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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. I am not sure if the Explorer came in a Classic model. Here is the one I had. Those cases can house a family of 4.
  2. Well in the USA its a few days after Labor Day. For anyone that has kids between the age of 5 or 6 and 17 or 18, means school is back in session. I graduated HS and I was still 17. For some parents school is just free babysitting. The area I live at is tourist town, and the summer is the worst time to live here. Every year is the Blue Crab Fest, which happened a few months back and coming up is the Shrimp Fest. Of course there is Bike Week, when all the loud Harley's roll in during the summer, and then the week after that is another Bike Week with the Bikers being African-American, their bikes of choice are mostly those 3 wheel bikes. Grocery stores get mobbed, good luck going out to eat to a decent restaurant without having to wait an hour to get seated, the AYCE crab leg places have lines a mile long, and there are more golf carts and mopeds out and about due to the tourist renting them (cause as a tourist you gotta do what the locals do). Over the past 4 or 5 years of coming here, and then finally moving here full time a few years back, I have seen traffic go from barley anything to it being incredibly stupid now. Now it will just mostly be weekenders coming. My wife and I can finally go out to get some crab legs and actually get stuff we need at the store.
  3. I had a 60’s neck on the Ebony Classic I had. One of the ones with 1960 etched into the pick guard, and also the one on the Trad Pro II. Nice p/g sticker.
  4. That LP has obviously been modded by Les Paul. It has it's jack on top, a chicken head pointer knob on one of the pots, a whammy bar, weird tail peice, what looks like a single coil black pup below his wrist, and that neck soap bar pup, its got a lot of slugs and screws in it, and could there be anything under his hand, and it only has two knobs? It looks like the tape on recorder is rolling too.
  5. Yeah, two in fact. Jerry wrote with Robert Hunter who died a few years back, and Bob wrote with John Barlow. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Hunter_(lyricist) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Perry_Barlow
  6. Hash is mean stuff. I haven’t had any in a few years.
  7. People in Hell just got an ice water break due to you agreeing with again. In the immortal words of Robert Hunter the Grateful Dead's lyricist : Well, I ain't always right, but I've never been wrong.
  8. I have one from Montreal, and it was recorded on the last night of the Perfect Pair Tour, and some others I downloaded. They do improvise a lot. Just keep Toyah far away from Robert when he’s playing.
  9. Yep success means nothing to me. I like groups that are considered huge, and groups that barely anyone has heard of. Good music is good music no matter if it sold millions or 10 copies.
  10. I don't care how many albums/tickets he has sold. His music sounds like C R A P to me. His voice is annoying. Why do people get wrapped up in how many albums/tickets someone has sold. In this day age what does albums sales mean anymore or ever did. The Velvet Underground sold 4 albums when they were together, and they are in the R N R Hall of Fame. Their music is S H I T too, but they are in the Hall. Whats your point about sales. Taylor Swift has sold millions too, are you a fan of her's. I'm not. The Grateful Dead at the end of their carrier were one of the biggest touring act of the 90's, and people hate their music. I can't account for how many like his fake jam band music.
  11. That’s way to personal. I like D’addario XS.
  12. I F U K I N miss Cali. When I went out to Cali when my mom was in Hospice, my wife and I were at the weed store in Ocean Grove on a regular basis.
  13. I do and some I will take to my grave. Some I have not even told my best friend about. I was a carrer man not a lifer. Lifers live for the service, for me it was a job.
  14. You have all the gear. How is there any left for others. Nice score.
  15. Now you can have it delivered, or go to the weed store, if your state is legal. Michigan is. I’ve bought weed in Traverse City and one other city too, maybe Sault Ste. Marie.
  16. My moms weapon was the wooden spoon.
  17. The link won’t let me access it and Gibson’s serial numbers have nothing to do with if the guitar is a hollow, semi or solid body guitar. It’s just a unique number that is attached to the guitar. Why do people think the SN is some magic number that has secret codes in it. I don’t get it. The only thing Gibsons serial numbers do, is on SOME, the first 5 numbers indicate the date the guitar was stamped. Your SN does not decode that you have a 79 Green SG Standard with P-90’s. Your LP should not be hollow or semi hollow, it’s a LP. It may be what is called weight relieved, where wood is taken out of the hog body, but it’s of course covered by the maple cap, to make it lighter. If you had one of those ES LP’s then it should be semi- hollow.
  18. I used to steal my moms Valium and chug beers with them. That’s true black out drunk. I almost went to jail one night while camping with my friends. It’s a long story. I remember up to taking them, drinking several beers and then I woke up in the tent at our campsite. My friends told me I had been sleeping for about the last 12 hours. Passed out more like it.
  19. I learned from mine, but usually made them again. I joined the Navy. Got out. Mmmm that was 4 years of being told what to do. What fun. Let’s try the Coast Guard now and stay in for 19 years.
  20. Weed is legal now in 20 or more states, so I think we are fine talking about it. I know what a BJ is, but not an OJ. Was this Papa-san mystic hybrid weed laced with anything? Back in the 70's they used to dip weed in liquid PCP, and call it a Sherman. I am sure you have heard of that.
  21. This is why people gotta have that Nitro finish. Its god awful stuff. Ask anyone who works with it. If Naphta (which sounds like some 90's trade agreement, but is really lighter fluid) doesn't do it, or some sort of cleaner/polish doesn't either, then the only solution is the beat your room mate about the head and shoulders with a blunt object.
  22. You can't get any more Les Paul than this. Les Paul holding a Les Paul.
  23. I'm 55, and old enough to make bad choices all by myself. Like buying Martins and listening to Zappa.
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