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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Rio Grandes or Bare Knuckles. Never cared for SD or Dimarzio.
  2. Gibson is on it right now. Just kidding. Are you looking to buy some or want Gibson to sell them?
  3. Reverb, ebay or aftermarket is your best bet.
  4. Probably by tomorrow the J-45 experts will chime in a give you a tutorial.
  5. I watched it a few weeks back. Good doc. Love some of Croz's statements, but loath him a human. I would have liked more doc and less concert, but that's me. I would have rather them use footage of the bands that made the music instead. Not slagging them in any way.
  6. That is all these talk show hosts and comedians got. They can't think of anything else to make fun of, but lets be honest I do not care one way or the other about him, he does make it easy for them. Jimmy is an unfunny tool who usually has terrible music guests.
  7. I sold a Guild JF-30 and traded my D-35 and some cash. No regrets at all. The 35 was stellar, but this is stellar-er.
  8. Just commenting. Not directed toward you in any way. Now go listen to some Zappa. Its okay to lust after the weather girl. There was a girl on the morning news were I live. She is easy on the eyes.
  9. Love that 41. I just got one Friday. Holy Grail. I sold the D-18 and the D-28 is on Reverb.
  10. Yeah Opiate was raw. Get that Bob Marley wanna be M-F'er out of here.
  11. You can think whatever you want, that is not a crime. Its when you act out and do something physical against someone's will that it becomes a problem. And last I check words don't kill people. It may hurt and make you feel bad but nothing anyone has ever said to me ended my life.
  12. Its sad that industry in Hollywood eats its own, I feel for the women and I'm sure it has happened to men too, that get taken advantage of, but on the flip side do you think that there has EVER been an actor or actress go up to a producer and say "I'll do anything to be in your Movie, TV show, Commercial ect." I'll bet the answer is YES. And like a rotten song on the radio. If you don't like what he is saying turn it off.
  13. So let me ask a serious well not to serious a question. Exactly what are comedians supposed to poke fun at these days? Just The President?
  14. The one about the lady from the James Bond Movies getting down on all 4's was funny. Tasteless but funny.
  15. Gotta have a smore after a kids go to the tent and the adults pass the Colorado Kush around.
  16. Slapping a girl in the face for dancing with someone at a party that would one day become your 1st wife is leading by example? I guess it is if you preach slapping girls in the face.
  17. If it sells I'm keeping only 4 and that is it. I've said that before, but man on man. What an axe. I saw my D-35 today. Went to the store to get a box to ship the D-18. I touched it and left.
  18. I'm first in line. Just sent a counter offer for the D-28. It might be sold tonight.
  19. Your right. But in this day and age I'm sick and tired of people who I don't know and don't know me think I'm to stupid to make an informed decision on my own. I got the job I work at without anyone from Hollywood or a musician, graduated college, served in the military, got married, had kids, bought and sold guitars, all without their help or advise. If you want to listen to them and take their advise you are more that welcome to. I'm not interested. You can't turn on the TV without it being rammed down our throat. So for someone in the business to call them out, makes me smile. Even if he is one of them.
  20. My first real guitar was a Firebrand The Paul. It was a heavy turd in my opinion. It was what it was a student low dollar model.
  21. I was 4 when they broke up so I did not get to hear any of their yapping. I just listen to them. Love their music but none of them were nice people. Paul maybe the nicest of the bunch, but they all did bad stuff to each other and cheated and other stuff. I don't think they are angels, just people who made music I like.
  22. And he would go home for about 45 minutes. Everywhere Is Freaks And Hairies Dykes And Fairies, Tell Me Where Is Sanity.
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