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Change in landscape

Guest Farnsbarns

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I've left this thread untouched for a while, but I'd like to note. A really great thread does pop up ever now and again, look at the phrasing one we have going now! It's a great thread!


I don't expect every thread to be extremely constructive. I enjoy the ones that are, and try my best to ignore the ones I think aren't. This forum is a group of smart guys, no one omitted!


That being said I'm inclined to agree with the OP, in no angry or spiteful way, just a casual observation.


I still love you guys [flapper]

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I can say from my perspective that it gets to be a bummer spending hours working on a thread and trying to have a thought provoking topic even about guitar subjects and only have 2 or 3 people actually participate and maybe a few people pop in with a wise crack... I worked my butt off on the Theory thread and you see how that went.... Topic on the components of tone ( insert crickets chirping here).... and so on.... [wink]





Look, those were well thought out threads.

I'm sure they've been done before in my three years on the forum.

Theory is always controversial. I've seen it become an epic fail in no time.

The components of tone have also been discussed. Everything from the electrical engineering of the amp, down to the wood of the guitar and the soul of man have been offered as rightful components of tone.

They're always great threads to participate in.

I remember posting a poll discussing some of the greatest guitar duos of all time.

That's my two cents.

We're all good.

You watch, something will bubble up soon.

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You have all different age groups trying to mingle together.... What would one expect???


I certainly don't expect 14 to 25 year old people to get where I'm coming from...LOL [biggrin] .... I thought my parents were nuts when they were in thier 40's, so I'm not offended if some young person thinks I'm nuts [biggrin]


I can speak from my own epxperience when I was in my teens, that I wouldnt had been caught dead conversing about guitars / gear with a 40 year old dude [blink].... I for sure never jammed with someone that old either [laugh]

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I can speak from my own epxperience when I was in my teens, that I wouldnt had been caught dead conversing about guitars / gear with a 40 year old dude [blink].... I for sure never jammed with someone that old either [laugh]


Wow. I was glad to have someone older to talk and play guitar with when I was starting. Learned a lot.

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Wow. I was glad to have someone older to talk and play guitar with when I was starting. Learned a lot.


Probably could have benefited from that (who knows), but we werent in to hangin out with older folks back in our teens or early 20's [biggrin]

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I think when you and I were in those teens and guitar startups, we were in an era when there was more of an inclination in music to have more of an interface with older musicians.


As in, I was in absolute awe of Mother Maybelle and almost levitating when I met her... Johnny Cash at the same backstage get-together, not as big a deal as Maybelle... and guys my age who were better pickers? Well, they were just better pickers but I could _learn_ from the old folks.


At least, that's how a lotta the folkies I was around tended to think.


Now? I think that's changed a bit, but perhaps because of the way the younger set has adopted different general means of communication with tech available to them - and older folks use somewhat different means. That may be the bigger diff.


But I saw a lotta that as with Duane V's age group, too. It's as if... the older generation venerated by the original rocker/blues guys, US and UK, were no longer looked at, but instead the other newer pop groups only.


I may be wrong, but that's kinda how it hits me.



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Look, those were well thought out threads.

I'm sure they've been done before in my three years on the forum.

Theory is always controversial. I've seen it become an epic fail in no time.

The components of tone have also been discussed. Everything from the electrical engineering of the amp, down to the wood of the guitar and the soul of man have been offered as rightful components of tone.

They're always great threads to participate in.

I remember posting a poll discussing some of the greatest guitar duos of all time.

That's my two cents.

We're all good.

You watch, something will bubble up soon.


But they weren't done by me! [flapper]

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If I'm not going three directions at a time - which sometimes happens to me - I do read threads you start. Sometimes I have a comment, sometimes I don't. I do definitely appreciate them.



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You have all different age groups trying to mingle together.... What would one expect??

I can speak from my own epxperience when I was in my teens, that I wouldnt had been caught dead conversing about guitars / gear with a 40 year old dude [blink].... I for sure never jammed with someone that old either [laugh]


LOL I think the Mark Twian had it right with how you view older people such as parents LOL


"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years."



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I think when you and I were in those teens and guitar startups, we were in an era when there was more of an inclination in music to have more of an interface with older musicians.


As in, I was in absolute awe of Mother Maybelle and almost levitating when I met her... Johnny Cash at the same backstage get-together, not as big a deal as Maybelle... and guys my age who were better pickers? Well, they were just better pickers but I could _learn_ from the old folks.


At least, that's how a lotta the folkies I was around tended to think.


Now? I think that's changed a bit, but perhaps because of the way the younger set has adopted different general means of communication with tech available to them - and older folks use somewhat different means. That may be the bigger diff.


But I saw a lotta that as with Duane V's age group, too. It's as if... the older generation venerated by the original rocker/blues guys, US and UK, were no longer looked at, but instead the other newer pop groups only.


I may be wrong, but that's kinda how it hits me.





I think Milod has really hit on something here. I know when I was in my early teens (early 70s) and just starting to move from the drums to guitar, I was always watching the older musicians and asking questions. "How did you play that bit there?" and "What chord progression leads to the bridge?"


But today the kids have google and youtube for any advise and info on songs and playing.


They even got all the lyrics if ya need em..........shoot!


Who remembers picking up the stereo needle and going over and over a section just to get one line of a song right.eusa_wall.gif



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Yeah, I've done my share of that.

Wore out many cassette tapes too.


Yep tore up a ton of record players, records, cassettes and players and burned up some CD Players too!!! Could you imagine having the stuff that is available now back then???? Although if I did I probably wouldn't have developed my ear as well as I have.



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Yep tore up a ton of record players, records, cassettes and players and burned up some CD Players too!!! Could you imagine having the stuff that is available now back then???? Although if I did I probably wouldn't have developed my ear as well as I have.




Probably Andy, probably.

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Guest farnsbarns

Lets not forget about the "I'm leaving the forum because this happened and that happened".


Just leave already, if your important we might notice your gone.


Well, yes, I did say that once, it was a misunderstanding and after I received an apology and explanation of what seemed to have happened from Jason in CS I too apologised for any part I may have played in the misunderstanding and it was forgotten.


You can want me to leave al you like, doesn't bother me.

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Guest farnsbarns

Not talking about you, thats twice you mentioned leaving.... lol


OK, sorry, there's another misunderstanding, you did quote me?

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Guest farnsbarns

Yeah since the thread was so long I was commenting on the exact feeling you had. There is a thread right now about what guitar to get and the person lives in a camper. Save the cash and get a real home or apartment first. Like it has been already mentioned this is subjective, like the amps thread and its funny some people double talk. My suggestion on those threads is get off your butt and go to a store and try a few guitars, amps, sodas whatever. It is very true what I like may not be what you like or what another might like, go test drive the item and a majority of them never follow through so its a waste of space also.


So Farnsbarns my comment was not directed towards you about leaving. Its all good mate...


Oh it was always all good. I can see exactly what you mean now. No worries.

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As much as I hate to admit, it was better when Homz was here. At least his posts made people think. You can only do so much with a completely vanilla format. The forum needs to stay out of the gutter, but I miss the political and religious debates

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