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Looking for a long cable


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What the title says... I'm looking for something to run backstage at Church, a 35 or 40ft one would work but the longest I can find is 30ft. I want something good quality as well (That's kind of a given) or could I daisy chain two cables?

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What the title says... I'm looking for something to run backstage at Church, a 35 or 40ft one would work but the longest I can find is 30ft. I want something good quality as well (That's kind of a given) or could I daisy chain two cables?


Lava Cables

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speaker, microphone, instrument cable?


That is very long for an instrument cable, your sound will change due to impedance changes.

Yep, speaker and mic cables can go a long long way, almost indefinitely on the mic cable (balanced) but, instrument (shielded) cable starts degrading the signal after about 20 feet,and the longer the run, the more degradation, depending on the gauge of cable.

Could you use a direct box to transform from hi z to balanced low z, in your situation?

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Yeah, you are gonna notice a difference - mostly a loss of treble. But you can compensate easily enough with the amp settings. Legend has it Freddie King always ran a 100 ft cord because he liked the treble cut and so he could play out in the audience. I don't think 40 ft will kill your tone. You can always run a booster up front if you need to. Run the long cord - no biggie.

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Instrument cable. And I was gonna sandwich my board with buffers... you still think that won't work though?

WAIT! Could I put the amp head by my pedalboard and run a really long speaker cable to the cab?? (that's either a brilliant or stupid idea and I'm not smart enough to know which lol)

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Yep, speaker and mic cables can go a long long way, almost indefinitely on the mic cable (balanced) but, instrument (shielded) cable starts degrading the signal after about 20 feet,and the longer the run, the more degradation, depending on the gauge of cable.

Could you use a direct box to transform from hi z to balanced low z, in your situation?

You lost me on the last sentence?

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One word - wireless.


Also, rock music is of the devil so I hope you're playing at an Anton LaVey type of church.


Wireless..........Yup.....Buffers ??? Sure........high to balanced ??? Priceless..........


Long speaker cable cord ????? No, and NO.......

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Could I put the amp head by my pedalboard and run a really long speaker cable to the cab?? (that's either a brilliant or stupid idea and I'm not smart enough to know which lol)


Shy of a large monetary investment in wireless, and with the tools at hand (or minimal additional cost), this idea is absolutely your best option. As opposed to a guitar or pedal board, an amp is pushing high voltage, and running a long speaker cable will result in the least signal degradation of these two options.


In stadium/festival PA systems, 100'+ speaker cable runs are very common.

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Wireless..........Yup.....Buffers ??? Sure........high to balanced ??? Priceless..........


Long speaker cable cord ????? No, and NO.......

I'm sorry but this post is vary confusing to me. I'm the type of person that can't readstufflikethis... :P I think you are saying not to use a long speaker cord? If so, why not?

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I'm sorry but this post is vary confusing to me. I'm the type of person that can't readstufflikethis... :P I think you are saying not to use a long speaker cord? If so, why not?


Well, Larry says in his post that that is a fine idea........For thirty five years I have believed that it is not a good solution, or a good idea......


However, I don't not have any techy info to base my opinion on, only years of experience......


I trust that Larry will post some cool techy info for you, and for us all....Heck, I'd like to know......


Surfpup and Marver have good posts....Hmmm, I'll do some research........

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Wireless would be the best way to go but then he has a peddle board yes? Will he need a 40-50 foot cable for that as well?


If your talking about less than 100 feet or so... No problems at all should be noticed. You can run a balanced cable (3 pin mic/TRS) for 700-1000 feet with little loss in signal.


If your still worried get a long mic cable and solder tip-sleeve jack's to the end's. Just don't forget to tie low and ground together (1 & 3) when you attach them.


Heres some info for you...


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Thanks guys! In case there was any confusion this is my rig so far: Guitar --> 10ft cable --> Pedleboard (5 pedals w/ 6in patch cables) --> 18ft cable --> amp head --> little speaker cable --> Cab.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey I wanted to let all you know that I got a 50ft speaker cable and am running that from my head to the cab backstage. It's working great! I test this with my one footer back to back and there was hardly a difference but I actually thought the 50ft one was better.

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