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Wayne Henderson Guitars


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JT , hmmm that happens quite alot with the individual luthiers .

I was checking out Kim Walkers page and he says 7 or 8 years are needed to start a guitar on the list .







Indeed. I've got 3 of Kim walker's gutars, all of which were, imho, worth the wait,.


As for Wayne, here's a pic I took of him playing one of my Kim Walker guitars:




Wayne is of a different breed. You need to cajole him into building your guitar. You can read about this in the book, "Clapton's Guitar." I really don't have it in me to keep reminding him and asking about my guitar, so it's never going to be built.




I think I've answered your question. He agreed to build me a Nick Lucas. But, I'm just not up to his 'process." He's a sweet guy and those who befriend him and send him constant reminders and small gifts rise to the top of the list.

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I have an order in with Wayne for a copy of a Century of Progress.


Going on year 4 of my wait.




That is quite interesting! Just curious how much money is required 'up front' to be a serious contendor on 'the list'?

Maybe its time to send him a 'small gift'....

Have you been given any time estimate or a clue as to how many people are in line before your name is called? I assume that you meet with him to discuss the build before your name gets on the list? He agrees and you put down some 'earnest money'...?

I am really curious, as I have no clue how a transaction like this goes down.

I assume the serious drop of money comes when he starts the build with the balance due on completion?

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Indeed. I've got 3 of Kim walker's gutars, all of which were, imho, worth the wait,.


As for Wayne, here's a pic I took of him playing one of my Kim Walker guitars:




Wayne is of a different breed. You need to cajole him into building your guitar. You can read about this in the book, "Clapton's Guitar." I really don't have it in me to keep reminding him and asking about my guitar, so it's never going to be built.




I think I've answered your question. He agreed to build me a Nick Lucas. But, I'm just not up to his 'process." He's a sweet guy and those who befriend him and send him constant reminders and small gifts rise to the top of the list.

Hey John Thomas. What a great character photo of Wayne... [thumbup] Absolutely superb 'capture'. Thanks for that and the mention of the book. I definitely want to read that one.


Reading your lines and also in between them...it speaks volumes for the spirit and character of Wayne Henderson. I come away with the feeling ,that those fortunate enough to befriend and cajole him, may..... come away with a guitar that "money alone" just can't buy.

That is special indeed [thumbup]

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Yes - the book about WH - Clapton's Guitar - is a great read.


To be on the list is some kind of blessing that you may wait for 10 years for a decision etc....


Unfortunately for JT, WH may not build him a guitar because he has too many nice ones already!


Good luck all.





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True that! Might save the build for someone more 'needy' like me...... [laugh][lol]



After reading a bit about him, I think he might make you a guitar , Rod..... if you gave him your Gibson SJ and CF?



The only other way is to enter the picking contest he runs - the winner gets a WH guitar every year.....




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Wayne is a really good guy and a great builder and picker. I met Wayne when he came up north to do a gig at a book signing party hosted by my friend Allen St. John, who wrote "Clapton's Guitar." Wayne offered to make me a guitar.


I can't recommend Allen's book highly enough. Plus, by reading it, you'll learn that Wayne's wait list is not run by numerical order. Somewhere, there's a serial number assigned to my order, but I only get that order by cajoling Wayne into believing that I deserve a Henderson guitar. In truth, there are a lot of folk more deserving than I, like Michael, and I've decided not to press for my guitar.


As for photos of Wayne, here's one of Wayne playing my guitar that was previously owned by Eric Clapton (how could I resist taking this pic?):




And, another I took of Wayne playing at a local pub that evening. In this pic, he's playing the twin of teh guitar that he built for Clapton:



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Great looking guitar, JT - you may have to give WH this one AND your favourite Gibson LG, then hang around the shop with the "General Loafers"!



And then win the picking contest which is supposed to make guitarists cry.







P.S. Did you get to play a WH, JT?


Well, I won't be winning that picking contest, so I'd better start sending gifts to Wayne!


I have played a number of Henderson guitars. I spent the most time with the twin that Wayne built while building Clapton's Om-28 style guitar. Hendersons are very nice guitars.

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After reading a bit about him, I think he might make you a guitar , Rod..... if you gave him your Gibson SJ and CF?



The only other way is to enter the picking contest he runs - the winner gets a WH guitar every year.....




Too Funny! Yep, I would definitely stand a better chance IF giving him those two guitars over winning a "pickin'" contest.....BUT...that ain,t happening [laugh] !

Its already understood, that when I die, I will be cremated with the SJ. The ashes will go inside the CF100E and the CF will most likely go to the grandkids and get sold on Ebay> Just Great... [rolleyes]

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Its already understood, that when I die, I will be cremated with the SJ. The ashes will go inside the CF100E and the CF will most likely go to the grandkids and get sold on Ebay> Just Great... [rolleyes]



Now wait a minute, Rod. I thought you were going to will the SJ to me if I outlived you. Maybe we should make a deal: you get my '48 J-45 if you outlive me, and I get the SJ if I outlive you. How can you lose? I'm 5-10 years older..... [biggrin]

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That is quite interesting! Just curious how much money is required 'up front' to be a serious contendor on 'the list'?

Maybe its time to send him a 'small gift'....

Have you been given any time estimate or a clue as to how many people are in line before your name is called? I assume that you meet with him to discuss the build before your name gets on the list? He agrees and you put down some 'earnest money'...?

I am really curious, as I have no clue how a transaction like this goes down.

I assume the serious drop of money comes when he starts the build with the balance due on completion?


No money down or up front.

You pay Wayne when he delivers the guitar.

What you pay Wayne is a small fraction of what his guitars sell on the used market.

Wayne is all about guitars and music NOT money.

No guarantees are given regarding timing or even IF you will get a guitar.

If you don't keep in touch with Wayne, you will NOT get a guitar.


I have met some people who got their guitar within 6 months of ordering, and others who are still waiting 15 years later.


When I ordered mine, I made a mock up (pictured) of what I thought it would look like and pitched my idea. I figured it was a crap shoot. He would either think it was a cool idea or he would think I was an idiot.

He liked the idea and asked me to find some MOTS for him, which I did. After that, it is a lot of calls, visits to the festival and trying to stay in the picture without being a nuisance.


If you really want to get to know Wayne's Word, get the book... and read this thread on the UMGF (it will take a few hours and be forewarned... there are a quite a few whack jobs on that thread... ;) ).




PS... JT has impeccable taste in guitars! ;)

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