were really just a little something to slow down the procession… and to heighten the effect and feelings. He wanted them to be hooked on that adrenalin rush brought on by fear and excitement. It made it so much easier later. He placed small paper bags with candles along the walkway, alternating black and orange, with jack-o-lanterns on the black ones and black cats on the orange, all set precisely 18 inches apart to provide the precise viewing angle to maximize the effect of the candlelight… and draw attention to the porch. The entire front porch he lined with those electric jack-o-lanterns you could buy at Wal-Mart for a precise sum of $2.97. Their faces alternating between comical grins and woeful moans, he placed them precisely 6 and one half inches apart to make it easier to hide their cords as he ran them to the plug bar hidden behind the "Actual Life Size" bubbling cauldron he set precisely 5 inches to the right of his front door. It was always a big hit, and provided the precise amount of distraction. Oh yes, ask anyone in town and they will tell you that crazy old man at the old house on Elm street did Halloween up right. You catch more flies with honey, it's said.




He hurried inside, stopping to make certain the comical ghost doormat with the little cartoon bubble saying "Boo!" was precisely straight and covered up the cuts in the concrete just in front of the door. Couldn't have the little beggars stumbling across anything they had no business knowing about. He went straight through the house to the small garage he had decorated as a haunted house. The two small windows in his doors had cheese cloth ghosts rising eerily out of them. Made with balloons and a precise amount of starch, they had been positioned at the precise angle to not only seem as if they were not connected to anything at all, but to block anyone who might want to peek inside. Dime store cobwebs stretched at precise angles to reflect the recessed blue lighting that flickered on and off. When coupled with the sound of canned thunder, the effect was quite like a small thunderstorm had erupted in the backyard. But the walkout door was the real piece d'resistance. Fake blood was splattered in precise streaks across the door and bloody handprints walked from the glass to the knob as if some poor tortured soul had blindly searched for the way to the salvation within. This was always the exciting part for whoever the "Lucky" little beggar was who got to see the "Spook House". The excitement built by all the trappings of this most horrible of holidays culminating in finding out that there was, in fact, more to see out back, sometimes he had to physically keep them from running ahead and bursting in! Opening the door, he went inside and visually checked his "trick" to make sure all was prepared. The sledgehammer behind the door created a precise 20 degree angle to the wall, the shadow forming a precise right triangle as it ran from the handle, down the wall, and across the floor to connect again with the head. They never saw it coming, you know. Always too fascinated by the bloody meat grinder and various bone saws arranged in surgically precise order on the work bench. The dried blood looked so real. And, of course, the 50lb. bag of lime… when used in precise amounts it helps keep the smell down.



Having ascertained that all was well in the "Spook House", he went back inside the house and made his way to the front room. He checked the small console mounted by the front door; pressed the yellow test button and watched as the little red numbers on the small digital readout appeared, counted backwards from 10 to 0, then winked out again. He pressed the tiny little button labeled "0 scl" and watched as the numbers appeared again, this time alternating between 1,0 and -1, until finally settling on 0 and vanishing again. The few folks who had been allowed into his home and saw this little device assumed it was an alarm console. With crime the way it is these days, no one could be too careful. He chuckled as he thought of the day he installed it… how he carefully patched the drywall to hide the holes he drilled to run the wiring… how he almost got stuck as he navigated the crawlspace beneath his porch and having to fight back giddy girlish giggles at the thought of being stuck down there… or having to be rescued. He slipped the switch to the "on" position and opened his front door. He gently stepped onto the "Boo" doormat and watched the little red numbers jump from 0 to 10… then 13… 15 as he pressed more firmly. Yes, that would do nicely. He would need the scale to be perfectly calibrated before the little beggars started showing up for their hand outs.


Precise calculations required precise numbers… and precisely 113 pounds… when stripped of the costume, candy and such, then de-boned and mixed with a precise amount of lime, dispensed in precise measurements over a precise schedule… would keep one's lawn a perfectly precise shade of green well into the autumn.





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Just Saw this post and its a great idea. First it sound like I owe a real thank you to Damian for his nice comments about my art. I'm not real sure I'm an Amazing artist but its paying the bills. I'm still stuck in an exclusive studio contract where everything I make goes throgh my agent and is sold in four fine art studios. However that my all change in August I might try direct sales through a web site and try to do direct sales without paying all the middle men.


Some great looking work and some really talented people in here.


As many know = I do art full time but I cant seem to settle on one type of art so here some of the different things im working on this week


Oil painting - not my favorite medium really but when people want a commission painted Ill do it. This is for a elephant lover with a safari room it a birthday present and the birthday is June 14 so gotta finish this weekend needs a eye and some white highlight to age the skin. This thing has taken me a lot longer than expected because of size It's a 3' x 5' canvas so pretty much life size I guess.




Main stuff I work on is jewelry so here's a few pieces.

Here's a hard dteel wire and river rock bracelet from a basic nature line that is selling very well.



These are my newest line a industrial bead line made on my new taig lathe and mill made ou of copper, Stainless, bronze and Titanium.



The next to our bronze casting from bird skulls a peregine falcon skull and a small raven skull on leather neck pieces.






A glass bead with two dimensional sculpture done on the bead. This is all torck work so hand formed with flass inside a flame.





Just a Leather tri-fold wallet I couldn't find one I like =d so I carved and painted a LP in the leather and it came out bretty good.



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I do a little bit of everything so if there a type of art you love chances are I do it. At the current time some of my most common art methods and formats include


[*]*]Oil Paint

[*]Water Color

[*]Graffiti style murals

[*]Jewelry including - silversmithing, goldsmithing. casting. chain-making, stonecutting, stone setting, engraving, mokume, steel working, damascus steel and traditional fabrication.

[*]Hot Shop Glass Work

[*]Flamework for soft and boro glass

[*]Stained Glass working


[*]Letterpress and lithographic printing

[*]Wood carving

[*]Leather working and sewing

[*]Quilting and woven mixed media (mostly old rock t-shirt)


[*]Anima/Comic graphic design adn printing

[*]Line drawing and colorwork for graphic design and comics.


My Bench





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These are my newest line a industrial bead line made on my new taig lathe and mill made ou of copper, Stainless, bronze and Titanium.



The next to our bronze casting from bird skulls a peregine falcon skull and a small raven skull on leather neck pieces.








These are so cool! I really like the beads, those are cool as hell, and the skull looks awesome.


Man, you have some serious talent

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