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Thinking about selling the B.C. Rich Stealth...


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First off, i know what your thinking. Omg its a metal guitar, they are all horrible and should be thrown out. Thats not true, and your wrong.


It truly is a good guitar, and i can get great tones out of high distortion but thats it. It has one pickpup and it doesn'nt sound that good with cleans or overdrive, even fuzz. I use to play it a lot but now adays it might get played once a week if its lucky. It's my lessed played guitar. It has a few dings but if i sell it, i would go around $850-800 to sell it since they go for 1k new. I feel bad owning it, someone else should own it, have fun with it and play power chrods all day. It's to much of a one way guitar

So what do you guys think i should do?


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If I had the dough I'd offer you $850 for it even, and pay shipping costs.


Unfortunately, I really can't afford it right now. It's a sweet guitar for what it does, though and I'm sure you'll find a buyer for it if you do a local posting or an eBay posting or something.


Don't try to do a trade-in or sell it to a store, you'll most likely get ripped off.

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Guest farnsbarns

First off, i know what your thinking. Omg its a metal guitar, they are all horrible and should be thrown out. Thats not true, and your wrong.


It truly is a good guitar, and i can get great tones out of high distortion but thats it. It has one pickpup and it doesn'nt sound that good with cleans or overdrive, even fuzz. I use to play it a lot but now adays it might get played once a week if its lucky. It's my lessed played guitar. It has a few dings but if i sell it, i would go around $850-800 to sell it since they go for 1k new. I feel bad owning it, someone else should own it, have fun with it and play power chrods all day. It's to much of a one way guitar

So what do you guys think i should do?



I think you might be aiming high. I'd pay 150 more and have a new one. Well, I wouldn't coz, you know, I hate it but I suspect that most of your market would.

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If I had the dough I'd offer you $850 for it even, and pay shipping costs.


Unfortunately, I really can't afford it right now. It's a sweet guitar for what it does, though and I'm sure you'll find a buyer for it if you do a local posting or an eBay posting or something.


Don't try to do a trade-in or sell it to a store, you'll most likely get ripped off.

You never sell a guitar in a store, unless you need the money that day.

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I think you might be aiming high. I'd pay 150 more and have a new one. Well, I wouldn't coz, you know, I hate it but I suspect that most of your market would.

Mabye $750, ill offer free strings of course. You be suprised how that can seal a deal. [lol]

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Guest farnsbarns

Mabye $750, ill offer free strings of course. You be suprised how that can seal a deal. [lol]


Will it be pre-tuned?

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Guest farnsbarns

Well if they want the headstock to break off durning shipping, sure.


Ah, pre-tuned and pre-disastered. Nice!

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Always a hard choice especially on a guitar that only does one thing well, it depends on if that one thing is enough to keep it and if your gonna regret it later. I have a ton of guitars but I stay away from B.C. Rich, Ibanez, Schecter and most of the perceived metal guitars (except Kramers and Hamers) for exactly that reason there a blast and fun to play for a few minutes but they just don't have the sound I'm wanting most of the time.


I guess if you think you might really regret then it don't sell it. If your not worried and know you can replace it if needed and you want something else than maybe it's time to set it free.

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Is there a market out there for those metal guitars? Not being rude, just asking. When I sold my Carvin DC 127 in 2002 (Floyd Rose, reverse headstock, and an emerald green finish) I took it on the chin because it looked like something Kirk Hammett would play. Someone got a really nice player for next to nothing.

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Is there a market out there for those metal guitars? Not being rude, just asking. When I sold my Carvin DC 127 in 2002 (Floyd Rose, reverse headstock, and an emerald green finish) I took it on the chin because it looked like something Kirk Hammett would play. Someone got a really nice player for next to nothing.

Yeah there is a market, why else would they sell at crazy to 13 year old metalcore kids?

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I don't know about your particular guitar but I personally wouldn't pay much more than 2/3 the cheapest online seller's new price for any current model. That's for USA or Jap made guits. For a MIC, I would pay a little over 1/2 the cheapest new price. A good, but crude, guide to used value is eBay completed listings but you also have to factor in losses for fees, listing and paypal. For example I recently sold an Epi LP Studio Deluxe but via this forum. It was a 2010 model and was absolutely mint. It had aftermarket chrome 490R/490T pups, the original pups thrown in and I had receipts to prove authenticity. Cheapest new prices are £260 (guit) and £130 (pups). I advertised it for £200 because I thought this was a fair price that accurately reflected going rate used prices. Going through this forum I got to avoid eBay fees, and the buyer got a mint guitar of guaranteed authenticity that he could come over and try first without any worry about being outbid. We were both winners but I did have to recognize that, as with cars, you take a hit on anything that's very recently come off the forecourt that isn't a prestige make.


If you're selling a Gibby you could well break even if you've had it for a few years because a) they are the current 'in demand' brand and B) they've gone up quite a bit in their new prices over recent years. For example, I bought my SG faded for £425 new 4 years ago, although it was a very good deal. Now they cost £625 new and go for about £425 used. As such, I've not lost any money at all. The other anomoly surrounds guitars that have an 'air' of vintage and some significant hype, such as MIJ shredders from the '80s. The Charvel model series, in particular, seem to go for £400-500 at the moment because of the online hype going on. I personally wouldn't pay this amount for a guitar that might need some TLC/luthier work to get it up and running when I could buy a brand new MIJ Charvel promod for just over £600.


So, unless you have an 'currntly in demand' prestige make that is a few years old or you have an old guitar that is currently being hyped up beyond its true worth then you may need to be prepared to take a hit.



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