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Everything posted by DanvillRob

  1. Looks legit to me....but the photos suck, so hard to tell.
  2. Stunning! Dave, I'd say Compared to Peter J's photos, Matthew Brady's place in history is safe! Ren's initials are still on your pickguard......so I don't think Peter's question is about that. So you have a natural top and red stained maple back & sides.... Peter has an all black DIF.... I have a natural top and natural maple back & sides....guess it's all in our personal preference!
  3. Yeah, you’re right….I never tried to post photos using a tablet.
  4. There are a few sites you can post photos to, then you can past them into here....I use Facebook.... I send them to myself in a message, then just drag the photo over to here. It's not perfect, but it's what I use.
  5. Has Gibson removed Ren's initials in the straw on the pickguard? He left in 2012.
  6. I'd like to see a pic of the guitar just 'cause I like looking at them!
  7. I've changed the strings and changed picks hundreds of times over the years.....I still play crappily! (is that even a word?)
  8. You know you're getting old when tomorrow is your 74th birthday, (75th if you count the actual day I was born).
  9. Welcome, KJ. A beautiful guitar you have there. I bought a two-stage scratch remover from this place years ago. One stage is like a rubbing compound and the other like a polishing compound. I doubt you'd need to more abrasive compound. https://www.guitarscratchremover.com/
  10. Thanks, old friend...... I've often wanted to slow things down or speed them up....but was limited to .50 or .75 slow/fast only!
  11. I’d like to learn about the custom playback setting. I sped it up because playing alone left too much “dead space” ( plus I tend to play everything a little fast).
  12. Could the serial numbers be from a Les or SG?
  13. Always loved this song, but playing alone it sounded too weak....so I recorded a backing track on my Dove, then played the J-50. Sorry....I got no 'blues' in my voice...the best I could do:
  14. I've been very fortunate to avoid carpal tunnel.... even though I started playing guitar at 12, piano at 16, was a typist from about age 15, and of course the damned computer since about 1994, (prior to Windows 95). I did switch 'mouse hands' when my left thumb started having pain, (turned out to be arthritis), so that might have helped. I am truly sorry that you're going through this....getting old ain't for sissys!
  15. Many of my guitars look pretty much the same.....so the wife never knew when a 'new' one would show up!
  16. This ISN'T the "Tele Love" Forum?
  17. I have ALWAYS felt down in my bones, that the ONLY acoustic guitar I'd want to own is a Gibson, (although I wouldn't kick a Martin out of bed). In the same vein, down in my soul, the electric guitars can be Fender or Gibson, LOVE me some ES guitars and SG's....but my heart belongs to Fender. But, that's just me. I also prefer Ranch-Style houses, leather couches and real wood furniture...doesn't make chrome and plastic bad....just not for me.
  18. Who knows.....I might be Dorian Gray!
  19. What's the weather got to do with it?
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