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Ferrari pile up


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Wow, expensive crash. I remember watching a show on Tru TV and one of those snippets had a driving course with some real expensive cars. The Ferrari ran over a few traffic cones and fell into a huge hole. It was the normal Ferrari river in his 60's with a 20 something girl friend, damn I would love to be that guy..... except for the crash.



so I guess he failed the driving course... next time do it on a dry course...

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Man, what a ridiculous comment. That's like someone saying "I'm glad a bunch of vintage LPs got smashed." What do you have against Ferraris? Not all the owners are d-bags.


That's about the same way I took it.... being happy because another suffers a loss is bad karma. [scared]

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That even made the national news here in the UK. They must have been going at a hell-of-a-lick for so many cars to be involved. Drivers with more money than sense, perhaps, but I hate to see so many fine cars destroyed.


Aw, c'mon! Who amongst us hasn't thrown a sports car off onto the 'kitty-litter' on a race-track? I know I have........


What I find surprising is that from the in-car footage the marshall bounces off the hood of the F-50 to the left, but in the static footage he bounces off to the right. Did anyone hear a shout of "Take Two!" ?...........*


As Dave suggested; when driving on a wet surface one should adopt a more cautious approach. He'll know better next time.





* Someone in continuity should get their knuckles rapped for reversing the second view!

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