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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. Beautiful car - I'm sure your's will be even better. Great to 'pay forward' classics like this. FWIW - I think I used to call them the "Wheel Well"...
  2. Got 3 or 4 "FREE" things from Apple when I got the new phone a month ago. Still pestering me to sign up. I refuse to sign up for a Free Trial, find the app is not any good and then, on the 91st day get a bill for the next month. Had that issue with internet - they said - "You didn't Unsign Up - so you owe us for HBO... you've had it for 3 months. I told them I never used it, didn't even know I had it and they could bill me if they could prove I ever used it." As far as garbage gratuitous guitar stuff - is it only me, or do cameramen seem trained to cut off showing the headstocks of guitars when they are filming guys playing? My wife thinks I"m crazy when I jump out of my chair to get closer to the TV when a bit comes on showing a group or person playing an acoustic - to see what kind it is, and I curse out the cameraman for showing the drums, the mike, the crowd, but never the headstock and rarely a good shot of the guitar or even the players fret hand. And, of course, there's the cases where they have black electrical tape over the logo and a tuner or capo clamped on for good measure. I've given up expecting the media to actually show anything meaningful.
  3. I remember when the media started reporting Steel Plants closing, and the business going overseas. It seems Atlas Shrugged - we didn't care because we had color TVs.
  4. Thnx Murph. #s 3 and 4 were very good ! I need to google more Swiss Army Knife tricks - didn't even get an 'instruction sheet' with mine. I guess that was in the last century when, as the joke goes - You got a Users Manual with your motorcycle on how to completely dis-assemble and re-assemble it. As opposed to today, when you get a Lawyers Warning to not drink the contents of the gas tank.
  5. On tough ones like this - I try to ask myself - "How will you feel 6 months from now if you DO buy it??" and "How will you feel 6 months from now if you DON'T?". It sounds like it's not actually an 'affordability' issue., and the price seems to be in the ballpark. It may just be you don't want to feel you are being taken advantage of. If YOU don't feel that way, it certainly doesn't matter if the store or consignee do !! They might very well think if you plunk down the asking price "Gee, I should have asked for more! I got taken advantage of." So, taking 'ego' out of the equation - the only possible outcomes appear to be: 1, You find a dream guitar with Brazilian RW -that you will never let go., or 2. It turns out to be less than you hoped for (new strings?) and you sell it for a thousand less. Is the gamble, joy of the hunt and possible score worth $1000 ? At the end of the day - it doesn't matter what WE think this specific guitar is worth To Us, or even what the owner thinks it's worth to The Market. Only what it's worth to you: not simply the guitar but the possibilities it offers. G'Luck.
  6. I read some conjecture here that one reason MT was selected of IL was to avoid Union entanglement. I don't think MT is a "Union Free" (or "Right To Work") state - but it might be harder to organize in a new business or branch. I think the days where "Union Made" was a selling point didn't lapse over into this century. Label you saw must have been on a guitar from the 70s or earlier.
  7. Paging Doctor Pepper.... Paging Doctor Pepper.
  8. Maybe Mike meant 'nominal' intonation.
  9. What Gibson should do - is create 'Wraps'. Like those plastic sheeting things you can put on your car to simulate racing stripes, shark teeth or outlandish colors on the hood ... Just create a static, self-cling sheet that fits over the face of the guitar (no one cares about the back or sides, really) that has dings and crazing and simulated cigarette burns painted on. Might affect tone, but I'm guessing those who pay extra for 'factory reliving' don't care as much about tone.
  10. When I walk the dogs (one at a time) there's a place where there's a 'curb' on the inside part of the sidewalk I would walk and balance along - 10 feet ? For 8 years, I never lost my balance once. Last three times - I've lost it every time. Don't know if it's an inner ear thing, old age, psyched out after the first 'fail' or just a random thing that'll go away. Try again today. At least it's amusing for the cars driving by !
  11. When you see the friend and neighbor couple across the street you've known for 10+ years deteriorate in less than a year. She fell and knocked her head bad on the toilet Sunday. Both in 'Chemo' and have serious cancer, other issues. Yard use to be immaculate - now weeds, dried out, etc. Lightbulbs out in porch lights. And, of course, knowing you and your wife will soon be in the same place. I used to laugh at that bumpersticker/teeshirt slogan "Life's a bytch and then you die.". Not laughing anymore.
  12. To people under 30 - if you're over 60, they just assume youre an old fart and plus or minus a hundred years old.
  13. Second that. He was great. Came up with that evolving list of "Various J-45 Models" and started with a count around 60 if I remember. As far as Breedlove, the ones I've tried were low end - so I never considered the high end ones. I think Guitar Makers should be like beer companies. Cheaper guitars should be called "Lite"...
  14. When your granddaughter asks you if you knew George Washington.
  15. I checked out their site. Vermont, a dozen +/- employees. Very Nice. Lots of options to upgrade, even Brazilian Rosewood! But technically, not 'pre-war'. Reproductions I guess I'd call them. Company started this century. Basic "J-45" is $2,350.
  16. Try as I may, I can't help but think the J45TV is in a class by itself compared to the Martin. If this is same recording setup, strings and pick - then pffft !
  17. BBP - I have a near identical one. Had it for 52 years. Toothpick on the other side of the tweezer? I foolishly used the blade to pry something and put a very small bend in it, but the hinge thingy held up 100%. Learned you NEVER use a knife as a pry bar, screw driver, shovel, etc. Even if it says it's a 'multi-tool'.
  18. So, you can't express your opinion on the internet, but people can send you spam all day long? Sum Ting Wong ! Or what we use to call Cognitive Dissonance. For some reason, when Fax machines first came out - they were inundated with spam. You'd get unwanted ads printing out on their own and have to sort through to find legitimate transmissions you were sent. But people complained and after a couple of years - it stopped. Which, logically, you would have expected. Maybe as Sgt Pepper suggests - this is the new normal.
  19. I clicked or opened something I shouldn't have a couple of weeks ago. All of a sudden, I started getting a dozen spam emails and 3 or 4 spam phone calls a day. I sure wish the FCC or FBI or someone would track down the culprits and take their computers away. It would seem it could be a nice way to train their Probies.
  20. Took our honeymoon in and around Gatlinburg 50+ years ago. Tried to see as many waterfalls as possible. Didn't scratch the surface. It was February - north sides of the mountains had snow and ice, south sides, were clear and dry. Would love to go back again.
  21. https://www.thegearpage.net/board/index.php?threads/yamano-gibson-vs-non-yamano-gibson.629795/ All I could find was that they were Les Pauls customized. Nothing 'acoustic'.
  22. At least he's buying musical instruments, and not politicians, DAs and judges.
  23. It just occurred to me why I like Gibson sunbursts. They have 'depth'. Sort of a 3D translucent quality so you feel you're looking in a limpid pool..... This one nails it !
  24. From Pickguards to Politics to Pasta to Posers. Welcome to Social Media and Free Speech ! I bet there's lots of multi-millionaires who don't care what's discussed here. Probably 99.9% of them. Doesn't mean we should shut up and sit down if we don't like someone's music. She puts it out there - the implication being she wants feedback. You're right - she doesn't come here for it. Probably Facebook, X, etc.
  25. I guess I'd go back to the luthier and ask him Why ? If you brought your guitar in for a specific issue - one visible and relatively easy to diagnose, if not 'fix' ... why did he return it to you without it being fixed with no explanation? I'd be curious how he deals with customers with 50 year old guitars that need something more complex like a neck reset, or have a rattle . Does he not offer the service of Replacing Bridges? If so, he should be expert in cutting the slot to spec. Was it suggested in the other thread this was discussed you return the guitar while still in the 'return period' ? Are you now in the Second Phase "Get thee to a Gibson Authorized Maintenance Facility' to have the problem diagnosed properly? Saddle too thin? Bottom of saddle not flat? Bridge slot too wide,? Not flat? Bridge itself not cut level/square? Face of guitar not level ? G'Luck.
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