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Everything posted by fortyearspickn

  1. I laugh my axe off when people order top shelf liquor and then mix it with coca-crapola or warm, rancid OJ. And the Current Fad - Raspeberry-Mango artificial flavors added to some type of alcohol with a double shot of fizziness - half shot of alcohol ... Agree Sarge/Chief - but I think they should be UNDER the porch with the dogs.
  2. Em7, Your's could be a twin of mine ... I can see if my p/g fell off - I'd leave it off and put it in a hermetically sealed mayonnaise jar on Funk & Wagnall's back porch. The guitar without it, with the fading, adds a ton of mojo. The next owner, hopefully a family member, can decide what they want to do with it. Funny, as I think about it ... my LG1, which I bought in '64 and gave my son 10 years ago - the p/g did actually fall off, and there were ZERO tan lines. And that sucker was on there ... 40 years +/- !
  3. Yah, And Dave Guard had an extended neck (2 add'l frets) banjo and the other guy a 4 string guitar. Explanation? They came from San Francisco.
  4. Worked in the yard for 4 or 5 hours affixing a stag horn fern to a cedar board. Heat index around 103. Completed item weighs around 60 lbs. But what made me happiest - got a pre-approval from a Rescue place up in Austin that our application has moved to the final stage (virtual in-home visit) to make sure we would be suitable adopters for a 1 year old female German Shepherd.
  5. Thanks for the heads up, Saturn. Inspired me sufficiently to get up and go over to the liquor locker and pour a double of Maker's Mark. I looked up the definition of oxymoron in Websdters and it said "Smooth Bourbon".
  6. Methinks JedZep is correct - it's the Country Western that is a little less blingy version of the H'Bird. The SJ/Southern Jumbo is a blingier version of the J45. But, The CW is not in production - last one was a couple of years ago, a Sheryl Crow signature model that was way too cool for me. And, not any cheaper than a standard H'Bird if I recall. Chief, when it comes to couches ... you have great taste in guitars. But you're right about Ferraris and Gibsons - bring the cash. "If you have to ask how much ... " And - if you think Gibson's guitars are overpriced. Go to their Apparel / Aviator page and see what JC from Levis has done. $170 hoodies and $64 teeshirts ! Don't know if they plan on any selling any or if it's just signaling elitism for their main product lines - musical instruments.
  7. Gibson also use to make a "Hummingbird Pro" marketed exclusively by/for Guitar Center, which was no more like a hummingbird than a duck is. The old Epi H'Bird was nowhere close in sound or feel, just an Asian Copy. I don't know about the 'new and improved version' but I doubt it would be comparable to the real thing. Different wood, body depth - Gibson can call them Hummingbird pro or studio or wannabe, but you'll always feel short changed. My suggestion. Scour the internet for a used one. G'Luck.
  8. WF, Sounds similar to my experiences. I didn't have much guitar-time after I left home - for college, and "LIFE". But I wore divots in the fingerboard of my LG1 up where the Cowboy Chords reside. Keep up with the hand exercises - for me, at least, I've found the more variety you introduce, the better. I've found a half dozen good ones on the internet. I'll never wear out a fretboard either. But, like you, I enjoy the challenge. G'Luck !
  9. My wife loves it when I play the guitar and sing - so much so, that she goes into the other room and cries softly into her pillow.
  10. I think it helps if you come across as a serious customer - knowledgeable in general and informed/appreciative of the particular brand and model. I'm guessing a salesman would rather stare out the window than deal with someone who doesn't know how many strings a guitar has. Conversely, if you can modestly demonstrate you know something about bracing or tuners or what a rosette is - they might think you also know something about pricing. I foolishly asked if an H'bird TV I saw online at the GC in La Mesa had electronics and the salesman on the phone sort of sneered. I didn't get a discount. Same situation - online sale/phonecon with Rainbow Guitars in Tuscon, but better informed questions on a J45-C and I got a nice discount. so, for example, if you can either baffle or dazzle the salesperson on your knowledge of 1052 Gibsons - they may come down quite a bit from $6K.
  11. Yes - thanks. I love that song. Hadn't thought of it in years. I think half of the reason is her voice. I use to play it - with a six stringer. Picking a high and low C at the same time. High and low E, etc. An octave apart. A world apart from the sound of a 12 string - but different !
  12. Youse guys knead two re-member your part in making the world a better place for Greta/Damien.
  13. I understand the concept. I didn't interpret the response as 'keeping the peace'.
  14. Yep. i do the same thing. Opens the doors for others to pile on and change the subject. But, like you, I still do it.
  15. Yep. Having also seen every season at Glakes - spending lost weekends in Chicago and Milwaukee - I knew I'd never, ever want to go back. I almost bombed BE&E: Got to have a few meetings with Office of Naval Intelligence (before they split off NCIS). Graduated to RM-A school in Bainbridge, where I was an average student because I couldn't transcribe morse code because I didn't know how to touch type. But - turned out you didn't ever actually use that skill once on a boat. Hoist one for me, Senior Chief. I'll do the same in 8 minutes.
  16. Comedic deflection. Well played.
  17. Agree. I can see not wanting to watch the video. The Still Photo makes her look like she just had a mouthful of pickled brussel sprouts. I think we agree on the news and politics from other discussions Chris.
  18. Chief, A year in GLakes?? Either you were held back 2x at RTC boot camp - our you went to Basic Electricity & Engineering School. Or ... ?
  19. Hard to stay on point isn't it? Especially when folks start talking about whether Rome burned or sank into a swamp. The point of the original thread was NOT that Global Warming is (or is not ) a hoax. It was that children should not be used by their parents and the media to push political agenda. I brought up David Hogg as the poster child for that in the US. Folks of course then went off on how 'guns are evil' and miss the entire point. My definition of a radical is a person who deflects when they can't agree or disagree on a simple statement. No wonder politicians never get anywhere.
  20. "Hurling insults is a common tactic of science deniers. Such insults generally lack any evidentiary basis. " Is this evidence of your being a science denier? On a similar note, is 'contrarian' an erudite way of saying 'hypocrite' ?
  21. Crazy Heart ... you don't want to confuse the half filled plastic milk container with the yellowish liquid for your bourbon bottle while driving your Suburban through the desert South West.
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