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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Wow an L-00 Standard right now is $2799. Only $401 more and you them build you one. If Gibson dragged it behind a car for a half a mile it would be $6500.
  2. Bought lots of stuff from S W. They are a great big box store.
  3. What was the out the door price of the whole guitar?
  4. It's my SS amp for my Fender Jazz Bass. It has a Warmoth neck and Rio Grande Muy Grande pups. I still have the bass and B100. The body is a '95 Fender Am. Std. J Bass. The neck got a nasty warp in it and I needed a f new neck.
  5. Tool are now so pretentious. I haven't liked them since Lateralus.
  6. Does Jeff Beck need psychiatric care. He’s Jeff Beck. Nuff said, why is Depp playing with him?
  7. The red Sharpie mark for the pointers are very nice.
  8. J A had some great songs, but some were just them doing to much LSD and recording. The first one with Signe on vocals in nothing special. Surrealistic Pillow to Volunteers were decent albums, a few stinkers on each album, but mostly solid. The last two J A albums, Bark and Long John Silver were just them clutching at straws. Steppenwolf never did it for me. Love Bowie from Hunky Dory to Scary Monsters. He did do some disco stuff, but it wasn't Bee Gee's disco. B S from the first to the Vol. 4 was stoner nirvana. On Sabbath Bloody Sabbath the amount of blow they were doing was beginning to show. The Doobies were just an FM friendly band with some nice hits. After Takin It To The Streets I lost interest. Michael yawn/sings that song. Its also one of my fav Doobies songs. Love when Tiran Porter pops that bass note.
  9. You could probably afford a real '59 LP, cause he always is. He hasn't gone by Cat since 1977 as he is now Yusuf Islam. Wonder if he misses eating nice breaded pork chop? Tea, Teaser, Catch Bull, and Buddah were all really good albums. I still need to listen to Mona, I don't think I've heard it all the way through. Foreigner was not that good IMHO. After Buddah, I don't have any of his albums.
  10. We all know, even me that all 50 would be sold before they hit the street. We all know the market for this guitar. Cat/Yusuf fans, and the well off collectors that want to impress their friends. Think if Gibson made 150 or 200 or 1000. How many would be sold? Ugly is in the eye of the beholder. I was told my D-41 was gaudy here once. Its not a bad looking guitar, it just doesn't have enough pickguard for me. There is still some area on top not covered by the p/g that could use some.
  11. Run from that fake and do not pass go.
  12. Ian Hunter would be proud.
  13. Funny album cover, but for me its a sub-par Zappa album. My Guitar Wants To Kill Your Mama, Oh No, and Orange County Lumber Truck are the only songs I like on that album. The slide guitar/Little Feat legend Lowell George is on that album.
  14. At one point I stupidly had a 60 watt Fender 2x12 Deville in my Man Cave. I could not turn it up past 3 it was so loud. I hate wearing headphone. I have a nice Sennheiser pair, but only use them when I have to. Here is an SG Faded I built. Bought the neck/body and bought all the parts and pieces for it. As you can tell its not done yet. The 1x12 Fender Blues Deluxe is in the background with a 1x12 extension cab. They both have Weber speakers in them. If I wasn't stupid enough to think a 40 watt amp was loud, like I mentioned, I would step up to 60 watts.
  15. He will find a way to think my intention was hate. Cause the words "Don't Get" are the Same as HATE, right?
  16. When did we ever hear Frank in the Top 40? Except that time Valley Girl was nonsense seudo-hit, but if you strip away the dumb spoken "Valley Speak" Moon is doing, the guys are playing some interesting stuff. Frank was on tour in Europe when all that started happening in '82 and had no clue till he got back to the States he had a hit on his hands and must have cringed.
  17. She was probably right, but just not at that moment in time.
  18. We are born and for a while we poop in diapers, then we get old and go out the same way.
  19. Over the past few years I have been doing stuff with my acoustics, or any guitar I never ever used to do. I never used to use a capo, or alternate tunings, or even attempt fingerpicking. I can't put those things on my fingers and thumb and pick (I tried), I have to do it au natural. It took me ages a year or so ago just to learn Blackbird.
  20. I'll agree with that to a certain degree. Its 7.5k due to Greed, and having to pay back the debt is another. Even a 2.5k profit margin, there is no way it took 5k of labor and material to built that. So they sign the label once glued in?
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