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Sgt. Pepper

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Everything posted by Sgt. Pepper

  1. Notice above the the one post it clearly says . . . 4 years later.
  2. You know this thread originally started in 2018 right?
  3. When I get home from work I am giving my guitars the Zombywoof Thumb Whack Test. That could be a Zappa song.
  4. Strings or maybe it was just a lifeless one. Every time I go into CG to play an acoustic, I feel like I need a tetanus shot after leaving. Plus walnut is not mahogany.
  5. Mesa's are killer. When I played electric guitars I had a Mesa TA-15 Head (Trans Atlantic). I ran it through a Fender extension cab with 1x12 Weber Speaker. It had switches on it that was the classic Mesa grit, and one to sound like a Vox and one to sound like a Marshall, or was it Fender? What I really liked about it was the switch to go from 5 to 15 to 25 watts. My buddy had the TA-25.
  6. Inductors are used as filters too. Most people know inductors as coils in relays, transformers, and other devices. The most common use in guitars is the 6 position Varitone Switch Gibson has on the BB King and ES-345's and 355's had them. Maybe some other models too.
  7. I don’t use an amp either. My 000-28 doesn’t need one.
  8. The real answer is you have to be Slash, and have a top hat, and snake. There it is in a nutshell. Steve Ford can help with the snake, and he does like chapeau’s.
  9. I prefer to be one or two tokes over the line. I am dreading what this new Beatles song is going to be. The two that came out with the Anthology sets were poop. I loathed both of them. Thanks Jeff from ELO for producing that swill.
  10. Necessity is the Frank Zappa And The Mothers Of Invention.
  11. Someone should have told Tom no. That hurts to listen to.
  12. Why do people want to sound like other people? I don't think Jimi wanted to sound like anyone else but himself. I guess if you are in a tribute band it me be worthwhile, but I play and sound like me.
  13. Exactly when was John a member of Wings or Paul's bands after The Beatles. That's right - N E V E R. What was the stupid point of that?
  14. If there is 400 volts inside your guitar something has gone seriously wrong. 100 volts too. The caps in your guitar are used as a filter. I had a lot of this knowledge shoved in my head with I was going through electrical and electronics schools. Here is a blurb from Stew Mac's website: Capacitors, or "caps," are simple electronic components that are typically used in guitar electronics as filters or barriers for certain frequencies. High frequencies will pass through a cap, while lower frequencies are blocked. The value of the capacitor will determine the frequencies that pass. Also when power is applied to a cap it will charge up to the applied voltage, and then if given a path it will discharge.
  15. She's not like these Barbie country singers. When you hear Ella's voice you damn well know who it is. She had a rough life.
  16. I'm awful on my guitars the old fashioned way, by being a horrible player. Does Paul know about this stupidity?
  17. You have stamina, I lasted 4 seconds.
  18. Then I watched a doc about people who took photo's and documented Country artists through the years. The Nudie suits were so killer. Now all the bro's have their bro country uniform they wear. Stetson Cowboy Hat, t-shirt of a rock band of course, or short sleeve plaid button up shirt, jean (ripped of course), bandanna folded in the back pocket and no well dressed bro would leave the house without his cowboy boots. It is optional to wear a mesh back bubba trucker hat, and it better say Peterbuilt on it. One guy was busting on the bros in the doc and said "when I go to a show I want them to dress nice and not like I'm at a place getting my oil changed". Too funny.
  19. I would have hopped on a plane and went to Sweden to check it out with you. We could have said hello to Pinch. Good score. I owed a Strat or 4 in my day. Now you can jam in Joe's Garage.
  20. Gibson is gonna continue to make limited runs that the collectors will snap up and that Trogly guy too. Slash will surly get another LP with a big chunky neck (gotta keep one of the most important brand ambassadors happy). Looks like some 3 pickup updated LP Supreme (spelled it right this time I hope) will be coming out. ML just got a blue Hummingbird (who saw that coming), and then who know what the new guy is gonna do. One thing he's not gonna do is read any of our posts and use any of those ideas. Any one know what company the last guy is off saving now? He's been involved with jeans, candy and guitars, so what is the next illogical step? A dying restaurant chain? I would love to have Sambo's back. Remember that place. He could help Elon out with his Tesla's and rocket ships? Apparently NASA doesn't know what they are doing, so Elon needs to show them.
  21. I’d be her toy. She could chew on me all night,
  22. She did. She’s not in his touring band anymore. It’s another female. Nina Strauss is her name I think. Both those ladies do not suck. On guitar.
  23. Orianthi is a woman. She’s easy on the eyes too. She played with Alice Cooper. She had a Gibson sig guitar too. A red SJ-200.
  24. Watched a doc on Ella Fitzgerald. What a voice.
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