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Any experience with these pedals?

Tim Plains

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OK, I'm not asking which one is better, or which one I should get...just if you have had any experience with any of these and your opinion on them.


1. Tech 21 - California

2. Maxon - OD 808 (which, I believe is identical to the Ibanez Tube Screamer 808)

3. Voodoo Lab - Sparkle Drive

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If the Maxon is the same as a tube screamer' date=' why not just get one of them?

You save 100 bucks[/quote']


Well, Maxon is a little bit more "boutique" IMHO.


This is from their website:


Q) What is the relationship between Maxon and Ibanez?

A) Nisshin Onpa Company (Maxon) is an audio electronics manufacturer that has been in business since the mid-1960s. In the early 1970's they developed a line of compact guitar effect units and marketed them in Japan (these models are currently available as the Maxon Reissue Series). The Hoshino Trading Company (Ibanez) soon took notice and licensed the designs from Maxon for distribution around the globe under the Ibanez brand name.


From that time up until early 2002 Maxon was responsible for the design and manufacture of many Ibanez products, including the legendary TS808 and TS-9 Tubescreamers, the rare and collectible Flying Pan, and the popular SoundTank series.


Over the years the companies did less and less business together, until the only unit being built by Maxon was the TS-9 Reissue. In early 2002 Maxon ceased manufacture of the TS-9 Reissue for Ibanez and began marketing several of the original Nine Series models under their own Maxon brand name.


Q) Why are Maxon effects so expensive?

A) As with anything in life, you get what you pay for. While more expensive than mass-produced brands, Maxon products offer design features and components that just aren't found in your run-of-the-mill stompbox. While we try to keep Maxon prices as low as possible, there are certain models that contain very expensive components that add significantly to the units' prices. In fact, many key components in Maxon's 100% analog circuits are discontinued and extremely expensive and difficult to get. While it would be easy to switch to more affordable digital-based circuits, Maxon believes that nothing can match the warm, organic sound of analog, and therefore we spend a lot of extra time, money, and resources in an effort to continue to bring analog effect units into the marketplace.


Furthermore, each Maxon model is hand-assembled and thoroughly tested prior to shipping, ensuring a lifetime of trouble-free performance (Maxon defects average less than 1% of units shipped). This means you won't be repairing or replacing your Maxon pedals anytime soon, and we at Godlyke are known for servicing products that are long past their three-year warranty.


Lastly, the current price of Maxon products is a simple matter of economics - in the 1970 and early 1980's the Yen traded very poorly against the dollar, so Japanese products were much more affordable than they are today when the Yen is trading strongly against the dollar. This coupled with the fact that Maxon does comparatively small production runs of their products translates into a slightly higher price than you would pay for a comparable mass-produced pedal from China, Taiwan, or Korea.

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I just bought a TS 808 Tubescreamer and a BBE Green Screamer.

I wanted to try them both after hearing great things about them and keep the best of the two.


The TS 808 won hands down. It just sounded warmer to my ears. The only cons about the TS 808 is that

its not true bypass. But next week im shipping it to Keeley to have an upgrade installed.


The TS 808 was a little pricey ($199 CDN )...but thats what you pay when you want to own the Holy Grail of

tube screamers.


*side note to Tim*

These pedals are hard to come by. They fly off the shelf as soon as they are put out. I know LA Music has two more left if you want to call Mike and have him hold one for you.

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The Maxon 808 is a monster' date=' but very pricey, Right up your alley timbo.[/quote']

Actually, the 808 is the cheapest of the bunch.

808 $145, Sparkle Drive $150, California $165.


Well first off, I don't know sh*t about pedals. I'm a meat & potatoes kind of guy. Guitar - amp.

My guy at the music store recommended these three pedals. I've got them here at home to try out now that I'm not allowed to buy another amp (more on that later). The Tech 21 is definitely my favorite of the three. The 808 is also great, but when I A/B them the T21 shines.


So, I'm not getting a 5W amp. Guys, thanks for all your help anyways. I was browsing tube amps on MF.com and was just looking at a Marshall Bluesbreaker when I stepped away from my computer for a few minutes. When I came back, the Mrs. was in my seat and said no to another amp. Reason being "You say you're going to buy a small amp, but you'll actually buy something like this." It's hard to argue when you're laughing ('cause you know she's probably right!). happy0008.gif

So, I'm pedal shopping now.

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Tim... if you are a "meat and potatoes" guy, get one of these:





BK Butler builds each one. Truly incredible pedal. Also versatile, as you can swap the tube out and change the OD characteristics.

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+10 on the Tube Driver. Can't speak highly enough of them. And it sounds to me like your goal in this purchase, Tim, is to get a good tube overdrive at a decent volume, right? With the Butler I can get that tube tone at a whisper if I want. I also love that it doesn't have a distinct sound - no mid hump like the Tube Screamer for example - just the smooth overdriven sound of your guitar and a tube (which as Chan mentioned, you can change - any 12 type will do - I've used many different ones in mine).

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Tim... if you are a "meat and potatoes" guy' date=' get one of these:





BK Butler builds each one. Truly incredible pedal. Also versatile, as you can swap the tube out and change the OD characteristics.[/quote']


Is $300 a good price? What did they used to sell for? Where as I just go threw my studio board and have no amp yet this may be good for me as well...

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They didn't have that Tube Driver in stock.

I really liked the California; so, I took those other pedals back and grabbed the other Tech 21s they had.

Now I've got:


Tech 21 - California (same one)

Tech 21 - Blonde

Tech 21 - Britsh

Tonebone - Hot Britsh. The guy also I should check this one out.


After switching pedals for around 30 mins, I must say I'm lovin' the Cali.

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The Sparkle Drive is a killer pedal with a lot of usable sounds, ranging from a fairly clean boost to a raunchy distortion, and pretty good coverage in between. I've dinked around with the Maxon before, and what can I say? If you like Tube Screamers, you'll like it. Haven't gotten to try the Tech 21 California yet, but being longtime Boogie Man(yeah!), I'm very interested. Let us know how you like it and what you discover in it.

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Is $300 a good price? What did they used to sell for? Where as I just go threw my studio board and have no amp yet this may be good for me as well...


I think I have found it for around $20 less, but that is about the going rate. If mine ever goes out, I'd drop the cash for a new one. I want to say they have not changed in price much since I got mine.



Keep an eye on Ebay. BK Butler sells on there and you can buy them straight from him.

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