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Rare Footage: Hendrix playing through Fender Stacks in Concert


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I just took a closer look at the video and the Strat that Jimi is playing has a Tele neck-the headstock is a dead giveaway.Apparently Jimi was never too impressed when Buddy Miles would go into extended bouts of his warbling but mostly kept it to himself.

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He probly just liked that neck but I bet a tele sucks to play upside down so he put it on a strat body.


Not to be a negative nancy, but that perfomance didn't do much for me. Obviously the sound quality wasn't very good but I thought the material itself was kinda pointless and lame.

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Yeah, looks to be 3 Dual Showman amps, and 6 twin 15 cabinets, stacked horizontally.

Not sure, why they did that, and didn't just run them vertical, side by side...unless it was

due to stage limitations??? ;>b But, it seems like it would have been about the same,

area wise??? Who knows? Bass, seems to be 2 (of the same rig) stacks. Interesting...

As to the performance...it (often, in those days) was a "you had to be there," kind of

thing. ;>) A tiny video, on YouTube, with (in this case) less than optimum sound, does

nothing (good), for it. But, I'll bet "live," in person, it was a lot more interesting!



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I would have to seriously be trippin balls to enjoy that. I don't like that kind of aimless guitar wankery mixed with annoying bluesy yelling or whatever haha. That's just not music to me.


I'd much rather have a simple song with like 3 chords that has an actual melody and direction. But maybe that just wasn't the "highlight" of the performance.. I dunno..


I like Jimi and I'm open minded but that was bad IMO.

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I would have to seriously be trippin balls to enjoy that. I don't like that kind of aimless guitar wankery mixed with annoying bluesy yelling or whatever haha. That's just not music to me.


I'd much rather have a simple song with like 3 chords that has an actual melody and direction. But maybe that just wasn't the "highlight" of the performance.. I dunno..


I like Jimi and I'm open minded but that was bad IMO.



LOL...Dub, it WAS "The 60's," after all. That kind of mindless, self-indulgent playing

was commonplace, back then. Cream did it, Hendrix, and LOTS of other bands, too. I have

the same reaction, to it, nowadays, as you do. And, that goes for long solos, in any form...

or instrument...Rock, or Jazz.



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To be fair, if I was there and I hadn't really heard that type of guitar playing before, I would probably think it was awesome. But as it is, I'm so sick of that type of playing.. I don't think it's expressive, musical, enjoyable, cool.. or anything good really haha.


I think Hendrix has a lot of great songs and great solos, but that totally pointless wanking is so boring and stupid to me.. It pretty much embodies everything I hate about electric guitar (Jack Johnson embodies everything I hate about acoustic). And those vocals... Ugh.. Not my cup of tea haha


so I'm not just trying to rag on Hendrix. That's just a side of Hendrix that I really can't stand. I think it's his least productive and inspirational side, but it seems to be the side of him that most guitarists pick up on.

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LOL....I recently heard a recording of one of our last "jams/(bar) gigs," and

one thing I picked up on, right away, was that "I" need to slow down, and stop playing

so damn many notes. It was kind of embarrassing, for me, really. I didn't think I played

that way, still...but, obviously I still do, sometimes, anyway. Adrenaline...maybe?! But,

I continue to make a conscious effort, to cut back, to a more "less is more," approach.

Apparently I still have some left over "bad habits," and they come back to bite me, every

now and then. [blush]



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To be fair, if I was there and I hadn't really heard that type of guitar playing before, I would probably think it was awesome. But as it is, I'm so sick of that type of playing.


Dub, you almost have me quoted when I'm talking about Van Halen.

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I guess to each his own on great guitar playing. I can really say the same with the current trend on guitar playing as "non expressive, musical, enjoyable, cool.. or anything good". All I hear are just trying to play as fast you can. I think this style of playing started with Yngwie back in the 80s and nothing really new progressed from that since then, got pretty sterile IMHO. To me listening to the likes of Clapton, Beck, and Hendrix with their long improvised, progressive jams were much more inspirational, similar to listening to the likes of John Coltrane, Miles Davis, and Charlie Parker when they were playing improvised, progressive long jams in Jazz (bebop) during the 40s. Yes, the long jams had roots from those jazz players from the 40s.


Yes, I guess to each his own.

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Well, most need to be taken in the context of the time(s), and

what was/is deemed acceptable, even admirable. I've never seen

Beck (for just one example), do long drawn out, soloing. And,

I've seen him, several times, in his different eras. EC plays

some extended solos, but they're more in the spirit, of the

total band "groove," if you like...even if he does a lot, to

create that "groove." And, I think, in his case...as in the

case of some other's...it may be audience expectations, too.


I guess, what I tire of, is soloing, just for soloing's sake, and with

no real context, beyond showing off one's prowess, or "chops."

One song/number, to do that is fine...a whole evening, or concert,

is...well, boring...IMHO. But, it's all just opinion, anyway.




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