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My new project.. Turn a door into a guitar


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I'm still here because I'm trying to figure out how you're doing all of this in such a, well, shall we say, less than tidy workspace? [confused][biggrin]

Lol.. I just go with the flow... Im working in a tiny space and I know where everything is (mostly :))


Because its the family garage theres always new boxes and bags and all sorts of crap added it seems daily [mellow]

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Hello all...


So ive been either busy or sick the last few weeks so its been even slower than usual BUT I am still working on these :) So bare with me..


So just a quick update today, I finished roughly shaping the two neck throughs.





You can see here I have already thinned one of the bodies out (possibly slightly too much)...




So tomorrow I am going to get a rotary sander... This should really help me speed things up a bit since I seem to spend most of my time shaping stuff which takes ages with the current tools I have (I am still perfecting my methods)....


I have the trussrods and two new rosewood fretboards ready so im hoping my next update will be a big one :)


More soon [thumbup]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello again again..


So you may have read on my other thread (or not) that I had some issues with my router which led me to totally screw the inlays up on the Project 2 im doing.. So my building stopped for a bit (and due to the flu) while I got some money together for a new and much better one (the one have been using until now was very cheap)...


So im back on it again today and hope to start getting back to this full time..


Today I used my new router (which was a total pleasure) and put a truss rod in one of the neckthroughs (the angled one)..


This time the trussrod is flush to the top of the neck so only some masking tape needed to make sure glue doesn't rin into the trussrod channel.



What I did do in the end was put some rolled up tape on top of the trussrod just to make sure its as snug as can be



and now the all familiar clamping :)




So will check on that tomorrow ... No neck gluing this time.. but still all the fret work to do (which will be harder with a body attached, but I will manage :)).. Then the pickup routing which im confident with.


Peace [thumbup]

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So just a quick update today. Didn't get too much time.


But the fretboard is on and looks good...


NOW.. what I have started to discover is that neck throughs bring their own issues... Working on the neck with a body attached starts to make things slightly more difficult..


So I had to get the fretboard to the correct shape... Normally id maybe use my router or the jigsaw and then sand it back.. BUT in this case I decided to get my rasp out... WOW I had forgotten how good they are at this sort of work.




heres a close up. you can see a rasp really attacks the wood, but is extremely effective and accurate, I took off like 3-4mm the whole length of the board in just a few minutes.. I will get it to about 1mm before the thickness I want and then sand the rough bits down with a sander or use finer files.



More tomorrow [thumbup]

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...in this case I decided to get my rasp out... WOW I had forgotten how good they are at this sort of work.

...here's a close up. you can see a rasp really attacks the wood, but is extremely effective and accurate, I took off like 3-4mm the whole length of the board in just a few minutes...

Have a look at the little promo clip in the homepage of this luthier, Rabs (it starts automatically when you open the link), and notice which tools he uses to work the neck;


At around the 0:30s mark he is using a Cabinet Scraper which gives a very smooth finish.

Before he uses this he has used (from the 0:45s mark in the clip) a Drawknife. As can be seen it removes large quantities of waste timber very quickly indeed. He uses different ones of varying sizes in other parts.




I know you don't really want to splash out on loads of tools but I think the Drawknife, in particular, might be a wise investment from the time-saving viewpoint.

I doubt they would cost much and you could probably pick one up from the 'bay for a few quid. Just a suggestion!



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Have a look at the little promo clip in the homepage of this luthier, Rabs (it starts automatically when you open the link), and notice which tools he uses to work the neck;


At around the 0:30s mark he is using a Cabinet Scraper which gives a very smooth finish.

Before he uses this he has used (from the 0:45s mark in the clip) a Drawknife. As can be seen it removes large quantities of waste timber very quickly indeed. He uses different ones of varying sizes in other parts.




I know you don't really want to splash out on loads of tools but I think the Drawknife, in particular, might be a wise investment from the time-saving viewpoint.

I doubt they would cost much and you could probably pick one up from the 'bay for a few quid. Just a suggestion!



Cheers for that man... I will look into it.... There are indeed many ways to do it and its just a case of me trying them and seeing what works best for me.


You know what ive wanted to get ever since I saw it on the vid below.. An angle grinder with a sanding pad attachment :) (got to about 6:30)

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Well the fretboard is a lot longer and wider than the neck so....?

That's done on purpose... I tried cutting the fretboards before gluing and they have a tendency to break at the fret slots if your not careful.. So these days I stick them on oversized and then take them down with less chance of breakage :)

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So the mistake was... I forgot to sand off the finish off of the wood.. and if you look that's like the only bit that has the finish left on it lol.. Basically I had got so used to seeing it like that I just didn't think about it..


Then yesterday when I was starting to do more rasping I noticed one corner was moving slightly... it didn't take that much too knock the board off DOH!! lol well at least I realised what I had done (or forgot to do in this case) and its an easy fix...


So I sanded both the top of the neck and the excess glue off the bottom of the fretboard and tried again..


Such a silly error, but obviously vital that its correct if the guitar is to ever last.

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Hello all...


Today was a pretty good day.. got a fair amount done...


By the way, in case there was any mistake about the amount of room I have to work in.. Check this. Ive got movement space of about 2x7ft.. But its either that or nothing so I make do :)



So where were we... Ahh yes... I re-glued the fretboard to the neck after forgetting to sand the varnish off [rolleyes] and its all good now... Nice and tight




pretty much NO gaps at all (like maybe a tiny tiny one or two).. but pretty good you wont see those at all by the time its done



So here as you can see the neck isn't very straight... so I used some tape as markers to where the bump is



and a few mins of rasping and hey presto :)



Getting there.. you can see another bump near the cutaway



Now the radiusing fun (which it really isn't :))



Starting to look good.






And done with my little baggie of rosewood sawdust that I collect for any filling jobs (like the fret ends later)


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So you know what comes next.. The INLAYS [-o< As you may have seen from my Build 2 thread, this did not go well last time since my old router was not playing ball and it ended up bad... So now I have this fretboard attached and radiused I really didn't want it to go wrong again.. But I have a new router now so there should be no problem


X marks the spot (measured twice :))



made sure it was all level(ish)



and done and glued YAY :D



Now for the side dots... As I have mentioned this neck through design comes with its own issues.. In this case the guitar body end of the neck has horns that are in the way.. So using a normal drill is OUT as it wont fit down the side..


So heres my friend the Dremel tool.. man these things are great.. I couldn't have done that Les Paul Junior job without this (which is what I bought it for). Its basically a small hand rotary tool with LOADS of great attachments from polishing to drilling and even routing.. REALLY cool



For this job even the Dremel tool is too big but luckily it comes with an like pen grip extension which will do job I need like so




Drilled, in and glued :)



I left that till my last job of the day so all the glue gets a proper chance to set. I probably could work on it but id just rather leave it overnight where possible.


So all good :) Tomorrow will be fretting and getting the body shape right or maybe the neck profile.. We will see how it goes...


More then [thumbup]

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Very good, hope this one comes out good. Been waiting to see the progress, lookin good.

Cheers man :)


At least in this case I don't have to worry about the neck joint ;)


Im really gonna go at it this week so hopefully I will have some good results soon [thumbup]

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