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Everything posted by IanHenry

  1. Tega, did you watch the video from "Black Belt Barrister" that I posted? The bloke's a barrister, a very highly qualified legal professional (they really don't get more qualified) and he explains your legal rights, as he explains, your contract is with the guitar shop, not Gibson. You could always organize a setup with Gibson's Virtual Guitar Tech: Gibson | Virtual Guitar Tech Service They will fix you up with a Zoom meeting, then you've done everything that you possibly could to resolve the problem. Regarding Ukraine, you really can't do anything about that situation, so it's not your problem.
  2. Sounds very good. I thing k my J-15 is great, everyone who plays it always as "is it for sale?" to which I always answer never.
  3. Hi Tega, If you want to know what U.K consumer rights are, it might be worth listening to this chap:
  4. I wonder if it's the same people who think Elvis is alive that think Paul is dead?
  5. I've met some charming Americans on my travels and in the U.S, some of whom I still keep in contact with. I recall one interesting conversation I had with a pair of young ladies at a hotel bar in New Orleans. When I was at the bar, they heard my accent and asked me where I was from to which I replied England, but they didn't know where England was, so I said the U.K, Great Britain, Europe, thankfully they knew where Europe was. They told me they were from Alabama, I've never been to Alabama, is it nice there? Once they found out that I was from England they wanted to know all about it, they also were quite charming. There are good people everywhere, it's just a sad fact that the unpleasant ones tend to stay in your memories for longer.
  6. I've never owned a guitar fitted with Burstbucker's but I'm pretty sure that they will be potted.
  7. I found this to be an interesting review of a 2013 R9, their won't be a great deal of difference between a R8 and a R9, and their are only small differences between a 2013 and a 2014 (just the glue I think).
  8. It isn't even a 335, if it was a Gibson it would be a 355.
  9. Mr Bonamassa knows all about using his tone and volume controls on a Les Paul, he's spot on with this:
  10. I don't know and I wasn't going to find out.
  11. I once walked into a pub in Buckie, Scotland and there was a bloke sat at the end of the bar dressed in all the cowboy gear. He started telling me that he was involved in cowboy re-enactments and "he was the fastest gun in Scotland" so I told him that he's probably the only bloody gun in Scotland. He than went on to tell me that he lived next door to the pub and would we (I was with my wife) like to come and have a look at his gun collection. er NO.
  12. The point is, Eric's trying to influence people on the Covid vaccine and he doesn't have any medical training (as far as I'm aware). Yes the vaccine could have made him ill but that's probably a very mild indication of what the effect of catching Covid would have been like. As a 76 year old ex alcoholic and junky you would expect that he'd be extremely venerable to the disease. I personally know of a couple of people who declined the vaccine and didn't live to tell the tale. Maybe Eric should stick to playing the guitar and let the medical people stick to healthcare issues.
  13. It seems like the Queen's Foot Guard's are Meat Loaf fans and want to pay their respects: Foot Guards tribute to Meat Loaf at Buckingham Palace (forces.net)
  14. I saw this article about Eric Clapton and I'm struggling to understand just what he's trying to say, he seems to have lost the plot. Eric Clapton believes 'mass formation hypnosis' made people get COVID vaccine (msn.com)
  15. With trouser that big he must have looked like Coco the Clown.
  16. I have a 58 reissue from that period, when I bought it (new), it was sold as a 2013 guitar but it has an 1894-2014 backplate. I asked Gibson Support and they informed me that it's probably a 2014 spec guitar but built at the end of 2013. Regarding the Serial No, mine has a 5 digit number, with the 8 followed by a space then the other 4 digits. R8 tops are normally "plain" tops although it's not unusual for some to slip through with a figured top (normally to be found on R9's), mine has such a top. I've never seen one in your colour, and looking at your photo's it looks like it's got the full gloss finish whereas most of them seem to have the VOS finish.
  17. Sorry Steve, I didn't see your post, I've just gone and started a new thread about Meat's sad passing.
  18. Sadly the news this morning informed us that Meat Loaf had passed away at the age of 74. It's well documented that he'd had more than his fair share of health issues so I guess this doesn't come as a great surprise. Not to long ago I saw a TV program showing him on a residency in Las Vegas, it seems he always found time to meet his fans after his show and came across as a very humble person. Lets hope there's a reunion taking place with Jim Steinman. RIP Meat.
  19. Sad to hear about Ronnie's passing, but I get the impression that she's lived her life to the max. They are getting to an age where more and more of those influential people are falling off their perch, and it's got to happen more and more. RIP Ronnie.
  20. Burke Shelley, Vocalist and bass player for the influential Welsh band Budgie died this week. RIP
  21. As a child I was very influenced by anything Simon & Garfunkel did, so everything that I played was acoustic unlike my friends at school who were all electric. That situation changed when my older sister took me to see my first live rock show, Mott the Hoople supported by Queen (who I'd never heard of). That changed everything, it had to be electric from that point on. About a year later I went to see another concert, this time Queen headlining and supported by a band called Hustler, who's guitar player Micky Llewellyn was playing a Flying V and they played a track called Miranda and from that point onwards it had to be lead guitar. Sadly Hustler didn't get very far and only produced two albums, neither of which sold very many. Still a great guitar track though!
  22. It might be worth lowering the pickup before you spend any money.
  23. I also have never been disappointed with anything that I've bought from Gibson, otherwise I wouldn't keep buying them🙂
  24. I had a Christmas card from my Irish cousin who lives in the U.S, he told me how he's been sacked from his job as an electrician with the Texas Prison Service as he refused to repair an electric chair. He said in his opinion it was a death trap!
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