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And then I fell in love...


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Hi, don't post here very often, but today was a big day for me...


I wandered into my local guitar store (just browsing, you understand) and I just happened to glance at a guitar hanging up in the acoustic section, a guitar I'd always admired from afar, but never actually seen in the flesh (as it were). So I then took it down and decided to try it out... Boy oh boy:




It might just have been the most beautiful guitar I'd ever played and I may have left the store with it in my possession! Don't regret it though!

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Hi, don't post here very often, but today was a big day for me...


I wandered into my local guitar store (just browsing, you understand) and I just happened to glance at a guitar hanging up in the acoustic section, a guitar I'd always admired from afar, but never actually seen in the flesh (as it were). So I then took it down and decided to try it out... Boy oh boy:




It might just have been the most beautiful guitar I'd ever played and I may have left the store with it in my possession! Don't regret it though!




Congratz.... it's a little pic...but you gotta LOVE the SJ's, eh?

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Huge congrats! The SJ200 is called The King Of The Flat-Tops for good reason! I used one as my main stage guitar for seven years, they're unbeatable for just about everything...don't let anyone tell you that SJs don't fingerpick well either, it's a myth!


I only parted with mine because of a recurring shoulder tendon problem which made an SJ uncomfortable to play for long periods of time. I still have the Epiphone equivalent in my stable (the latest incarnation with solid top and bone everything as stock, surprisingly great guitar and I was GIVEN mine-it doesn't get much cheaper!), but I traded my SJ200 for an AJ. The AJ is brilliant but completely different to the SJ-nothing can replicate that big, wide-open tone with that subtle midrange that sounds like the human voice.


GREAT choice :-)

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Huge congrats! The SJ200 is called The King Of The Flat-Tops for good reason! I used one as my main stage guitar for seven years, they're unbeatable for just about everything...don't let anyone tell you that SJs don't fingerpick well either, it's a myth!


I only parted with mine because of a recurring shoulder tendon problem which made an SJ uncomfortable to play for long periods of time. I still have the Epiphone equivalent in my stable (the latest incarnation with solid top and bone everything as stock, surprisingly great guitar and I was GIVEN mine-it doesn't get much cheaper!), but I traded my SJ200 for an AJ. The AJ is brilliant but completely different to the SJ-nothing can replicate that big, wide-open tone with that subtle midrange that sounds like the human voice.


GREAT choice :-)


Thanks for the comments guys - I did play an Epiphone equivalent once and was pleasantly surprised how decent it actually was. Like I said, I've been coveting a J200 for many years, but being a UK resident, Gibson dealers are not ten a penny and I've found eBay to be quite scarce of late. Thank goodness for this one then - it seriously blew me away, I knew I had to have it. Will think about my bank balance later...

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Thanks for the comments guys - I did play an Epiphone equivalent once and was pleasantly surprised how decent it actually was. Like I said, I've been coveting a J200 for many years, but being a UK resident, Gibson dealers are not ten a penny and I've found eBay to be quite scarce of late. Thank goodness for this one then - it seriously blew me away, I knew I had to have it. Will think about my bank balance later...


You can't let your dream guitar go by! Good move to pick it up. Bank balances can be addressed later, but someone else walking out with the guitar that fate intended for you can't be...


Whereabouts are you in the UK? I'm in the UK too, based in West Dorset. If you're ever down this way, be sure to stop by Absolute Music Solutions in Poole-they've always got great stocks of Gibsons in (usually AJ, J45, J50, SJ200, Dove, Hummingbird, J185, J165 and a few custom shoppers or oddities in such as a Maui Wowie, a '60s reissue Southern Jumbo with slope shoulders, batwing guard and adj. Bridge (did such a thing ever originally exist) and a few more. Tons of Gibson electrics, too). They're usually fairly helpful, but it's a big shop that is a touch understaffed so there's usually a wait for customer service. Price-wise they're not massively keenly priced at the top end, but things in the J45/AJ price bracket are usually dead-on.


The Guitar Store in Southampton is good too (I bought my Blues King from them, they gave me a very good deal on a Hummingbird in PX), they usually have some lovely examples in there (I went in last month and they has a Robert Johnson L1, a J185, an AJ, J45 Custom, J50, SJ200, Hummingbird and a few others, all exceptionally well kept, and a couple of vintage boxes too), but again the top end guitars are a bit overpriced and the run-of-the-mill stuff is keenly priced...bizarre.

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AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! That is five star maple porn!!! What a gorgeous axe!!! It;s one of my "one of these days" guitars for sure!! My 165 has that awesome maple look as well, I love it. Right now it's my favorite (this shall change, they all come into rotation!!)


Congrats, man, she's a beauty!!!




Marla Maple at rest....

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She's a beauty for sure and i know what you mean about them being few and far between in the U.K., i had to take a chance on mine and have it made up for me and shipped across (5 months) but it all worked out nicely and it still makes me smile like i've only just recieved it!

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She's a beauty for sure and i know what you mean about them being few and far between in the U.K., i had to take a chance on mine and have it made up for me and shipped across (5 months) but it all worked out nicely and it still makes me smile like i've only just recieved it!


Yes, being a UK resident, any Gibson I see seems to be some kind of holy relic! Especially the 'King of the Flat Tops'! Still well and truly in the 'honeymoon period'!

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