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I miss my British buddies!!!!


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Johnt, Albertjohn, Thermolink, and others.....you know who you are!!! I rarely see you posting these days, and I'd really like to hear from you all. I miss that special way you use the English language, your special idioms, your dry sense of humor....your vast knowledge of brew and single malt, your music posts....please friends, let us know how you are doing and what you've been up to!!!!

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Well, although not one of the names you mention, I am still here & a Brit to boot.

Been a bit busy recently with my other "interest" football (or soccer as you guys call it) as my team, Southampton, has been fighting to get promoted to the top league over here. I'm delighted to report that this weekend they succeeded & will be playing the likes of Man Utd & Arsenal next season!

Now I can relax & get back concentrating on my guitar playing as I really need to practice some Bluegrass stuff ahead of my trip to Tennessee in June for Kaufman Kamp.


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Well unlike us brash Aussies and Yanks our British cousins certainly do exhibit a certain elequance and candour in their prose delivery..


They like to say 'know what i mean ..' ? a lot also.


that's caught on here in ireland too , drives me nuts .

your singer's from england isn't he ?

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Johnt, Albertjohn, Thermolink, and others.....you know who you are!!! I rarely see you posting these days, and I'd really like to hear from you all. I miss that special way you use the English language, your special idioms, your dry sense of humor....your vast knowledge of brew and single malt, your music posts....please friends, let us know how you are doing and what you've been up to!!!!


But Wily????



No love for your favourite American Ex-Pat dual Citizenship London based English Forum Member??



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Saints in the premier league..Wow!


A nice six easy six points to be had there. When the likes of United, Arsenal and Spurs have lapped up the talent from your squad it'll be like stealing a Bale from a small club...oh. Spurs even stole your song :D

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Which "Blues" is that? Chelsea or City? They both done great.


Hope southhampton do as well as the guys that came up last time, from all of the 3, i would have said QPR were the most likely to have stayed up.................shows what I know, lol.


@willy, I think there's a few brits on here bud, maybe not the names you called, but there's folks around.

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A nice six easy six points to be had there. When the likes of United, Arsenal and Spurs have lapped up the talent from your squad it'll be like stealing a Bale from a small club...oh. Spurs even stole your song :D


Now there's a "red rag" if ever I saw one! I think you'll find that the days of the big boys "lapping up" our young talent are over. In case you hadn't noticed we were bought 3 years ago by a Swiss-based German billionaire & have not sold one player we didn't want to since then. The Liebherr family Investment in our club so far is well over £30m with more to come in the 5 year plan. As for "six easy points" I would point to Swansea & Norwich this season - not the pushovers you guys expected? Finally, Spurs may use our song but somehow it doesn't really work without the original word "Saints" does it?

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i hate football but here's a few songs for EA's vocalist , you have exactly a year to learn them :-D


only a dream - neil young

slip sliding away - paul simon

down down - status quo

right place wrong time - dr john

we gotta get outta this place - animals

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Actually we gotta get outta this place could be a goer ... but it would have to the version by one of my favourite Aussie bands, The Angels ... AC/DC's little cousins who never made it off the island ..




i hate football but here's a few songs for EA's vocalist , you have exactly a year to learn them :-D


only a dream - neil young

slip sliding away - paul simon

down down - status quo

right place wrong time - dr john

we gotta get outta this place - animals

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Now there's a "red rag" if ever I saw one! I think you'll find that the days of the big boys "lapping up" our young talent are over. In case you hadn't noticed we were bought 3 years ago by a Swiss-based German billionaire & have not sold one player we didn't want to since then. The Liebherr family Investment in our club so far is well over £30m with more to come in the 5 year plan. As for "six easy points" I would point to Swansea & Norwich this season - not the pushovers you guys expected? Finally, Spurs may use our song but somehow it doesn't really work without the original word "Saints" does it?


The difference being, they are Swansea and Norwich. Saints are from a little place down in Portsmouth aren't they? Push. Overs. Paahaha. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALE

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Which "Blues" is that? Chelsea or City? They both done great.


Hope southhampton do as well as the guys that came up last time, from all of the 3, i would have said QPR were the most likely to have stayed up.................shows what I know, lol.


@willy, I think there's a few brits on here bud, maybe not the names you called, but there's folks around.


"Blues" as in Fulham...I can never remember which team plays in which font...

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Actually we gotta get outta this place could be a goer ... but it would have to the version by one of my favourite Aussie bands, The Angels ... AC/DC's little cousins who never made it off the island ..





Not bad, but how you think this version is better than The Animals is beyond me. Eric Burdon was about as down and dirty as you get, and those Newcastle roots gave them a grittiness that is hard to beat.


Every time I listen to The Animals, I feel like I'm in some small underground club somewhere that stinks of stale beer, old cigarettes, and too many people crammed too close together for comfort. I'm always lookin' for the exit, just in case......we gotta get out of this place.

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Coz I lost my virginity after an Angels concert ... nuf said .. :rolleyes:


Not bad, but how you think this version is better than The Animals is beyond me. Eric Burdon was about as down and dirty as you get, and those Newcastle roots gave them a grittiness that is hard to beat.


Every time I listen to The Animals, I feel like I'm in some small underground club somewhere that stinks of stale beer, old cigarettes, and too many people crammed too close together for comfort. I'm always lookin' for the exit, just in case......we gotta get out of this place.

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Coz I lost my virginity after an Angels concert ... nuf said .. :rolleyes:



Well, that's a pretty good reason. Same reason Dylan's "Baby, Let Me Follow You Down" has been on my playlist for 45+ years.


Ah, the powerful combination of youth and music....... :rolleyes:

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The difference being, they are Swansea and Norwich. Saints are from a little place down in Portsmouth aren't they? Push. Overs. Paahaha. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALE


I'm confused..are you a skate or a spud?

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Well, that's a pretty good reason. Same reason Dylan's "Baby, Let Me Follow You Down" has been on my playlist for 45+ years.


Ah, the powerful combination of youth and music....... :rolleyes:


The swinging 60s man! Wish that could have been 'my song'. As it is I don't even know - probably some generic pop/R&B rubbish.


"Well I'd do anything in this God almighty world, if you just let me follow you down"

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